Showing posts with label Birthday. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Birthday. Show all posts

Monday, April 4, 2022

Happy Birthday Maya Angelou!

 Hey friends,

I know this was suppose to be a Musical Moment post, but word reached me today was my favorite poet Maya Angelou's Birthday, and it is now National Poetry Month, it's also Take Your Poet to School Week, and anyone who's been here a bit knows I enjoy poetry, I'm a pot myself, I've actually been published, I mean it was one time, but still makes me published (anyone who has a March 2015 issue of WNC Woman will find my poem Believing in there). Well for all these reasons and a call out to Maya's fans to help celebrate this years Dr Maya Angelou Day of Reading theme Still I Rise, I decided to delay my planned post for this great celebration, by doing the post for Maya I'd already planned to do sometime this month.

How I Discovered Maya Angelou and Her Impact On Me

My first encounter with the activist/poet/writer/actress/singer/any other titles I can't thing of right now was back in middle school. It was in my 8th grade Language arts class taught by Mrs. Hooker where it happened. Our reading for that day in our books was a excerpt taken from I know Why the Caged Bird Sings. I think a section involving the woman in Arkansas she knew growing up who had her own home library that she let Maya use. Well Mrs. Hooker informed us it was part of a whole autobiography and offered it up for any of us to read, maybe for extra credit. Well I joined the list. I remember starting strong plowing through it with my usual read frenzy, but as we got to her older years in the book I suddenly just dropped off reading to the point I'd had it so long I was afraid I'd get in trouble so I had to return it as an unfinished read. I'm still perplexed as why I dropped off, It makes no sense given things I was reading at that time. But that was the start. Over the next couple decades she'd become more elevated in my favorites. Her poem Phenomenal Women would get on my radar when it was used in the movie Beauty Shop. I know this movie isn't a well like as the rest of the franchise, but I love it, and it was curiosity at what beautiful poem they were quoting that led me to look it up, and discover it was Dr Angelou. This is now one of my favorite poems of all time. Maya also is a contributing factor to which Madea movie is my favorite. Madea's Family Reunion is my top favorite and one of the reasons is because Maya has a role as one of the matriarchs in the family. One of my classmates had the pleasure of meeting her at a health convention some years ago, I was jealous of this guy cause he got to shake her hand. I'd hoped to get to get to meet this amazing woman, but sadly it did not get to happen, at least this side of the veil of life, for as many or you know, or may not know, she passed in 2014. I honored her my watching OWN's Sunday dedication the did, by airing all the specials they did involving her. It was during that watching that I burst into tears. I'm not sure if it's what Maya was saying, the fact I never got to meet her, the fact she was gone, or some combination, but this is the first time I've cried over a noted human's passing. I've been sorrowful over many. but never cried. I even created a digital art piece in her memory, called The Caged Bird Is Free. I like to think she's ascended to a glorious higher form.

Still I Rise

This years theme for the theme, for Maya Angelou's Birthday celebration they've decided for her  Day of Reading to do it around another powerful poem of hers: Still I Rise.

I find this poem to be one of her most amazing works due to the fact how it speaks to me and empowers me. I've often found people who'd suppress because I'm poor, or a woman, and there's probably people who'd try to suppress me because of my mental health. It's due due to my mental health that I find a bully in my mind in the form the Mental Health Hydra. When she describes the things people do to her  it sounds like some of the the thoughts the hydra sends my way trying to break me, but like the poem says I keep rising. Even when this monster crushes me and I feel like I want to give up, I keep coming back, rising up from my broken thoughts, because I will not give it the satisfaction of beating me. When I read this poem it reminds me how I constantly am rising up in my daily battles.

My Future Maya Angelou Shelf

It's my goal to someday have a space big enough where I can properly display my books and book/author items. I'd also like to dedicate shelf space to certain series or authors. One of the authors I want to give space to is Dr Angelou. So I thought given the day I'd take time to discuss what that'd include or what I'd like to to have included as part of that space, if this is something you have no interst in just skip to the conclusion.

First a foremost are her books, sadly all I have been able to get is the Phenomenal Woman: Four Poems Celebrating Women book which includes the title poem and Still I Rise, it's the book I used in the above picture. I also have her Hallelujah! The Welcome Table: A Lifetime of Memories with Recipes cookbook. My book goals is to purchase the blue version of this Juniper Books set of her complete works they would look gorgeous in her space.

Included in this space would be the Maya Angelou items I have acquired in addition to her books. First there's her lovely quarter that I managed to get a hold of thanks to my Granny:


Speaking of issued items, there is also her stamps, which I swore my folks had given me a framed set, and I haven't found them yet, so yes those will be included if I find them, if not they'll be something I want to get. Other items I want to get include this Maya Angelou Barbie® Inspiring Women™ Doll, cause this hits my poetic and toy collector sides. She's beautiful in doll form, and I just love the Barbie mint of her book I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings, it's so cute.

Lastly is this beautiful Litographs poster for the Phenomanal Woman book I have. This wouldn't fit on the shelf, but it would be displayed on a wall nearby, at least I hope it would. I was actually a contributor for their tribute project they did in Dr Angelou's honor after her passing. I use to know where I was at in this guess I'll have to hunt for it again. Wouldn't mind the bag from this as a book tote she says hinting to gift giving peeps, actually this whole section is a gift giving hints for you in case you guys missed it.

Conclusion Section For Those Skipping The Last Section

So to conclude I wish Maya a happy birthday. I hope she is celebrating today phenomenally, cause she truly is a "phenomenal woman", and yes I said "is" cause death does not negate this fact. Happy Birthday Dr. Angelou!

So my friends take time today to read her work, watch one of her movies, and just remember her. Also remember it is Take Your Poet to School Week, with Poet in a Cupcake Day this Friday, and Tweetspeak does have a Maya Angelou cut-out you can use for the celebration, and you can reuse it for Take You Poet to Work Day in the 3rd Wednesday in July. 

So have a good week, read a poem (especially a Maya one), and God bless!

*Thrifty Geek*

Tuesday, March 15, 2022

Monthly Randoms: Of Gals, Cakes and Sandwich Boards

 Hello Friends,

I was hoping to start posting regularly again, but I'm very rusty, and the usual issues with the, which saying it at this point is making me a broken record, Mental Health Hydra B----. Well today I'm bringing you the late February Monthly Random. I know it's very late, but at this point I feel like I'm scrambling to do everything cause I feel like I'm behind on everything. I also know what your thinking: Where's the third part to the Vox Machina post? Sorry I over estimated that project a bit, I know I said I'd do it last week, but yeah I had crap happen. So that will come out at some point. Hopefully soon, but no promises. But I did want to go ahead to get this Random out instead of doing a combined February and March one. So here is the Randoms of February.

Random Name Change:

Did she change the blog name? Why yes I did change the name. When I moved my blog here it was called "Once Upon a Bologna Sandwich". I forget when I decided to change it, I had fallen out of love with Bologna sandwiches and changed it to Backwoods Geek. Well sometime this year, I felt the name of my blog was too boring, and I missed the whimsy of my first name. So I revamped it with a sandwich I never have gotten tired of and now it's "Once Upon A Turkey Sandwich".

Random Doings:

Week of the February 14th- 19th-

I was going to make a post about this last month, but then the Vox Machina posts took precedence.  So I'll start with Valentine's Day. I spent this day of love with the fam, cause I got no man to speak off. I gave my folks a parents' Valentine's with three pieces of candy each, the rest of their gifts came after I went out with Fangirl the next day. I received a card, a box of chocolates, and a bag of assorted Hershey's™ candy. Mom baked us a heart cake:

The frosting is strawberry. The cake is a plain cake.


Galentine's Day and my Monthly Granny Outing-

Fangirl and I hung out on the 15th, which became our Galentine's Day. I gave her some flowers and made her a Supernatural themed card. We hit our usual haunts such as Morgan's Comics in West Asheville. Morgan the owner is an amazing artist, not only does she sell her art, but you can find it around the shop like on her Sandwich Board:

Grogu is so cute!


I ended up coming across another cute sandwich board while I was out with my Granny the next day at Vale123Pizza:

Mom's B-Day-

The week rounded out the 18th with my Mother's Birthday. For the celebration my Mother made another cake:


It was Strawberry all the way through, my Mom's favorite. I know what your thinking: Didn't you just have cake four days earlier, yup. Still had some of it left too when this was made. Mid-February is the time of Strawberry flavored cake. You're also probably wondering why my Mom baked her own cake. Well my Dad I don't think knows how to back and I'm not allowed to. There was a Mom birthday cake related baking disaster when I was 16 my Mother has yet to fully forgive and definitely not forget.

Favorites From My Socials:

Reddit has some great video game themed artistry last month that got my upvote. This first was this Samus Metroid 3D Artwork that u/Wizyakuza created, you can purchase it here. The next piece of art is this cute crocheted Celeste, from Animal Crossing, done by u/EntertainTheDog. Lastly u/Shinamus shared this Uncharted fan video by Allan Ungar, which stars Nathan Fillon! 

There was strong  musician vibes last month on Instagram. Firstly, is from SJ Tucker, showing off a birthday present made for her from her song "In The House of Mama Dragon". It's a great song about this woman Sooj knows, even if you're not Pagan, you'll love it, I'm Christian and I love it. Second one is from Patti Smith featuring this beautiful spiral stone.

Doctor Who started Black History Month on Twitter with a throwback to their episode "Rosa", it was a powerful episode, one of the best not only of Whitaker's but I dare say the whole series. @KP11Studios shared this nerdy meme that totally explain why I am the way I am, and since Supernatural is part of that, you shouldn't be surprised I liked Chester the 67 Impala.

The like I'm showcasing from Tumblr was posted by What Greater Gift Than The Love Of A Cat called Snow Lovers. Reminds me of that snow scene in Garfield's Christmas Special from the 80's.

The cat content continues with TikTok. I follow 3 Southern Cats and Momma, and her cat Willow is a huge Reba McEntire fan. In this video, Willow gets a surprise when a certain red head songstress comments on a post.

Things To Watch:

I love the YouTuber LaurenzSide. As all her fans know she is a fan of bread. She is, after all the bread queen. Well Lauren discovered canned bread recently. When I saw the title I thought of Squidward in that one Spongebob Squarepants episode. Even Lauren mentioned that episode. I actually remember after seeing that show wondering if that was a thing, well apparently it is. 

Things I Wanna Get:

So this past Christmas my Great Aunt, in her generous nature, put together a bunch of gifts for me. Well one of those gifts was a box filled with assorted bags of candy. One of those was a candy I'd never tried before Andes Cherry Jubilee. I figured it was going to be Cherry flavored chocolate, but it was all that and better. It tasted like those chocolate covered cherries my Dad used to get at Christmas, but easier to eat.  

Things I've Found:

1. Since I heard about Maya Angelou's Quarter I wanted to get it when it was released. Well while I was out with my Grandmother she got two of them in some change she got back. I'm so happy to have gotten one. 

2. While out the same day I was perusing the Easter section, which I guess is utilized for Ostra too. I saw a selection of different light up eggs. I guess night egg hunting is getting big. The ones that caught my eye were these unicorn eggs:


My Mom would love these, she loves unicorns. I think they're cute.

3. I came across this shirt abandoned in Wal-Mart:

I feel like this is a good reminder we all need to try to do if we can. I said try, even I'm not nice all the time. 

4. So I was Mod the Sims looking for some Sims Custom Content, and I came across this custom lot designed to look like a Monopoly board. That alone was funny, what is even funnier is the description of it. I downloaded it, don't know how I'll use it. 

5. I think the Captain is responsible for this next, she shared this on her Facebook wall.  It's an article form Media Chomp entitled "Apparently People Don't Know How to Boil Water". It's talking about a  comment thread that starts with a discovery about hot tea, that leads to a debate about how to heat water. Now all this is all funny enough, but the cherry on top of it is the last comment where someone turns the thread comments into a Shakespearean play... I encourage you to read this guys, it's great.  

Well that is February's Randoms completed. I hope Your week is well, try to be kind, and may my God bless you!

*Thrifty Geek*

Wednesday, June 9, 2021

My Birth Story

Hello Friends,

This post was suppose to come out the day before my birthday, but the day before my birthday and most of my birthday I was physically sick and sleep deprived. So posting wasn't going to happen. I've been still trying to get back to normal from my sickness. So finally I'm ready to tell my b-day story. I've decided to extend my birthday celebrations, since I was sick, so still good to post this. 

Ok, so first things first I was born a month late. Yup, the Doctor my parents went to calculated my birthday wrong. Around the time I should have been born the doctor said I had another month. Well fast forward a month. It's the day before my birth, and my folks went camping with my Dad's brothers at a campground on the Cherokee Reservation. Well unknown to my parents who thinks all is still well with me, I'm actually dying. My system was poisoned and I had my cord wrapped around my neck. Well, my mother decided to take a dip in the campground pool, which turned out to be the smartest thing she could have done. The cold of the water made me jerk and according to Mom it wasn't a full water break, cause they had to break her water at the hospital, but a dribble that alerted her I was probably on the way. So my folks had to pack their stuff quick, and speed back to our county to our hospital. One of my uncles who had rode over with them was plastered to the back seat as the raced back. Well they got to the hospital, where they were into the next day, Some point the day I was born they realized my Mom wasn't going to be able to have me on her own, so they did a C-Section on her, and discovered I had the cord wrapped around my neck, I was gray, and upon further inspection showed all the signs of being a month old! The doctor who delivered me was not the same one my parents had been going to, so he saw the other Doctor's foul up. Well I obviously had to be incubated, and in the hospital a little bit. 

Yup, that is my birth story, crazy right? If it hadn't been for some cold water I might not be here. Thankfully everything worked out and I was born. 

Well, that's another post. It's not long one, but it is the promised birth story. Well, I hope you all have a good week, God bless, and love ya Geek tribe.

*Thrifty Geek*

Wednesday, June 5, 2019

Birthday Haul 2019

A good rainy Wednesday to you friends,

I have had a busy few days here. I've been to a family reunion where you never know what will happen, like a sister acting like she's gonna knock out her brother with a prosthetic leg (my family y'all). It was also my birthday. So much geekiness. So I thought I'd share some of my haul from my birthday.

First up is these Five Star vinyl Harry Potter™ figures from Walmart. I got Harry, Ron, and Hermione the usual suspects:

I just gotta figure out where I'm gonna put these bad boys, I have limited space, this is why I wish I had my dream library where there would be a special section for Harry Potter™.

Next we have also from Walmart and Harry Potter™ Collectible Wand it's a blind box and I got Harry's wand! Yay!
Beside that is a Chessex® Gemini™ Purple- Teal with Gold Die Set that I went nuts over during a visit to Hot Topic with Fangirl who got them for me and everything on my haul thus far.

Now we go to a couple things my parents got me for my birthday. The first made me excited as a Critter it was a Nott the Best Detective Agency T-Shirt from Critical Role. I just finished Campaign One, I'm watching all the one shot, then I'll start Campaign Two where this shirt comes from. Since I was one watching old shows and broke I couldn't ever get the cool stuff they offered, cause the limited stuff would no longer around. So I'm really excited to own a shirt now.

Lastly is a piece of jewelry that makes me smile. It's from Windsor® called an Over the Rainbow Ring. I love it, I can see a rainbow anytime I want now!

Apart from the gifts I had a good birthday. I had Chinese for lunch, we did a lot of thrifting, and went to see Aladdin, which I will talk about in Friday's post.
I hope you guys have a good rest of the week, geek out, and God bless you!
Ninja <[0000]---------------[0000]> Writer

Friday, May 31, 2019

Alien Child, My Upcoming Birthday

It's another Friday friends,

It's also a few days till my birthday so I thought I'd go ahead and post something for my birthday. I've been putting together My Life Story playlist. You can view some of that list here. I'm dealing with the mental health hydra so I'll close this short post with a poem about my birth.

Alien Child

I was wonderfully knit together in my Mother's womb
Why the Lord decided He wanted me there ten months
I don't know, but who am I to question Father's reasons
As I lay on the brink of death
The mystical pool water of a Cherokee Reservation campground
Gave me the jolt of life
One harrowing car ride, and a C section later
I arrived a grey alien
Desperate for Earth air
Though in my cousin's eyes a demon
Just waiting for the horns to grow
Little did she know the demons that lay beneath the surface

Have a good weekend guys, may God bless you!

Ninja <[0000]---------------[0000]> Writer

Saturday, June 3, 2017

A Birthday Poem


Another birthday approaches

Another year added to the notches of your body
But ignore all that negativity over aging
You got more to celebrate
Today you started as a miracle
It doesn't matter how you were received
Because to God you are a beautiful gift
And every year since you arrived
It's a time to remember all the treasures
That have come your way
A chance to honor all those pieces
Making up the being that is you
Your obsession with chocolate
Probably not healthy, but it makes you smile
Your love of car rides
And singing loudly, yet badly, to good music
Unfold the map of life
Honor every mile
See how far you've come
The passengers you've picked up
Hikes in the cow patty field
Tater loving dogs
The old high school fight songs
Your ever patient soul family
Your favorite Chinese Restaurants
Today laud all your lines and curves
Your good parts and mistakes
Turn the music up
Belt it out loud
Be thankful in every breath
Celebrate God's gift in that He gave you another year


Friday, June 2, 2017

Musical Moment: My Life Story Playlist


Hello Friends I hope your day is going well. We all know the old saying "Music is the soundtrack to life". Quite true, but I think out of all the music we listen to there's ones that really tell our life story, those songs we attach memories to, or speak about us so well. So in the continuing trend of reflecting before my birthday I decided to share some of the songs from My Life Story Playlist. I'm actually listening to it on Spotify as I type. So yeah let's do this musical journey.

Candida by Tony Orlando and Dawn
This oldie graces my list first because it is a highly important song in my life. This song was what inspired my mother’s choice in naming me. Of course the spelling is off from the song’s spelling, but that’s because my mother, couldn't recall if it was a second N or a second D. Either way this song is the reason I’m named what I’m named.

Daniel by Elton John
This is the song that could have been... my name that is. Had I been a boy this would have been my name and this song would have been the inspiration. My folks I think had musical names picked out for my sister and me in any scenario.

Ghostbusters by Ray Parker Jr.
The song is on the list cause "Ghostbusters" is a movie that is close to my heart due to the fact we came into the world the same week.

Coat of Many Colors by Dolly Parton
Dolly is one of my inspirations. She’s a creative soul that speaks to my creative soul. We both are mountain women from poor families. I choose this song because it reflects who she is and it’s the type of person she is that speaks volumes to me.

Bop by Dan Seals
This was my favorite song as a young child. I’ve been told I would run around the house saying "Play Bop Daddy, play Bop!", or in the vehicle with my Grandparents.
 She’s in Love with a Boy by Trisha Yearwood
This song was on my first cassette that wasn’t of the kiddy variety. She was one of my early favorite female artists.

Playing With the Boys by Kenny Loggins
When summer came my family would head out for a camping and/or fishing trip. As we drove out their Mom would play the Top Gun soundtrack. It was only in the summer when she would play this album. This song is one of my favorite tracks on the album.

Down Home by Alabama
When I was in fourth grade my elementary put on a variety show to raise money for the school. This song was the opening number, I remember they had a back drop that represented the nearby general store with some of the classmates playing checkers and dancing.

This Kiss by Faith Hill
I played the crap out of this song one summer it about drove Mom crazy and it's on the soundtrack of one of my favorite movies Practical Magic.
Brandy (You’re a fine Girl) by Looking Glass
Econut and I did a rendition of this song while in a river one summer some point in my high school years, plus I deemed it the official song of Free Comic Book Day 2017.
 Rocky Top by Conway Twitty
This song was played at our dances and proms, it was played on the cafeteria juke box so much that the principal, who despised the song to begin with, threaten to take the whole thing out. I’m not sure if this is the same version played on the juke or at the dances, but it’s my favorite.
 Never Had a Dream True by S Club 7
This was the first song I slow danced to with one of my guy friends at my first prom. I had no date so my friend let me dance with her boyfriend.

Hands(Christmas Version) by Jewel
When 9/11 happened it became a song I turned to to try to inspire strength with in me. Jewel is another creative soul that inspires mine.

Graduation (Friends Forever) by Vitamin C
Listened to it on the way to my graduation.

The Scotsman by The Whiskey Sisters
This was one of my favorite acts that played at the Renaissance Faire. This is the most memorable song they sang and it was the first version of it I ever heard. Originally by Mike Cross.

My World by Avril Lavinge
The chorus is so my thought processes.

Peggy Sue by Buddy Holly
This is the name Econut gave our first car; a red 1987 T- top Camaro. The song of course was the inspiration.

Enough by Barlow Girl
God is good enough said and all I need.
One Sweet Day by Mariah Carey/Boys II Men
There is a creepy to how this song ended up on my list. I had I think on of those satellite radio stations on. The clock had done crossed over to the next day which was the anniversary of my uncle's passing. Well around the time of his death this song came. Now you talk about some chills.

On Step at a Time by Jordin Sparks
Ok lone last song I'd had this song stuck in my head, so I tried to get it out by getting another one stuck in it, well that same day as I was in a Food Lion guess what song came on the speakers. So I pretty much figured God was wanting me to pay attention to the song's message.

Alright friends that's the end of that musical trip and another journey in my strange mind. Do you guys have any songs that are particularly special to you? If so tell me in le comments. Hope you have a great day friends, and May God Bless You!

Thursday, June 1, 2017

The 9C Lists

So my birthday is coming up in a couple days. So I'd like to take the time to reflect on things in my life, I mean this is a celebration of one's life. So I'm posting some things from my 9C lists. It's two list I have for my favorite things that start with "C" like my name and a list of things that pertain to my favorite number 9, I'm a sad over thinking human.

The "C" List

Christ- Christ is on top off this list for He and God are foremost in the life of a Christian. He saved our souls from the final death.

Carolina- I was born, raised, and live in the Carolinas.

Cinderella- My favorite fairytale.

Christmas- The big holiday at my house. We enjoy this time of year, even if it is a bit stressful.

Cherokee- My Great, Great, Great Grandmother was half Cherokee, I have been told this and possibly found documentation of this, so I have some Cherokee blood in me, though I suspect this is only one of the ways I have Cherokee/ Native American heritage.

Cats- I have had many cats too, we have other types of pets too, but I get along well with cats.

Chocolate, Cola, Cake, cookies- The bad sugary things I can't help, but love.

Claudia Kishi- She was my favorite baby sitter in the "Baby Sitters Club Series" by Ann M. Martin I read as a child.

Chicken- I love me some chicken. I love it cooked many different ways.

"Charmed"- I love the TV series "Charmed". I still enjoy watching the reruns.

The "9" List

9 represents the fruits of the Holy Spirit

"The Baby-Sitter's Club book # 9: The Ghost at Dawn's House" by Ann M. Martin- became my favorite book in the series.

In an episode of "Doctor Who" Code 9 means the Doctor.

In 9th grade I went to my first concert and met the artist, Bryan White.

Number of goats I'm worth according to, I think I could this on, there is some weird some weird sites out there.

Now for some favorite number mathematics

The square root of 9 is my B Day.

My birth Month and Day added together = 9.

Fangirl and Econut both have birthdays on the 27th which if you add the digits = 9.

Likewise my Mom and the Captain's Mom were born on the 18 of their birth month an if you add the digits yeah you guessed it you get 9.

Ok friends I guess you've seen enough of my weird logic for one day. I be "C"ing you later. God bless you all.