Tuesday, May 16, 2017

"Legend of Zelda": A Player's Tale

A couple Saturdays ago was Free Comic Book Day the day when many of us heed the siren call of free comics and hit up the local comic stores. One of the offerings this year was a "Legend of Zelda" comic. It resparked my interest in the game, not that I needed much of a jump start. I've been visited old websites and finding my way to new ones. I've been zombieing over the web learning or relearning things about the franchise. Yes I'm a sad little nerd.

My Personal History

My own history started with "A Link to the Past". At a time when the world had gone on to the N64, we still were playing the Super NES. The ads for "Ocarina of Time" came out and Econut was drooling over it. So that Christmas they got her "A Link to the Past" the only game in the franchise for our system. Well she wasn't getting anywhere so she decided to take a break. I asked Mom if I could play it and she gave the green light, little did she know she set in motion the events of me developing a new fandom, and if your wondering yes the game is officially mine now and yes we still have working Super NES and N64 systems.

Later on one of Econut's friends loaned us the original "Legend of Zelda" game, which I now officially on too, cause he'd moved out of the neighborhood and when I saw him again I said we still had it and he's like keep it. Now I don't count the first time I beat it cause I had "Game Genie" aid. When I went to play it again it's like "Ok were doing this thing right, no genie". The only help I had was an online game guide. Yes I still have a working NES, it only works if the "Game Genie" is in it, but it works.

The game I'm playing now is "Oracle of Ages" for the Game Boy Color, yes I still have one of those that functions for the most part. This was originally given to my sister from a friend I think and then she actually gifted it to me. So yay more Zelda!

I have to say at least with "The Legend of Zelda" and "A Link to the Past", that Gannon/Gannondorf is kind a wuss. I think combined I spent less time defeating both versions of him than it did taking on that armored worm in Death Mountain castle in "A Link to the Past". I thinks that was the name of the castle. Yes it took me a bit to take out that worm, but I remember finally being successful spring break of my Freshman year of high school. I wouldn't beat the game till either the summer before or after my Senior year of high school. Yes it took me that long 4 years. Keep in mind we didn't have our own game system or TV for like the first few years and your wiggling time in between when Pop plays, plus I'm the time that plays a game or works on something full speed for a while, then I walk away from it for like months before I pick it back up, plus this is my first time playing so it took awhile.

"Breath of the Wild"

I watched iJustine play this game and I was drooling. I still drool when I see footage and screen shots. It looks amazing, and it's just an epic version of Hyrule. I love they do nods to old games, it's nice sometimes to remember where you came from.

Crazy Idea Time:

So I had the crazy idea after seeing the official timeline from the Hyrule Historia what if someone who had all the games decided to play through the history of Hyrule. Depending on how skilled they were that might take forever! Though if someone is new to the games that might be fun. Of course the we get to the split in the timeline I'd say play which ever you wanted first. If I knew for sure which timeline "Breath of the Wild" is in, cause apparently it makes references to things in all three time lines, I'd say play the other two then play the line "Breath of the Wild" is in so you can play it last. Also I guess play any Non Canon games where ever you wish along the journey. So. Much. Zelda.

Okay that's my blatherings of "The Legend of Zelda". Do you guys have any video games special to you? Tell me about in me comments. I hope you have a good week friends and may God Bless You.