Thursday, June 1, 2017

The 9C Lists

So my birthday is coming up in a couple days. So I'd like to take the time to reflect on things in my life, I mean this is a celebration of one's life. So I'm posting some things from my 9C lists. It's two list I have for my favorite things that start with "C" like my name and a list of things that pertain to my favorite number 9, I'm a sad over thinking human.

The "C" List

Christ- Christ is on top off this list for He and God are foremost in the life of a Christian. He saved our souls from the final death.

Carolina- I was born, raised, and live in the Carolinas.

Cinderella- My favorite fairytale.

Christmas- The big holiday at my house. We enjoy this time of year, even if it is a bit stressful.

Cherokee- My Great, Great, Great Grandmother was half Cherokee, I have been told this and possibly found documentation of this, so I have some Cherokee blood in me, though I suspect this is only one of the ways I have Cherokee/ Native American heritage.

Cats- I have had many cats too, we have other types of pets too, but I get along well with cats.

Chocolate, Cola, Cake, cookies- The bad sugary things I can't help, but love.

Claudia Kishi- She was my favorite baby sitter in the "Baby Sitters Club Series" by Ann M. Martin I read as a child.

Chicken- I love me some chicken. I love it cooked many different ways.

"Charmed"- I love the TV series "Charmed". I still enjoy watching the reruns.

The "9" List

9 represents the fruits of the Holy Spirit

"The Baby-Sitter's Club book # 9: The Ghost at Dawn's House" by Ann M. Martin- became my favorite book in the series.

In an episode of "Doctor Who" Code 9 means the Doctor.

In 9th grade I went to my first concert and met the artist, Bryan White.

Number of goats I'm worth according to, I think I could this on, there is some weird some weird sites out there.

Now for some favorite number mathematics

The square root of 9 is my B Day.

My birth Month and Day added together = 9.

Fangirl and Econut both have birthdays on the 27th which if you add the digits = 9.

Likewise my Mom and the Captain's Mom were born on the 18 of their birth month an if you add the digits yeah you guessed it you get 9.

Ok friends I guess you've seen enough of my weird logic for one day. I be "C"ing you later. God bless you all.

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