Monday, March 11, 2019

While Out A Wednesday

Hello again my friends,

I'm gonna start the week with a little blurb about last Wednesday. The "I'm not lost I'm Exploring" Bumper* we saw on a car in front of us I think explained our chilly day. We "explored" a time or two. After doctor appointments we headed to the wilds of Asheville. We partook of Chinese food, I partook of a lot, some of it may have been cause my new med is possibly making me hungry more. Fun... After stuffing our faces we took a spin through downtown, and ended up "exploring" a bit before making our way to the movie theater.

Love the new saying. It use to say "Good Vibes" which is also a good saying.
We saw How to Train Your Dragon 3: The Hidden World. It was an ok movie, it had some beautiful scenes. I don't know if it's just me, or the movies, but I have found myself getting antsy before the end of the movies I've been to see recently like last month with Mary Poppins Returns. Maybe it's the anxiety.
Before and after the movie we hit up some Goodwills. At the one we visited prior to the movie I purchased a tie that I'm going to attempt to have turned into a bow tie for my 11th Doctor costume for AARC and Pumpkinfest. I currently lack for my costume a sonic screw driver and making my fez.
After the movie we went to my favorite Asheville Goodwill that has an outlet section.  Downside it murdered my allergies, upside to the trip I was inspired to write a little poem, which I scribbled down at the Applebee's we went to after.

Despite the chill God gave us a beautiful sunset.

I hope you all have a good week, find some adventures, and may God bless you
Ninja <[0000]---------------[0000]> Writer

* I don't know if this is the bumper sticker they had, but it was the closest I could find.

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