Showing posts with label dice. Show all posts
Showing posts with label dice. Show all posts

Wednesday, June 5, 2019

Birthday Haul 2019

A good rainy Wednesday to you friends,

I have had a busy few days here. I've been to a family reunion where you never know what will happen, like a sister acting like she's gonna knock out her brother with a prosthetic leg (my family y'all). It was also my birthday. So much geekiness. So I thought I'd share some of my haul from my birthday.

First up is these Five Star vinyl Harry Potter™ figures from Walmart. I got Harry, Ron, and Hermione the usual suspects:

I just gotta figure out where I'm gonna put these bad boys, I have limited space, this is why I wish I had my dream library where there would be a special section for Harry Potter™.

Next we have also from Walmart and Harry Potter™ Collectible Wand it's a blind box and I got Harry's wand! Yay!
Beside that is a Chessex® Gemini™ Purple- Teal with Gold Die Set that I went nuts over during a visit to Hot Topic with Fangirl who got them for me and everything on my haul thus far.

Now we go to a couple things my parents got me for my birthday. The first made me excited as a Critter it was a Nott the Best Detective Agency T-Shirt from Critical Role. I just finished Campaign One, I'm watching all the one shot, then I'll start Campaign Two where this shirt comes from. Since I was one watching old shows and broke I couldn't ever get the cool stuff they offered, cause the limited stuff would no longer around. So I'm really excited to own a shirt now.

Lastly is a piece of jewelry that makes me smile. It's from Windsor® called an Over the Rainbow Ring. I love it, I can see a rainbow anytime I want now!

Apart from the gifts I had a good birthday. I had Chinese for lunch, we did a lot of thrifting, and went to see Aladdin, which I will talk about in Friday's post.
I hope you guys have a good rest of the week, geek out, and God bless you!
Ninja <[0000]---------------[0000]> Writer

Friday, March 15, 2019

A Little Dice Naming 2

Happy Friday Friends,

We've made it to the end of another week. So I decided to end the week with another segment of dice naming, where I give names to dice that may or may not need a future shaming segment. I do hope I never have to do that, that is if I ever get a chance to use them. What can I say backwoods great to live in, but hard to find a game group. Maybe I should take out an ad? *laughs* Anyway here's my latest named ones:

This little red translucent 20 sided beauty is Ruby, no clue weather she's demonic yet or not, that's a shout out to my Supernatural Fans.

I love this ones iridescent surface and sky blue numbering. I keep thinking of pearls when I look at it so I dub her Mother of Pearl. I also can't help hear Mr. Krabs from Spongebob in my head.

Now lastly we have 2 d12 that I think are siblings, maybe fraternal twins, they both give off the same vibe. Allow me to introduce Midnight and Galaxy. I don't know why but I feel Galaxy is the older sib.


So you guys think they are well named? Do you guys have cool dice names, let me know in the comments! I hope you all have a good weekend, may you have good dice rolls, and God Bless You!

Ninja <[0000]---------------[0000]> Writer

Wednesday, December 26, 2018

A Little Dice Naming

Hello Friends,
Tis the day after Christmas and what am I doing? Well nothing much actually. I hope you all are well. I've survived the holiday season, well there's still some holiday celebrating left for us to do, but I'm surviving thus far...

So I've been watching a lot of the first Campaign of the Geek and Sundry show Critical Role. I've noticed some of the players have named their dice, something I also recall from when I watched Barky's Brigade on the Saving Throw channel. So I decided maybe I should give my dice names. I've only begun in the last few years to amass dice beyond the original set I put together for myself at my first con GeekOut. *sniffs* So while I still have a manageable amount I'm gonna give them all names, well as many as I can, that way if I every find myself getting bad roles in a game I have a name to scream for killing me.

First up is this little cute yellow 8 sided die that I purchased at GeekOut from I wanna say a store called The Deck Box. She's a part of my original dice set line up. For her name I was inspired by her color and The Princess Bride and named her Buttercup. A cute name for this little die isn't it?


The next three are new arrivals purchased this year during Free Comic Book Day at The Wyvern's Tale in Asheville, which is an awesome shop they really treated me good when I stopped in there. I also encourage you to check out Comic Envy like right next to it and also on the same road is the North Asheville spot of the Asheville Pizza and Brewery Company.

The first one of this group is a two toned pink 20 sider that I have rolled 20 with a couple times, sadly not in a game. Once more looking to the die's hue I went with the name Bubblegum, because well that's what it made me think of when I gazed upon it. This die is giving off the vibe of either a chick or drag queen.


This next one is a weather die that I saw and had to add to my collection, though outside of a GM or someone with weather related powers I don't know if I'd use it in a game, but Fangirl suggested I use it when I'm writing to decide the weather, which I have done for one instance. So given it's weathery nature I call him Brother Nature. I don't know why I get a masculine feel from this die, note I don't think blue is strictly a boy color, in fact I'm a chick who's favorite color is blue*.

Brother Nature

This last one I saw and just had to have when I saw it. I mean come on a tiny 6d inside of a blue see through 6d! I think this die would be perfect for some geeky slight of hand magic trick. I can see it in my head, just not a skilled enough magician to come up with how to do it. You more skilled magicians may maybe think along the same lines i am, if you can put it together be my guest, just dazzle me with your trick if you do. Because of the duel nature of this one I call it The Two for One Special.

The Two for One Special
I hope the rest of the year is awesome to you peeps, and may your New Year be equally awesome, or if this year's been sucky, better. God bless you all!

Ninja <[0000]---------------[0000]> Writer

*Actually one time in elementary school we did this class project about friends where we told something about our friends, and the teacher wrote the girls' answers in pink and boys' in blue, one boy said he wanted his in pink and I said blue, a request denied to keep things organized.