Showing posts with label Supernatural. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Supernatural. Show all posts

Wednesday, February 2, 2022

Monthly Randoms: Where I'm back From Oblivion and Playing Catch Up

 Hello Friends, 

I know what you're thinking: Where has she been? Or probably not. Probably didn't notice. It's okay I get overlooked frequently. Well according to this it's been right at six months since I posted, my bad. So I decided to start off with a Monthly Randoms that'll cover things for the last six months. So sit back, this one might take a minute...

Why Radio Silence?

So where I have I been? For those who have been here a bit once more the Mental Health Hydra B---- has been making a mess of things. Yes she's earned her B. Why have I decided to make her a female, cause she's frequently PMSing and she's been mucking things up the last few months. So one thing that has been getting worse thanks to her is my ability to focus and sit still. I've been wanting to make posts on things for the last few months, but motivating myself to write a blog post and focus long enough to do it... yeah... Not easy.  See I have anxiety which can cause being unfocused and fidgety, or on the rare occasion it's my Bipolar 2. Well it has been getting so bad lately that my therapist wondered if I had ADD/ADHD. So she gave me the assessment quiz for ADHD and from that she's like well it's looking like it's just this part of anxiety getting worse. Well a couple sessions later I was bemoaning my seemingly worsening state of focus and staying put and she's like "Oh is it you ADD?" and I'm like "You said I didn't have it." to which she replied "That's the problem with these things it's hard to tell." Though in out recent sessions she's pretty sure I do, but she wanted to get my Medication Psychologist to take a look and see if it was. I've had two sessions with him and we haven't breached that yet, I actually don't even wanna mention those sessions, I don't even discuss my Medication Psychologist drama for the last two to three years, it's that frustrating. 

In the summer things I felt were good mental health wise, then September came and with the dip of temps my mood. Christmas day wasn't actually bad this year, leading up to it little rough I mean there was the usual holiday stress induced breakdown, a few holiday related anxiety stuff that's bothered me the last few years that my therapist and the Captain finally helped me overcome, plus my TV blew leaving me with no TV now, and the sudden urge to redo my room a week or so before Christmas, which I still haven't finished, boxes are still everywhere in here. Then there was the fact my lack of motivation left me not making a gift for Jesus's birthday as I usually do every year and not wrapping Pop and mine's gifts till early Christmas morning, plus my sleep suffered all the week of Christmas but other than that I actually enjoyed Christmas. The day after my sister and her partner came up and spent the day with us and exchanged gifts, first time in two years we got to have a holiday visit. After that Sunday I assumed like usual after Christmas that week leading up to New Year's Eve would be one full of rest and settling back into normalcy... heh. Sleep apparently got peeved at me and decided to leave me. I started sleeping three hours then I'd wake up and couldn't go back to sleep so get up crash a few hours for another three hour sleep and that's the way it was all through January. The was two days where I'd get six hours in one go and one night of broken sleep, but not enough to make me feel better. My mental health was taking hit from this, plus add in this bitter cold we've been having... the Intrusive Thoughts have been partying. Well last couple days of January I've managed to get some decent sleep finally. Day before yesterday I actually woke up refreshed thought I was gonna get some writing done on my book, which I don't think I've worked on the actual book since Summer, but my anxiety bothered me a bit, and then I crashed for a couple hours, woke up and still bothered me and then I crashed till 1 am yesterday morning, then fell back asleep around noon or 1 pm till 4 pmish. So good I can sleep, but I'm hoping I'm not shifting from the unable to sleep portion of anxiety to the doing nothing but portion of it. 

So yeah that's my issues and how it's fracked in a nutshell. How about we move onto some more fun topics. That good with you guys? Good!

Pumpkin Festival 2021

After a year off due to Covid she was back bigger and better than ever... Quite literally she had the largest population attendance she's ever had, which we, Fangirl and I, as seasoned attendees felt as we safely tried to enjoy ourselves. We didn't get big with our costumes. Like we usually put a year long thought into our costumes, but last year we didn't learn till like halfway through the year I think that the festival was still on, plus Fangirl had medical issues that we didn't know what would come of that. So we decided to just have a chill year at the festival. I rewore my 2019 11th Doctor costume:

 Well Fangirl wore her medieval outfit she wears for her demonstration group at Ren Faires:

We saw a few cool characters around the festival like Angel Ponies and Batman and his Batmobile:

Fangirl and I usually compete in the costume contest, but do to our lax approach to costumes and the fact Fangirl is unable to stand in the long lines, which was difficult before her even before getting hit with her current medical issue, we just sat and watched from the porch of the Crabtree General Store while playing Pokemon Go

Seeing Econut 
After the festival we went to see Econut at her job as we always do. Hugging her up was a moment, that's all I can say. It'd been two years almost since I'd last seen my sister in person, it made me so happy to finally give her something as simple as a hug. Didn't want the visit to end even when her quitting time came, so her partner and her invited us back to their place for pizza. I was excited to learn they'd begun watching Supernatural, they'd made it to season four. We talked that a bit, caught up, and exchanged two year worth of gifts. It was a great end to a good day.
Of course it made it even better when the next day her partner texted me saying they had met Chuck and if we could trust him... Well of course I had to lie not spoiling that for them. I still hate myself for ruining Harry Potter for my sibling, not doing that again. They finished the series a few weeks ago. It's been fun seeing where they get to, slowly making fandom posts on Facebook, and both of them texting me lines and parts their at, and the inevitable disgruntlement over the series finale. I'm so proud.
Now to our usual sections in these posts. Sadly very poor job of saving things to post here for the last few months, so I'll share what little I have.
Favs On My Socials
Ok let's share the few things I've faved or the like on my socials:
1. I loved this pin on Pinterest involving a Black Panther actress and how it's not too late to go for your dreams. Is this actually true she'd started acting at 88?  
2. I love this Instagram post from The Good Advice Cupcake. It's a great reminder we're all beautiful. I love this Cupcake, she's making me smile. I first discovered through Perpetual Kid, and I'd like that product.

What Am I Jamming To?

At one point I was jamming to Five Days North's- Heaven Hold Us I first heard the song on Becca and The Books blog post. An awesome booktuber you should check her out.
Domino bu Jessie J which I found looking for the cover the group Venice did of it that I found watching this Supernatural video. Before you click be warned it is Cockles themed, so if no like no watch, but if you like that be it as a friendship or you ship it, then enjoy.
Also jamming to songs from Taylor's version of Red and Fearless

Things I Want

I want this beautiful set of Maya Angelou's entire works from Juniper Books. I love they come together to form the picture on the spines. I'd get the blue and red set. I'd really like her complete works, cause I only have her cook book and this collection of four of her poems in a book called Phenomenal Woman, and she was, I gotta say it, a phenomenal woman. I also want quarter which was release last month! I'll have to keep my eyes peeled!
Halloween last year Michael's had a nice Moon Phases piece that I would have totally hung on my wall, that's right I'm one of those people who utilize Halloween and Christmas decor year round. It's sadly no longer on the website, but you can view it in this Old Fashion Halloween post. Maybe I'll encounter it on a thrift store run.
 Ok, finally done! Ya'll I'm telling you my focus is shot. I use to be able to write post with in a couple hours this took me 24 hours or more. I hope we can do something, cause I feel like I use to be a multitasking master, now nope... Well happy 2/2/22 hope twoday is good, see what I did there, it's also middle of the week so there's a plus. I'll be back soon. I have a couple posts planned for the next few days. So here's hoping I will be starting to post regularly again. Good day, much love, and God bless.
*Thrifty Geek* and Vampire >vv< Kitty 

Monday, August 2, 2021

Monthly Randoms: July 2021, Supernatural, Vixella, and Soot Sprites

 Hello Friends,

I'm so disappointed in myself, I've been wanting to get back into making posts, I've managed on my socials but not here except the monthly randoms. I wanted to get to at least once a week, but I feel like I'm living in a daze and the days string together to the point I don't even know what day it is. I'm also having trouble focusing, which I think can be linked to my anxiety, but I'm also being currently tested for ADHD, since my ability to focus is getting worse. Hence why this post is late again and I'm struggling to focus just writing this.  Any who let's get to this month's monthly randoms.

Things to Watch:

So been watching Supernatural on TNT for the last couple days.  I still haven't seen all the eps, so the plan was to watch when they started back at the beginning, but they were only on season 9, so I said the heck with it. I know what you thinking how have I not seen them all? I just got into it a few years ago, and I don't have a streaming service or anything that allows me to watch from the beginning other than the TNT reruns. Speaking of which it's Gish week. One of my friends has signed up for it. She's been talking about doing and prepping for the event. 

I've started watching Vixella on Youtube, she's just this fun Youtuber. I was watching Laurenzside doing some new Sims video. It got me hankering for more, so I looked up more and found Vixella who's been mentioned on her vlog. I've watched a few and I've been enjoying them.

Seem's fidget toys are back in style, for better or worse, but a crafting Youtuber I follow aPasos Crafts DIY she recently made some homemade fidget toys. I love the egg one. Eggs are one of those food items that I think their products are cute, like sushi, just cute little food. 

I came across this One Shot Questers bit from last year where D&D meets Among Us. I love this two awesome games coming together. This is hilarious. 

Favorite of my Instagram Saves:

I saw my friend for the first time in months last month. She tells me that in her new space she has her Dean Winchester plush guarding her yarn stash. I was gonna ask her to send a picture of this. Lucky for me she posted it on her Instagram. He just looks like I've fought demons, angels, and monsters, now I'm guarding a Fangirl's yarn.

Random Things I've Found This Month:
So over at Epbot, she's been cranking out the crafts as usual, but she recently shared this cute post for DIY Soot Sprites!!!!!! I love the soot sprites! Their so cute!!!!!!

Ok that's my latest random. Hopefully I can get my butt in gear and start getting better about posting. I can hope right? So have fun with Gish those participating, God bless, and love you Geek Tribe!

*Thrifty Geek*

Friday, December 11, 2020

Silly Walks and Supernatural Plushies

 Hello Friends,

It's that time to regal you with another tale of an outing with Fangirl, cause you know we're always getting into something. The mental health hydra was raging this day, but it was beautiful day. I had an errand to run to Walmart, so Fangirl decided to lunch at nearby Huddle House where she's gone so often they know her. I was a littler wary of dining in with the latest increase of Corona cases (yes I wore my mask and used hand sanitizer).
I ran my Christmastime errand, which I thought was going to take forever cause every open aisle had a line. I managed to find an open self check out. Which made me uneasy touching, I have anxiety with a bit of the germaphobia side of OCD, I'm sorry. After that we headed out to Asheville to take in some geek culture, aka comic book stores.

In Transit Part One 

As we were on our way to the first comic store, we stopped at a red light, and as I was sitting there and a guy decided to walk across the four lane and as he started to walk he had this weird long gait that put me in the mind of "The Ministry of Silly Walks" skit by Monty Python. He made it across quicker the last two lanes.
As we walked the street to Morgan's Comics I came across some sticker graffiti that makes me wonder if they took lessons from Keri Smith's "How to be a Guerilla Artist"


 Morgan's Comics or "The Nerd Sanctuary
I love this store. It hits all my geek areas. Merlin who works there came in and he had been there the last time we were there, but saw us and greeted us like old friends and he's only talked to us once. Morgan was rocking a thrift store Legend of Zelda shirt, which I had to complement her on. They have a TV in there that they play geeky YouTube music videos on and Fangirl got excited at one they played for Christmas called "Sammy, Baby" a Supernatural parody to Earth Kitt's "Santa, Baby." Speaking of Supernatural the store had a new display with plushies. They had some Sams and Deans, and Fangirl made off with one of each, I told her they were just early Christmas presents to herself. Had they'd had a Castiel she'd bought one of those too. My purchase was a Doctor Who comic. It's of the Thirteenth Doctor number 11 (In which 13 shows her 10 a bit, you Whovians I know followed that).

In Transit Part Two
*There will be Supernatural Season 15 spoilers is this section so avoid if you haven't seen it.*
As we were driving away from Morgan's we were in the turn off lane and some guy who apparently didn't know there was a turn off lane came up behind us like a mad person, about hit us, then honked at us. After we turned on to the interstate I heard Fangirl breath a little heavy, and of course I made sure she was ok, and we talked about it. I said the good Lord must have been looking out for us, to which my friend replied "Thank you Jack!"

As we turned on Merriman Avenue I looked across the road at Loretta's Cafe and the was a sign that said something along the lines of "Sandwich worshiping wrong?" With the way I was putting away turkey sandwiches after thanksgiving I was doing some sandwich worshiping.

Comic Envy
It was mostly looking at merch at this comic store today, there was nothing I wanted in my price range. I did see a K.K. Slider plush, some Studio Ghibli stuff, and a cute Stuff Jiggly Puff. It's one of my favorite Pokemon. I actually have one as my buddy in Pokemon Go. The topic of discussion at the store that day was The Art of Seduction that I first heard about on Geekologie. It's a KFC sponsored Lifetime mini movie, that I think spoofs both on Lifetime movies, and KFC. It looks hilarious I may actually have to watch it.

In Transit Part Three
Fangirl and I took one of our adventures through the back roads to avoid  traffic. We went through a tiny home community. I'm always fascinated by these homes. I myself have a kinda maxi tiny home I have in my dream homes.  We ended up near a dance studio, and I got a glimpse of a dancer performing inside.

Thrift and Dollar Stores
We hit up almost every thrift store in the county, but shopping wasn't with me today. Most of my purchases were Christmas or birthday gifts for other peeps. The only things I got was yet another pair of headphones from Dollar Tree, I'm so gonna invest in a better quality, and at one of the Goodwills a Buffy the Vampire Slayer™  called Spike & Dru: Pretty Maids All in a Row by Christopher Golden for the Buffy collection. I did see a couple pens at Family Dollar I'd love to have. They looked like scepters but one had a diamond on top and another a pearl, all fake obviously.

We ended our day doing curbside service at Ammon's Drive-In. Fangirl made me hungry for her shrimp skewers. And the warmth of the day turned chilly. I got to see some Christmas light displays, so that was cool.  Got home and had a good night sleep. And that was about it to my day. Pretty full day and only one anxiety break down, well one outward break down. I hope you all have a good weekend, stay safe, and God bless you.

*Thrifty Geek* and Vampire >vv< Kitty

Friday, November 27, 2020

My Supernatural Story

 Hello Supernatural Friends,

 So Supernatural came out in the years following Buffy the Vampire and Angel. I was actually trying to find a show to fill that void. Well my final year of college it came out, and I watched the first few episodes of it, and I don't know if it was too dark for me at that point in my life, or I got caught up in college matters, I just wandered away from it. I know insane right. I remember I watched the third episode cause it had Amy Acker from Angel in it. 

Eventually I started watching The Vampires Diaries and other CW programming that usually showed ads for that week's episode. A few times if the episodes add looked weird enough or had Felicia Day in it I'd give it a watch. So I did end up seeing "The French Mistake", "Changing Channels", and "LARP and the Real Girl" when they first came out.

About 2014 or 2015, Fangirl starting watching the show and became a massive fan in no time, so of course I was hearing about. Well one morning I was up and channel surfing and saw the daily binge TNT does and figures I'd watch some, and kinda got into it. It become part of a list of shows I like, but have to be in the right mood to watch like Bones and NCIS

Well a few years ago I was watching Big Bang Theory on Thursday and decided when the commercials I'd watch what was happening on Supernatural then when the first went off I'd watch the rest of SPN. Well I got more interested in what was happening on SPN than BBT became what was watched during SPN's  commercials. And I enjoyed it as part of my Thursday line up ever since. 

Now it's ended, and as I've said before about the episode: Dang.  It's probably going to be something my peeps and I will talk about for the rest of our lives. 

What's your Supernatural story? Tell me about it in the comments. Also, are they any songs other than Kansas' "Carry on my Wayward" and the 200th Musical episode, that you associate with the show. They can be from the show or not. Let me know that in the comments, I'm thinking my next Musical Moment the playlist maybe a Supernatural inspired one. 

Hope your weekend is "supernatural", keep the holy water close, and Chuck bless you, not that he really does that sort of thing.

*Thrifty Geek*


Monday, November 23, 2020

Random Weeknight Musings

 Hello my friends,

Happy Doctor Who day guys! I spent my morning watching Episodes with the first Doctor and this morning and when I took a nap I dreamed about the Doctor. Not a bad dream to have. 47 years since the show started 8 years and a few months since I started watching it. *waves 13th Doctor's sonic around*
So today I decided to just do some random stuff I wanna talk about that I either forgot to mention in the last post or won't have made much in it's own post. So let's get started.

Daily Treasure: Homemade Gifts

Last month when their was a weather shift the arthritis in my hands acted up as they sometimes do when that happens (thank you Momma's side of the family with the early onset of arthritis). I did have some finger-less gloves we made from socks for it, but I couldn't find them. So I was telling my friend about my hands, and she said let me make you some finger-less gloves. I told her not to worry about it and waste the yarn she could use for paying customers, but being big hearted as she is, she said don't  worry about it. Well when we went out last time she presented me with these:

They fit nicely and will definitely combat the cold and arthritis. In addition to finger-less gloves she makes hats, scarfs, and blankets. If you like what you see email her at with the subject Thrifty Geek Sent Me.

Games I'm Playing Right Now

I'm really late to this game, only because I only now have a device that plays it: Pokemon Go! I love this game! It's so cute! I have a Eevee named Painter following me around, I'm hoping to find a Jiggly Puff. That's one of my favs. My sister got me a Jigglypuff hat a few Christmases ago, click the link for the hilarious pic me and my sister took. I'm learning how to do everything, but it's fun to do.  I'm surprised what I've found here in the backwoods. I saw a magikarp hat and was like I gotta wear that! See in My Sims Kingdom my sim wears a fish hat and I thought it was cute, well now I'm wearing another. I think that's going to be a thing for me in games. If there's a fish hat in the game, my character will wear it.

Speaking of fish hats... My friends and me have been talking about starting an online D & D game. So using that Critical Role favorite: D&D Beyond, I've been making my first character. I went with a half elf ranger who wears, you guessed it, a fish hat. I'm thinking something like this, but green with eyes. What I said that's gonna be a thing with my game characters.

Supernatural Finale

All I can say is dang. I thought I was gonna have to hide in the Fangirl Bunker. I offered digital tissues to all my fellow SPN peeps. I still have a bunch of past episodes I haven't seen yet, so I still have some new to me coming, once I can watch it without getting down. I'll be dedicating a post to the show next post. Anyone else gonna check out Walker this January. I use to watch the original when I was growing up, but I may check this one out. I find it amusing since Walker Texas Ranger was one of his aliases.

 Capital One Christmas

 Momma owned me tonight. She was watching that new Christmas Capital One commercial and she's like is that John Travolta? I'm like no. So she asked for me to look it up, so I did, I had to bow down and concede to her greatness. She was right.

Well that was shorter than I thought it was gonna be. Well not much going on right now. I'm gonna just chill out tonight maybe battle on Pokemon Go, and hang in this chat room I'm on. Have a good night my friends, stay warm, and God bless.

*Thrifty Geek* and Vampire >vv< Kitty