Showing posts with label Games. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Games. Show all posts

Thursday, May 23, 2019

Weekend at Captain's

Hello fellow mowers of lawns (if you have no lawn to mow... good for you),

Well May has continued to be a busy month for me. Fangirl and I made plans to visit the Captain's neck of the woods this past weekend.

Thankfully the day was lovely as we embarked on our journey. We even saw where they filmed scenes for District 12 in the Hunger Games movie.
To better write about the weekend I'm gonna break this all up into sections so we can have some better flow here.

The Food

When  we got  there we were greeted with homemade brownies and Lembas bread:

Nom Nom

They were both good, even the sugar free brownies, which surprised me cause I have had unfortunate experiences with sugar free baked goods.

We were treated to the Captains home cooking for supper all weekend. It was a yummy spread:
Friday Supper - Apple Pork Chops with Rice and shell mac n cheese
Saturday Breakfast- Scrambled eggs
Saturday Supper- Meatloaf with mac n cheese and corn (which I decided to avoid cause I didn't need to blow up Captain's toilet).

Lunches were eating out events. On Saturday we invaded a nearby Golden Corral, the Sunday as a farewell meal we unsurprisingly at a Chinese restaurant. We generally end up at one when we get together.

The Carnival

In a tiny section of the mall parking lot a carnival had set up, so on that hot Saturday we visited. Fangirl, who is very temperature sensitive had to seek shelter in the mall. Captain and I were gonna go on that mixer ride cause I love that ride and usually can ride it despite the fact I have a belly, but this one the safety bar cut of my hair practically, so I told the guy I couldn't breath, and then he had trouble getting the bar to release. I have a theory that this version of the ride was geared toward kids, cause even the Captain who was way smaller than me said it was tight on her.

The carnival wasn't a total bust Captain managed to win a cute, purple unicorn:

 *Insert a Despicable Me reference here*

Video Games

There was playing of old video games that weekend. I learned they had Monster Party which they hadn't played so I showed it to them, but I seemed to be having more trouble than I usually did on level one. then it hit me I think this was one of those games I played with the Game Genie.

Then Amber suggested Super Mario World, which the First mate demonstrated how to beat the game in record time. The First mate is endued with great geek powers. He is capable of teaching math and science to high schoolers, he kills it on a Dance Dance Revolution machine, he can solve a Rubix cube like nobody's business, oh and he kept owning our butts in Munchkin all weekend. As we were watching him kill the fish with his spit fire we realized this must be how the Mushroom Kingdom does a fish fry.

He also demonstrated his video game prowess by playing The Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past. As we sat around conversing he flew through the first half of the game. He did get a little stuck with the castle on Doom Mountain, which I do too. I'm serious Ganandorf as he's known as in this game is a wuss compared to this armor plated worm.

Card Games

We played two card games that weekend, one was Cards Against Humanity. They have so many cards for this game that Captain has a special storage case for them. I like the way this game is played, but I wish there was a cleaner version out there.

The other game that was played was Munchkin which Fangirl hadn't played before. Since this in an RPG card game Amber brought out the Funyuns®, all we needed was some Mountain Dew® and we'd be Stephen Lynch's D & D.

The Captain ended up with the "Chicken on Head Curse". It made me think of the Weathercock and the chickens from Zelda, which I learned are called cuccos. When she was a cleric I called her Cleric of the Weathercock, when she changed to a wizard Wizard of the Weathercock. I then explained to them what happens if you mess with cuccos too much. This is what lead to the playing of Zelda.

Cat Antics

The Captian owns a tuxedo cat named Kara, who was I hope I'm saying this right being an unsociable sociable cat. She'd either be hanging out just outside our range or storming the table during Munchkin. We were like what level of monster is Kara?
A couple times she was attempting to jump from the kitchen table to the top of the fridge, but she'd get distracted like when Fangirl nudged her with the Funyuns® bag. I called Funyun®  interference.

Other times she was content to sit in front of the door and what the world outside.

Kitty TV Time!
It was a fun time, it'd been a while since we've visited our friend. I hope we get to meet up more often.

I hope you guys have an awesome weekend, beware the ticks, and God bless you!
Ninja <[0000]---------------[0000]> Writer

Thursday, May 16, 2019

Games and A Question is Answered

Happy almost Thursday my friends,

I hope you all are doing well. My week has consisted of raging mental health hydra, seeing an old friend, watching Critical Role, and playing some games. That's about it. So I'm gonna touch base on the games and the gt together with my friend.

Games Galore:

Since it's been a slow week I thought I'd spend a portion of this post talking about some of the games I've been rocking lately.

Tablet Games:

xStreamer and Epic Band Clicker

I think xStreamer was in the suggested games on my tablet, then I located Epic Band Clicker through it. They are made by Tapps Games. The have really laid back game play, mostly tapping your screen repeatedly.  Reminds me of Cookie Clicker. These are fun little games to have when you need a quick game to kill time maybe like in a doctor's office.


I've been playing this RPG lately on my tablet. This has some really nice graphics and music. I also get a kick out of the little quips that emanate from my character's mouth.

Computer Games:


For the last couple nights I've been getting back to playing Farmville. I can never hope to catch up in their expansions, but I'm still gonna play it here an there. I love that you have all the unusual plants and animals to have on your farm. But it's nice to play while I'm binging Critical Role.

The Sims 3

Yes I still rock Sims 3. I recently finished putting together yet another Summery themed family. I'm currently playing one of my Geeky sims named Tracey Bearden (Game generated name). She's an inroverted sim who has like three degrees (it was her Lifetime Wish), she works at the Bot Arena, and she's penned a few comics. You guys got any cool sims you're playing?

Chinese Restaurant Conversations:

Tuesday Fangirl, Captain, and I got together for a lovely meal of Chinese food. I think all our fortunes fit us. Mine was technically coming to pass at that moment. Yeah it was crazy. Anyway, during our meal we started talking Captain Marvel, we had to be careful with Endgame cause Captain hadn't seen it yet. Our conversation revisited a question Fangirl and I had after we saw Captain Marvel, why is is the cat called Goose. I've mention this in a post a few days ago. So after I got home, I forgot again, and remembered it right as I was going to bed. So I did a search and found this article that revealed the answer, I was right it was after Goose from Top Gun. I get a Pocky stick!

And there we have it. Fangirl and I will be hanging with Captian this weekend, so that should be fun, and I'm serious I have seen the ad for Godzilla King of Monsters so many times on Youtube. I hope you all have a good weekend, have fun, and may God bless you!

Ninja <[0000]---------------[0000]> Writer and Vampire >vv< Kitty

Monday, March 4, 2019

Chilly Day Update

Hello on this chilly day my friends,

Since you can tell from the lack of post Friday, I really have nothing to write about lately, I also really don't have anything for to day so I'm gonna take a page from Julie Wunder at Running in a Skirt and tell you about what things are going on in my life right now and the stuff I'm into.

Weather: We got really spoiled with some beautiful weather, I ventured outside for pictures, sadly still was too muddy to do much.  Then last night the temps started to drop and we got a light dusting of snow.  Thankfully it wasn't enough to cause issue on the infamous hill road and freeze it. See our road is mostly a hill and there's one section that barely gets any sun during the winter, so it tends to stay iced up bad after a snow.
I also want to extend my condolences to the families affected by the tornadoes yesterday, I pray God sends you the help you need and strength.

What Am I Watching?
: Apart from my regular shows my TV has been going from the Cooking Channel and Food Network to the Destination America channel I think the latter shows a lot reruns of Travel Channel stuff, and maybe other things in that family of channels. Online I've been watching Critical Roll I'm still making my way through the first campaign. I love watching this group play D & D.

Gaming: On the computer I've been playing Dungeon Lords, which is proving difficult, not because of technical difficulties, but mostly cause there's a function where you can resurrect yourself, but it costs. Each time you do it it'll take a stat like strength or intelligence, well I did it one to many time now my strength is low and I'm having to build it back up.
On my tablet I'm playing Guild of Heroes, it's a nice little game to play when I'm feeling bored, and I seem to be having better luck than the other one. Well I was not doing so hot right now.

Misadventures in Cooking:  Besides some crock pot cooking, I've really been enjoying a new way of eating my noodles. I was sitting at my computer wondering what I could eat, and then it hit me wonder how Ranch would taste with them. So I did a web search, of course Hidden Valley® as did Mr. Food® and I just cooked the noodle tossed and instead of seasoning added a little butter and ranch.

Books: Besides my Bible and quarterly I'm not really reading anything right now, I have four books I'm waiting for at the library but each is a long wait time, I may have to clean out in front of my bookshelf where I have a bunch of yet to reads and read something from there.

What are you guys up to? Hope it's warmer where you are. I hope you all have a good week, don't cause too much trouble, and may God bless you!

Ninja <[0000]---------------[0000]> Writer, Vampire >vv< Kitty, and Mousey~C>

Saturday, January 27, 2018

Saturday Morning Sharings

Hello my friends,

I hope this post finds you all well. I have been in winter's grip, not as bad as the peeps in the north have had this year, but enough to turn me into a zombie* I think more so than usual, add in some other rough patches health wise and it's been a rather less than warm welcome to the new year. But we are thawed out, for now, and I'm trying shock life back into me. So for this post I'm kinda gonna channel Julie Wunder's Running in a Skirt blog where she does these posts occasionally called Currently and Things I'm Loving Lately, in which she discusses things she's doing, or into at the moment. Also probably homing in on Austin Kleon's Email Newsletters. I'm just gonna talk some things I'm enjoying or getting into right now.

Latest Movie Purchase
I don't buy movies often, but I saw Enchanted in the store and it's defiantly a top favorite of mine, so I had to get it. When this was out in theaters in 2007 I think, cause the DVD says the DVD released in 2008, I saw this twice, once with Fangirl, and then the two of us went to see it with my sister**, both times I came out of the theater feeling so happy. This is a feel good movie for me. It also is the reason I really think people need to just break into a good song and dance number a least once a day, any more than that and we're treading into Buffy the Vampire Slayer's Once More With Feeling territory in which singing and dancing not so great.

I was really happy to find the music video for Carrie Underwood's Ever After on the disc, I think I only kept catching snippets of it when it was on the TV, but now I finally got to see it all, and like the movie it makes me smile. It's one of my top two favorite songs from the soundtrack, That's How You Know is the other, and yes I purchased the soundtrack not long after I saw it the first time.

Another extra I love from this DVD is when they took three of the scenes and showed how they put it all together. Some people don't like having the secrets of scenes revealed, cause they feel the magic is ruined, it's never really ruined it for me, I find it all fascinating.

Attempting to Reread
I was hankering for some Jane Austen so I decided to reread Emma, but the mood has passed I believe I only seem to read a few sentences and I put it back down. Errr.

What's On My Youtube
I don't know how I came across this YouTube Channel but I'm enjoying it. It's called Book Roast brought to us by avid reader Gintare, I think I got that name right. She talks books, does critiques, but not in a ripping it to bits way. She also does a few subscription box openings, if I wasn't so broke I know at least one I'd subscribe to if I had extra cash to spend. She's a big Potterhead, a couple of her poxes are Potter themed. One of her bookcase shelves is dedicated to the series (I've wanted to do that too with not only the Potter series, but a few others as well).

Games I'm Zombieing Over
I've been playing Con Man: The Game a lot lately. It's based off the show Con Man with Alan Tudyk and Nathan Fillion. You basically get to fulfill your geeky fantasies and build your own convention. It's got everything in this game alien battles , geek culture references, and an elderly woman who has listened to Ray Steven's The Streak one to many times. There's even appearances by not only the main stars of the show, but some other members of the geek fame: Kevin Smith, Felicia Day, and Joss Whedon to name a few. If your a fan of the show, or want to run your own con I totally recommend this game if your looking to pass some time.

I've also been getting back into Dungeons and Dragons Online. I've been playing my blue haired elf trying to relearn everything. She got knocked over by a horde of trolls, one never wants to be adventuring alone and see a gang of trolls running at you.

In Memory
I sadly learned a singer who's music I enjoyed passed away. Her name was Lari White. Some of my favorite tunes included That's My Baby, Ready, Willing, And Able, and Take Me I thank her for the great music and hope she's at peace now.

I shall end my transmission here. I hope you all enjoy your weekend. God bless you!

Ninja <[0000]---------------[0000]> Writer

*PS- When I refer to myself as a Zombie or in zombie mode, it's that mind set where your just sitting there numbly going through your day. You don't feel quite all there.

**PSS- My sister was dying to get out of the house and asked Fangirl and me if we all could go out, despite the fact Fangirl and I had just came in from a out of state trip. Enchanted was still playing and they only thing I think good to see that night. I'll never for get the look on my sister's face when the opening musical number came on. One could read her thoughts "WHAT THE CRAP HAVE THEY BROUGHT ME TO?!"