Showing posts with label Geek. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Geek. Show all posts

Thursday, November 7, 2024

Nerdy Advice in the Dark Timeline


Nerdy Advice in the Dark Timeline

We have been knocked down

The future murky 

Fear has gripped our hearts

What will we do now?

Is the question that is cried…

Here is the answer my friends

You will become the Links, the Wonder Women, the Katniss Everdeens

You’ll be Avengers, the Rebel Alliance, The Fellowship of the Ring

You’ll take the lessons you’ve ingested all your lives

And be the real life heroes

The lights in the storm 

Defenders of Freedoms

Who will not allow our hard earned rights go without a fight

So grab your morphers, your pens, and pixelated torches

Get the adventuring party ready

For the BBEG is here

So pick yourselves up

Don your armor

We got work to do

Live Long and Prosper my friends 

Tuesday, July 2, 2019

AARC 2019

Hello my geeky friends,

Saturday my peeps and I attended the Asheville Anime Regional Convention (AARC), it was a world of anime, video games, and just plain geekiness. But before we get to the fun of the day let's look at our players:

Fangirl is rocking her own design of Steven Universe's Rose Quartz, a dark Rose Quartz. She painted the shield herself.

Econut and we'll call this friend Audette went as Bowser and a Evil Peach.

Econut is proud of the Chomp she painted on her vest and the shoes she painted:

Yours truly went as the Doctor. Geronimo! I went with a bow tie Fangirl found for me. I'm gonna use the homemade one for Pumpkinfest this year. Despite it being warm I surprisingly didn't get too hot in my layers.

Ok now you know your characters, lets get on with the tale of our day.  Fangirl and I both left things at our houses my sonic and her shield, luckily we were not far from my house when we had to turn back, but Fangirl's place was halfway across the county. After gathering all our forgotten goods we finally met up with the other two members of our party halfway back the other side of the county, only to be separated again cause their car was unable to move as fast as Fangirl's. It all finally come together when we all met up in the parking lot, and late our Marshmallow Rainbow Maids Cafe reservation, never fear we managed to get another slot.

There was a good crowd at the con...

...and lots of costumes. I saw Deodorant Man at one point (see last years post).

After making a reservation we watched a little of the lip synch battle which Audette had wanted to see. After our brief respite we did a walk through of the Artist Alley. We ran into Amanda Churi the indie Author we've ran into the last few cons we've been to. I purchased the third and final book in her book series The Twisted Trilogy: In Eden's Shadow. Check out her work the trilogy has made for an interesting read.

The best line heard at the con was a girl in a corset who'd said "Goodbye organs, Hello beauty." I got three "Fezzes are cool", and 2 people saying Eccleston was an underrated Doctor, very true.

We went to the Plus Size Cosplay panel were the host we'll call her Velma told us of her struggles of being a plus size cosplayer. I applaud her for telling her story and trying to make plus sized cosplayers the social norm. As a plus size cosplayer myself I'd like to see this. 
After this panel we headed to the Marshmallow Rainbow Maids Cafe room. As we waited we saw the profiles of each maid on the wall. Econut said it'd be funny if we got Maid Gaki, the Sukeban (Gangsta Type). Guess who we got?

When we went in we were given sticks with streamers and bells on them, cat toys as one maid called them, so we could cheer on the maids performance. Which we happily did. after the performance the maids took our order and served us all while we engaged in a game with Maid Gaki called What Do You Meme? We shared a table with a woman dressed as a cat and a  red Power Ranger, who told me David Tennant was going to be at a nearby con, and I'm like put a knife in my heart why don't ya!

Trinkets from the Rainbow Maids

After we got a pic with our maid and returned the cat toys,  we went back to the stage area to watch some of the Asheville Kendo Club demonstrations. After watching some audience members whacking club members with sticks we cruised the dealers area. I got me some more dice and a couple Yugioh cards to add to my collection.

Worn out from our wanderings we sat and watched a bit of A Taste of Asia Dance Fitness while waiting for the Cosplay Contest, only at a con will you see a fitness group with a Kiki from Kiki's Delivery Service, and Link, Bob Ross, and Dinosaur dancing to the side, did I mention Bob Ross was doing the floss? Again only at a con.

Fangirl bid us adieu as she went to get ready for the contest, then Econut and Audette went to find a place Econut could smoke. So I was the lone picture taker for the group. Fangirl was in the beginners section and I think she did her poses perfectly:

Sadly she didn't place, but she did get a nice applause. I didn't enter cause I figured my Doctor costume would place. The big story was during the journeyman level. A Spiderman Noir had just gone up and he was followed by a Spider Gwen, this also happened in the beginners. As this Spider Gwen was doing her poses Noir gets back on stage and proposes to her:

And if you couldn't tell she said yes. Like I've said only at a con.

We did one more spin through Artist Alley and then we parted ways with Econut and Audette. I have to say a con is more fun when you're in a group of peeps.

Fangirl and I decided to go to this Japanese eatery called Waku Waku, they were offering a discount for AARC cosplayers, and we weren't the only ones. It was like a mini AARC after party. Unfortunately the sudden flux of customers had the small staff swamped trying to keep up orders, so there was a wait for food. We ordered some Takoyaki: Japanese Octopus balls, for our appetizer, not only were these my first octopus balls this was also my first time tasting their Waku Waku sauce. They were good. If I go back may have to get some more. Fangirl and I got the Katsu-Don, she got the pork , I got chicken. It was okay just didn't realize it'd be smothered with onions. I just scrapped it off and added some Waku Waku sauce to the rice so it wasn't just plain rice.

So it was a fun time at the con, looking forward to next year's. I hope you guys have a good week, for those who celebrate Happy Independence Day, and may God bless you!

Ninja <[0000]---------------[0000]> Writer

Friday, May 3, 2019

Free Comic Book Day and Marvel

Hello my nerdy friends,

Free Comic Book Day is coming up. I've made my list of comics I'm particularly interested in, got my big bag ready to hold stuff, and wondering who's dying in Avengers: Endgame, yeah I such an optimist aren't I? Yeah we decided to save this movie for FCBD to continue the tradition, at least for the last few years of a comic book movie on FCBD. Speaking of things Marvel have you seen you guys seen the awesomeness Jimmy Fallon did? That probably is a stupid question isn't it? I wish this song could be available for download.

Captain Marvel
Last month to get ready for Endgame Fangirl and I went and saw Captain Marvel. I have to say after the feels of Infinity War this movie was a little more easier on the emotions except when Stan Lee came on the screen. I mean come on we all had feels there. I love the nostalgia: old businesses and phone booths, I mean even the movie's website screamed 90's, ah the days when almost everyone had a website. I also loved seeing some familiar old faces in this movie, and new ones like Goose! I foresee cats being named Goose. Fangirl thinks the cat was so named for the Spruce Goose, but I say he was named Goose from Top Gun. What do you all think? I think Captain Marvel maybe my third favorite comic hero now. Second being Storm from X-Men, and the top slot going to Wonder Woman.

Free Comic Book Day
One of my favorite geeky holidays is FCBD, it's free comics! I also try to make sure to purchase something so I'm just not getting free stuff, gotta love a massive conscious. I'm looking forward to this year's Doctor Who comic and the Whedonverse one.  Do you guys have any your looking forward to getting?

Well I have a lot of geekiness coming up, I hope you guys have a good week end, and God bless you!
Ninja <[0000]---------------[0000]> Writer

Friday, March 15, 2019

A Little Dice Naming 2

Happy Friday Friends,

We've made it to the end of another week. So I decided to end the week with another segment of dice naming, where I give names to dice that may or may not need a future shaming segment. I do hope I never have to do that, that is if I ever get a chance to use them. What can I say backwoods great to live in, but hard to find a game group. Maybe I should take out an ad? *laughs* Anyway here's my latest named ones:

This little red translucent 20 sided beauty is Ruby, no clue weather she's demonic yet or not, that's a shout out to my Supernatural Fans.

I love this ones iridescent surface and sky blue numbering. I keep thinking of pearls when I look at it so I dub her Mother of Pearl. I also can't help hear Mr. Krabs from Spongebob in my head.

Now lastly we have 2 d12 that I think are siblings, maybe fraternal twins, they both give off the same vibe. Allow me to introduce Midnight and Galaxy. I don't know why but I feel Galaxy is the older sib.


So you guys think they are well named? Do you guys have cool dice names, let me know in the comments! I hope you all have a good weekend, may you have good dice rolls, and God Bless You!

Ninja <[0000]---------------[0000]> Writer

Sunday, February 3, 2019

Crazy Idea Time: What to do with a Tiny House

Happy week's end my friends,

Another weekend is upon us. I thought for this post that we'd discuss crazy ideas I have about what do do with a Tiny House. One might say live in one, while I do appreciate a home one can move where every they choose to live, I couldn't do it, unless it's a certain blue box. I first heard about tiny homes through Keri Smith's blog, I think there was a link to Tumbleweed Houses, the first company I heard of that made such. So let's see what I'd use it for:

A Dreamer's Hideaway
Keri Smith made the suggestion of using one as a writing space at one point, she love to live in one too. Well the former is what Is one of the things what I'd use one for. A place to focus and create. Like SJ Tucker, who has named her recording cabin The Pixie House, I would call my creative sanctum, Dreamer's Hideaway, cause well I'm a dreamer and it'd be my hideaway.
Ok we have a name, where would I put it? Well in the woods, maybe with a view of the mountains as well. What would be the design of it. Backwoods geek meets Junk G?

I have pulled together a Pinterest board with ideas. There's various cute little homes I wouldn't mind creating in. There's old typewriters.  Why? Cause I love vintage type writers, especially a teal Corsair*. I would put up inspiring things, inspiring words, whatever to get the creative juices flowing. Yes just my fantasy wonderland.  Little spaces made for the fairies, or my little creative juices to hang out. The outside like a Alice in Wonderland secret garden.

A place for solitude, but not completely quiet. I'd probably have some music going, you know like Dot Warner in that one ep of Animaniacs. I have to have music or something to listen to when I work.
And oh course despite being a place to seek alone time my friends would be encouraged to visit.

A Toy Museum

The other thing I'd use a small home for is a traveling toy museum. I'd make it up to look like a doll house, within I'd have toys displayed, many if not all from my own collection... well after I spruce the poor dears back up. It'd focus on toys from the late 80's and early 90's cause that's the era I grew up in. Maybe I'd sell items themed toward the era and it's toys, maybe sell some of Fangirl's soap she makes.

Bonus Crazy Idea: Geeky Travels

This departs from the tiny homes, but as I was working on this post I was listen/watching Kara of Boho Berry's Vlog. She's planning on walking the Appalachian Trail, and as I saw her digital planner layouts for this trip it hit me, I've seen a lot of things like guides and stories about the hike, but has anyone done a geek themed one. It'd be interesting to see a guise book geared toward the geeks like comic shops nearby or book stores. Actually is there any geeky travel guides in general out there?

So we come to the close of another post. I just have to ask what would you do with a small home? Have you had any crazy ideas? Let me know in the comments. I hope you have a good weekend friends, keep having ideas, and God bless you!

Ninja <[0000]---------------[0000]> Writer  and Vampire >vv< Kitty

 *PS- I was at a thrift store one time and came across one for $10, it's a not purchase I kick myself for, it's my dream typewriter.

Wednesday, December 26, 2018

A Little Dice Naming

Hello Friends,
Tis the day after Christmas and what am I doing? Well nothing much actually. I hope you all are well. I've survived the holiday season, well there's still some holiday celebrating left for us to do, but I'm surviving thus far...

So I've been watching a lot of the first Campaign of the Geek and Sundry show Critical Role. I've noticed some of the players have named their dice, something I also recall from when I watched Barky's Brigade on the Saving Throw channel. So I decided maybe I should give my dice names. I've only begun in the last few years to amass dice beyond the original set I put together for myself at my first con GeekOut. *sniffs* So while I still have a manageable amount I'm gonna give them all names, well as many as I can, that way if I every find myself getting bad roles in a game I have a name to scream for killing me.

First up is this little cute yellow 8 sided die that I purchased at GeekOut from I wanna say a store called The Deck Box. She's a part of my original dice set line up. For her name I was inspired by her color and The Princess Bride and named her Buttercup. A cute name for this little die isn't it?


The next three are new arrivals purchased this year during Free Comic Book Day at The Wyvern's Tale in Asheville, which is an awesome shop they really treated me good when I stopped in there. I also encourage you to check out Comic Envy like right next to it and also on the same road is the North Asheville spot of the Asheville Pizza and Brewery Company.

The first one of this group is a two toned pink 20 sider that I have rolled 20 with a couple times, sadly not in a game. Once more looking to the die's hue I went with the name Bubblegum, because well that's what it made me think of when I gazed upon it. This die is giving off the vibe of either a chick or drag queen.


This next one is a weather die that I saw and had to add to my collection, though outside of a GM or someone with weather related powers I don't know if I'd use it in a game, but Fangirl suggested I use it when I'm writing to decide the weather, which I have done for one instance. So given it's weathery nature I call him Brother Nature. I don't know why I get a masculine feel from this die, note I don't think blue is strictly a boy color, in fact I'm a chick who's favorite color is blue*.

Brother Nature

This last one I saw and just had to have when I saw it. I mean come on a tiny 6d inside of a blue see through 6d! I think this die would be perfect for some geeky slight of hand magic trick. I can see it in my head, just not a skilled enough magician to come up with how to do it. You more skilled magicians may maybe think along the same lines i am, if you can put it together be my guest, just dazzle me with your trick if you do. Because of the duel nature of this one I call it The Two for One Special.

The Two for One Special
I hope the rest of the year is awesome to you peeps, and may your New Year be equally awesome, or if this year's been sucky, better. God bless you all!

Ninja <[0000]---------------[0000]> Writer

*Actually one time in elementary school we did this class project about friends where we told something about our friends, and the teacher wrote the girls' answers in pink and boys' in blue, one boy said he wanted his in pink and I said blue, a request denied to keep things organized.

Friday, August 17, 2018

AARC 2018

Happy Friday My Friends,

Ok this post is coming out later than I planned for the pure reason I accidentally left my camera in Fangirl's car and didn't see her again for a week or so. But I am now ready to tell ya about the Asheville Anime Regional Convention (AARC). This year it was up to a two day con, Fangirl and I only attended Saturday July the 28th. We headed out early to get good parking and make our reservation. Fun Fact the building this con is held in was where I attended my first concert and met my first celebrity, Bryan White.

We took a spin around Artist Alley. I purchased my con pin for this year, I went with a Tardis, I know I'm predictable. We also ran into an author friend of ours, Amanda Churi, that we met three years ago at our final GeekOut! Last year at ARRC I purchased book one of her Trilogy The Twisted Trilogy : A Lapse in Time. This year I bought book two: The Dark Materials. She was happy to learn I had actually read the first one. Her fiance Kevin was there again this year, dressed as the character I'm pretty sure he inspired.

We headed to the Dealer's floor where we did a quick preliminary walk through before heading to make our reservation.

Here's where the nerds are at

Fangirl had discovered there was going to be a Marshmallow Rainbows Maid Cafe at the con this year and really wanted to have our lunch there. Once the schedule came out she made our reservations. As we stood waiting for the Cafe to open we watched a maid yelling at the con floor below trying to get more customers, Fangirl warned her to be careful or they'd all see up her dress, the maid looked at her and said she was a burlesque dancer so it wasn't nothing knew. I'm sure in my head at that point I was like Jim Carrey going "Alrighty then."

Bubbles mark the entrance to the maids lair

The maids soon let us into the cafe, where a DJ was busting out possibly J-Pop tunes.  We were joined by a dude named TJ, who we'd befriended as we waited in line, and learned was a vet, thanks for your service.

Fangirl and our Lunch Mate TJ

At each space we found with the menu gifts of paper flowers with chocolate in them, and a vial of bubbles.

The Master's Banquet and a couple gifts

Yes at bubbles we all became kids again. We were also given a sticker with a drawing of our maid, and a bracelet. I was given a blue and green bead one cause it matched my pineapple shirt. We ordered the Master's Banquet from the menu which was the whole meal they offered Sandwich, Chips, and a dessert. We also purchased the Special Gift, which was a picture with your waitress. Our section was taken care of by Maid Sniikersnee, the pink maid who is the Yandere type according to her pic on Facebook. She was fraking awesome, actually they all were. On the tiny pic they give you when you took a pic with your table's maid she wrote her name and drew some hearts in what else pink.

After the meal they broke out board games where our Table played Candyland the My Little Pony edition. Sniikersnee was Twilight Sparkle, I was Fluttershy, Fangirl was Rainbow Dash, our Vet friend choose Pinkie Pie, whose piece had gone on a trip so Sniikersnee substituted with one of her pins, a cleaver with cake on it. I never made it to the end... I'd get close then the cards would be against me. *pouts* To finish our hour the DJ spun a tune as the maids lip synched and performed a dance.

We then took a longer stroll around the Dealer's floor where of course we noticed the larger selection of Anime inspired cars this year:

There we some amazing costumes:

Nicholas D. Wolfwood from Trigun and a genderbent Harley Quinn (Thanks Fangirl)

I think both of these are from Kiki's Delivery Service, I know the Kiki is. (Photo courtesy of Fangirl)

This is the most funny costume I saw, I can't help when I see this to recall that Classic Foamy the Squirrel episode Rules For the Masses (warning not suitable for younger/sensitive audiences) where Foamy suggests you be sure to shower while at the con.

We settled in at the stage for the Cosplay Lip Synch Battle. There was some amazing peeps I have to admit. The one I really remember was a Poison Ivy Neegan, basically cause of the costume with it's green lights. There was even a Dipper from Gravity Falls competing which I thought was cool seeing a  costume from the show.

Chilling in the crowd during the Lip Synch Battle

The battle is under way
We stopped at a couple of the featured guests' booths, the one I was most  thrilled to meet was Johnny Young Bosch, who currently does a lot of voice acting, but when I was growing up I knew him as Adam the Black Power Ranger. I'm happy to add his sig to my collection John Hancocks.

Fangirl's Cabbit hanging out at Artist's Alley still donning Fangirl's Jane Hat and now her Maid's gift bracelet.

We went back for another round at Artist Alley and visited with Amanda one last time, before bidding the con adieu. We were pooped. I think we may have had enough energy and money to partake of the Chinese food.

This Geek was pooped after this con, and dang look at that crazy hair!

If you want to see others' experience at AARC I suggest Brotalku's post, I think they show some of the Lip Synch Battle in it and you get a brief glimpse of Fangirl in the crowd, look for the purple. Also check out League of Extraordinary Appalachians' post, I think they have a couple for this con, they cover the costume contest a couple of them were in.

After the con I was inspired to write a poem about my experience at AARC that I hope to add to a poetry collection I'm working on that focuses mainly on Geeks and Dreamers. This is just the I think  2nd draft I look for it to be edited further at some point:

When the Anime Buffs Gather

A stroll through artist alley
Fills the eye with pretty trinkets
A meeting with that indie author
Named for a passed family dog
Another book sold
Another book read
Another step for a dream come true

With a military vet
You pass through a doorway
Into a cheery world of color and techno music
Ruled by rainbow hued maids
Where gifts of bubbles makes kids out of adults
And a game takes you back to that one 7th grade social studies class

With a meal and a dance
 The rainbow ladies send you back into the crowd
Populated with souls wielding giant hammers and huge furry heads
A nerd Mom nurses her babe
Already bringing it up in the geeky ways
Smart Momma
On stage characters are locked in a lip synch battle
Poison Neegan illuminates green and wields a mean bat
While a Haunted Hill Nurse Harlequin does a split

A hero of your past emerges
Taking a moment to sign your meager offering
Thank you for your time
Thank you for your work

Surrounded by downtown traffic
A couple begins their lives together
As the people pour out of an ornate church
Into the rays of the afternoon sun
Geez how many people can be in one bridal party?

I hope your Weekend is awesome and if you want to see epicness totally check out The Hillywood Show's® Supernatural Parody 2. As always may God bless you guys!

Ninja <[0000]---------------[0000]> Writer

Wednesday, July 25, 2018

Funko Rock Candy © Figure Wish List

So I was watching Book Roast do an unboxing of Gobstone Alley Special Happee Birthdae box and included was a Rock Candy© Luna Lovegood figure, she's one of my favorite characters from the Harry Potter verse plus she's a fellow Ravenclaw. So I looked it up and I found a lot of figures just from these type of Funko© figures I would like to have in addition to Luna. This is just a few probably of what I'd like:

1. 13th Doctor- Looking forward to this new Doctor. I can't wait to see the new series. I'd love to add some more to my Who collection, seriously if I had more space there'd probably be a whole bookcase dedicated to this fandom, plus money. Come on all the DVDs alone may make up a case, so better make it two.

2. DC Bombshells Wonder Woman- My top favorite superhero of all time. You might recall I bought a pin of this version of the character from a comic store during Free Comic Book Day.

3. Classic Wonder Woman- Of course you gotta have the classic, although isn't the skirt her original look?

4. Batman vs. Superman Wonder Woman- Final stop on the Wonder Woman train is from this movie. I can't help it, I love her look in this version of the character.

5. Buffy- Last but not least is the Vampire Slayer herself! Love this fandom, this was high school man, and a little bit of college.

6. Albus Dumbledore- The Headmaster of Hogwarts was my first favorite character of the series when I started reading the books. This is another fandom, with what I done have will take a couple shelves... or so.

Do you guys have favorite figures from the Rock Candy line? If so let me knows in the comments. Anybody attend Comic Con? You have any awesome memories to share?

Well this weekend I shall be attending the Asheville Anime Regional Convention with my peep Fangirl, so that post will be coming up. I hope the rest of your week is awesome and may God Bless You!

Ninja <[0000]---------------[0000]> Writer  and Vampire >vv< Kitty

Vampire Kitty Striking a Pose

Wednesday, July 4, 2018

The Ninja Writer's Library- Geekerella

"...the impossible is impossible if you don't try." - Elle's Dad

Happy 4th of July my friends (Even if your not from the US I hope you have a good day),

It's time to dive back into the Ninja Writer's Library. Today's read is a massive shout out to the geeks of the world. It's called Geekerella: A Fangirl Fairy tale (Once Upon a Con) by Ashley Poston. I first heard about this book from The Nerdy Girlie. It didn't take long for me to get interested in reading it. I mean first it's a retelling of my favorite fairy tale Cinderella*, with a healthy helping of geek. So of course being a geek I'm all down with this version. Yes it's YA encase you were wondering. Well, I was very excited to find it in the digital section of my library's offerings a few months ago, and I quickly put myself on the wait list, and I've been waiting "patiently" for my turn. So now it's been read here's me review.

What's it about?

We have two stories here we have Elle a girl living in the Cinderella situation. She's a geeky chick who's main fandom is this old sci fi show called Starfield, that was introduced to her by her late Dad. She also runs a blog about the show and is excited and dreading a movie reboot of the show that's being made.

The second part of our tale is about an actor named Darien**, who is playing the Prince in the Starfield reboot. While he's seen by most of the world as the latest Hollywood heartthrob from a teen show, deep down he's a geek who loves this old show and is just wanting to do the role justice and prove himself to the show's hardcore fans.

What did I think about it?

I enjoyed it. I actually would take a breaks through out the day from reading it so I wouldn't speed through it as I'm prone to do with a good book. You can tell the writer is in tuned to the fandom world. As I was reading the scene where Elle's nervously awaiting the cast announcement for the movie and she's all like they better not screw this up, I'm laughing cause that's pretty much what a fan would be like in that scenario, actually I may have heard or read fans who have said things like that.

She also makes great references to real life fandoms. I think the first was a Firefly reference, yes Browncoats rejoice thou has not been overlooked, Supernatural peeps she even mentions the Destiel ship I'm not kidding. I actually tried to list the various references she makes in the book, I still don't know if I have them all listed. I also just have to say excellent use of food truck, especially at the end.

It really hit on the button about what being a geek is. About how we  love our fandoms, and how sometimes these fandoms and their characters help us get through the tough parts in life, and inspire us. Yes there was a lot of geek empowerment in this book, and that we should be proud of our geekiness. *Feels like their should be some spirit raising music in their somewhere*
If your a reader of YA , a Cinderella fan, and/or a geek I recommend this book. I defiantly will add this to my permanent library, it's just a fun geeky read.

I hope you've enjoyed a dip back into the library. Hope you guys have a great day. Those celebrating be safe with your fireworks, or firework viewings, and may God bless you!

*Note: Yes I do love Cinderella though I'm not a fan of the whole waiting around for the man to save her, but I'm knowledgeable enough to know when these tales were written that was the social mindset. So I don't get in a huff over it I just pull the lessons and the things I love from it and focus on like the magic, the ball, and dreams coming true after all the toil.

**Double Note: Is his name a Sailor Moon reference?