Friday, May 31, 2019

Alien Child, My Upcoming Birthday

It's another Friday friends,

It's also a few days till my birthday so I thought I'd go ahead and post something for my birthday. I've been putting together My Life Story playlist. You can view some of that list here. I'm dealing with the mental health hydra so I'll close this short post with a poem about my birth.

Alien Child

I was wonderfully knit together in my Mother's womb
Why the Lord decided He wanted me there ten months
I don't know, but who am I to question Father's reasons
As I lay on the brink of death
The mystical pool water of a Cherokee Reservation campground
Gave me the jolt of life
One harrowing car ride, and a C section later
I arrived a grey alien
Desperate for Earth air
Though in my cousin's eyes a demon
Just waiting for the horns to grow
Little did she know the demons that lay beneath the surface

Have a good weekend guys, may God bless you!

Ninja <[0000]---------------[0000]> Writer

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