Wednesday, May 8, 2019

Great Strides 2019

Hello friends,

This past Friday my peeps and I gathered together for Great Strides. Great Strides raises funds for the Cystic Fibrosis Foundation in hopes of finding a cure for this disease. For more information about CF check out the Cystic Fibrosis Foundation Website.

My personal CF story started back in Middle School the year after I first met the Captain, and I noticed she'd have to go to the office before lunch and get meds. She told me she had to take them with meals to help her digestion. Over the years I've seen the battle she's had to face dealing with her disease, but she amazes me that she keeps a good sense of humor about it. She is why I walk, for her and all those suffering. I can only hope a cure can be found.

Captain posing with the Captain
The location of the walk is beautiful. We've had to switch to the walk in Franklin since they stopped doing the walk at Carrier Park in Asheville, plus a good portion of our walk team is out toward that way. Even though I miss the other place, there is some beautiful scenic views:

This river made me think Summer so bad

It rained earlier in the day, but luckily the rains stayed back for the walk, though we did have lovely cloud views.

After burning up on the walk we returned to a couple slices of pizza and watching this poor balloon guy who'd been making balloon animals and light sabers since the start of the event, and in the case of my adopted nephew a cactus. I don't know it's what he wanted.

The Team
 As many of our adventures go we ended up at a Chinese restaurant, conversed a bit, and then rode away into the night.

A lot of money was raised, and I feel good knowing it's a charity that puts more money toward their cause, and hopefully it can help my friend and many like her live longer.

I hope you guys have a good week, do good, and God bless.

Ninja <[0000]---------------[0000]> Writer and Vampire >vv< Kitty

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