Showing posts with label Capital One. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Capital One. Show all posts

Monday, November 23, 2020

Random Weeknight Musings

 Hello my friends,

Happy Doctor Who day guys! I spent my morning watching Episodes with the first Doctor and this morning and when I took a nap I dreamed about the Doctor. Not a bad dream to have. 47 years since the show started 8 years and a few months since I started watching it. *waves 13th Doctor's sonic around*
So today I decided to just do some random stuff I wanna talk about that I either forgot to mention in the last post or won't have made much in it's own post. So let's get started.

Daily Treasure: Homemade Gifts

Last month when their was a weather shift the arthritis in my hands acted up as they sometimes do when that happens (thank you Momma's side of the family with the early onset of arthritis). I did have some finger-less gloves we made from socks for it, but I couldn't find them. So I was telling my friend about my hands, and she said let me make you some finger-less gloves. I told her not to worry about it and waste the yarn she could use for paying customers, but being big hearted as she is, she said don't  worry about it. Well when we went out last time she presented me with these:

They fit nicely and will definitely combat the cold and arthritis. In addition to finger-less gloves she makes hats, scarfs, and blankets. If you like what you see email her at with the subject Thrifty Geek Sent Me.

Games I'm Playing Right Now

I'm really late to this game, only because I only now have a device that plays it: Pokemon Go! I love this game! It's so cute! I have a Eevee named Painter following me around, I'm hoping to find a Jiggly Puff. That's one of my favs. My sister got me a Jigglypuff hat a few Christmases ago, click the link for the hilarious pic me and my sister took. I'm learning how to do everything, but it's fun to do.  I'm surprised what I've found here in the backwoods. I saw a magikarp hat and was like I gotta wear that! See in My Sims Kingdom my sim wears a fish hat and I thought it was cute, well now I'm wearing another. I think that's going to be a thing for me in games. If there's a fish hat in the game, my character will wear it.

Speaking of fish hats... My friends and me have been talking about starting an online D & D game. So using that Critical Role favorite: D&D Beyond, I've been making my first character. I went with a half elf ranger who wears, you guessed it, a fish hat. I'm thinking something like this, but green with eyes. What I said that's gonna be a thing with my game characters.

Supernatural Finale

All I can say is dang. I thought I was gonna have to hide in the Fangirl Bunker. I offered digital tissues to all my fellow SPN peeps. I still have a bunch of past episodes I haven't seen yet, so I still have some new to me coming, once I can watch it without getting down. I'll be dedicating a post to the show next post. Anyone else gonna check out Walker this January. I use to watch the original when I was growing up, but I may check this one out. I find it amusing since Walker Texas Ranger was one of his aliases.

 Capital One Christmas

 Momma owned me tonight. She was watching that new Christmas Capital One commercial and she's like is that John Travolta? I'm like no. So she asked for me to look it up, so I did, I had to bow down and concede to her greatness. She was right.

Well that was shorter than I thought it was gonna be. Well not much going on right now. I'm gonna just chill out tonight maybe battle on Pokemon Go, and hang in this chat room I'm on. Have a good night my friends, stay warm, and God bless.

*Thrifty Geek* and Vampire >vv< Kitty