Showing posts with label Crazy Idea Time. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Crazy Idea Time. Show all posts

Friday, October 23, 2020

Crazy Idea Time: Corsair Typewriter Dreams

 Hello creative friends,

So today I'm delving into my creative ideas. I've seen where some people have made computer keyboards from or look like old typewriters'. One company Qwerkytoys has made the Qwerkywriter® which is a keyboard old in look, but new in parts.

But I'd like to do something different. I was at a thrift store a few years ago and came across a teal Corsair for $10. I fell in love with it, but couldn't justify buying it, now all this time later I'm still kicking myself for not getting it. I love old typewriters, funny since despite leaving in the computer age I was force to type my research papers on my Mom's electronic typewriter and hated it. Now I want to own two. A clunkier Corona like R.L. Stine had in the Goosebumps movie and make it where it works. But the Corsair I've decided I'd love to make it a keyboard for my tablet and have a makeshift laptop. The Corsair is a traveling typewriter so I could go somewhere and just type if I didn't wanna sit at my desktop writing a story. I'd just have to find someone who could do it without damaging the Corsair in the process. It'd be cool if it could be done. I could write at the park, or a coffee house. Love the vibe of a coffee house, particularly independent ones, but coffee usually hates my stomach, so I'm the chick buying hot chocolate.

So that was a delve into my crazy ideas. An idea for that world where money is no object. Do you guys have any project ideas you'd like to do? If so let me know in the comments.
I hope you guys have a good weekend, and may God bless you guys!

*Thrifty Geek*

Monday, February 18, 2019

Creative Space in a Box

Happy Monday friends,

Today is another Crazy Ideas time, only this time I actually did the idea, so  this is a bit of Artsy Fartsy Time too. Today I'm going to show of my creative space in a box.

See I have always wanted to have a creative space (I think Keri Smith has mentioned creative spaces in her blog at some point, not 100% sure). Either a place like a writing shed, or even just putting  a shelf near my computer with things I find inspiring, but money and space makes all of these not feasible. Well the other day I was doing some research for a story, and came across this article  from Exemplore about Types of Altars, one was one you could keep in a box and store away when you needed to. Then it hit me hey why not do that with a creative space? So that's what I went and did.
First things first I needed a box. I just so happen to have this purse shaped box my uncle's wife at the time made me for Christmas a couple or so years ago, if you're curious I think she got everything at Micheal's.

I then placed inside things I found inspired me. I don't have much in it at the moment, but I'm sure more will be added as time goes on.

It was only when I was taking this picture that I realized, when opened this thing has a coffin outline. While we only have a few things in this puppy let me give you a close up on the items.
The top have I have some inspirations sayings. It's all attached on with washi tape I got at Micheal's. On the upper slip of paper I have my favorite Bible Verse from Philippians 4:13: "I can do all things through Christ which strengthenth me." Be low that I have the first two lines I love from one of my favorite poems Arthur O' Shaughnessy's Ode: "We are the music-makers, And we are the dreamers of dreams," I put it on this crinkly paper to give it the air it'd been scribbled on a scrap of paper, but I may have to change it out.

Next I have some gumball machine treasures, is that what you call them. The yellow thing looks like it may have been a factory defect, cause it looks like is just half forming into something, so I call in an idea, and I have it in here in hopes I always have ideas forming like it. On the left is a skull cause well every writer needs a skull don't they?

This cute bottle I purchased at my first Asheville Anime Regional Convention. Inside it I put a fake crystal and a couple silver stars, and the tangerine seed I wrote about last new years.

I have this saying decorative stone my folks gave me it says: "Only you can give your special gift to the world".

Lastly, I have this TOMY Micro Dancer. I got this a lone time ago. I don't know why it just makes me smile. This particular one is called Elvie the Daisy Dancer which is perfect since my favorite flower is a daisy and she's got a Union Jack on her shirt, which I love cause I want to visit the UK someday.

And that closes the box on this post. I hope you all enjoy my little creative space on the box, maybe it'll inspire those of you with little space and funds to create your own. If you do share them in the comments below. I hope you guys have a great week, stay inspired, and God bless you!
Ninja <[0000]---------------[0000]> Writer and Vampire >vv< Kitty

Sunday, February 3, 2019

Crazy Idea Time: What to do with a Tiny House

Happy week's end my friends,

Another weekend is upon us. I thought for this post that we'd discuss crazy ideas I have about what do do with a Tiny House. One might say live in one, while I do appreciate a home one can move where every they choose to live, I couldn't do it, unless it's a certain blue box. I first heard about tiny homes through Keri Smith's blog, I think there was a link to Tumbleweed Houses, the first company I heard of that made such. So let's see what I'd use it for:

A Dreamer's Hideaway
Keri Smith made the suggestion of using one as a writing space at one point, she love to live in one too. Well the former is what Is one of the things what I'd use one for. A place to focus and create. Like SJ Tucker, who has named her recording cabin The Pixie House, I would call my creative sanctum, Dreamer's Hideaway, cause well I'm a dreamer and it'd be my hideaway.
Ok we have a name, where would I put it? Well in the woods, maybe with a view of the mountains as well. What would be the design of it. Backwoods geek meets Junk G?

I have pulled together a Pinterest board with ideas. There's various cute little homes I wouldn't mind creating in. There's old typewriters.  Why? Cause I love vintage type writers, especially a teal Corsair*. I would put up inspiring things, inspiring words, whatever to get the creative juices flowing. Yes just my fantasy wonderland.  Little spaces made for the fairies, or my little creative juices to hang out. The outside like a Alice in Wonderland secret garden.

A place for solitude, but not completely quiet. I'd probably have some music going, you know like Dot Warner in that one ep of Animaniacs. I have to have music or something to listen to when I work.
And oh course despite being a place to seek alone time my friends would be encouraged to visit.

A Toy Museum

The other thing I'd use a small home for is a traveling toy museum. I'd make it up to look like a doll house, within I'd have toys displayed, many if not all from my own collection... well after I spruce the poor dears back up. It'd focus on toys from the late 80's and early 90's cause that's the era I grew up in. Maybe I'd sell items themed toward the era and it's toys, maybe sell some of Fangirl's soap she makes.

Bonus Crazy Idea: Geeky Travels

This departs from the tiny homes, but as I was working on this post I was listen/watching Kara of Boho Berry's Vlog. She's planning on walking the Appalachian Trail, and as I saw her digital planner layouts for this trip it hit me, I've seen a lot of things like guides and stories about the hike, but has anyone done a geek themed one. It'd be interesting to see a guise book geared toward the geeks like comic shops nearby or book stores. Actually is there any geeky travel guides in general out there?

So we come to the close of another post. I just have to ask what would you do with a small home? Have you had any crazy ideas? Let me know in the comments. I hope you have a good weekend friends, keep having ideas, and God bless you!

Ninja <[0000]---------------[0000]> Writer  and Vampire >vv< Kitty

 *PS- I was at a thrift store one time and came across one for $10, it's a not purchase I kick myself for, it's my dream typewriter.

Tuesday, November 14, 2017

Crazy Idea Time: The Laundromat Musings - A Book

Hello my friends,
I hope this week has treated you well. I am recovering from battling a cold that hit me out of no where, I'm not completely 100 percent, but I think I'm pretty close minus the hacking coughs. But enough about my health let's turn our attention to a place that probably is crawling with as much germs as I am, the Laundromat.
Actually this post was first started in February or March of last year or the year before. Actually was suppose to be for the old blog, yup it's been sitting here waiting on ye olde computer a bit. It started when I was updating my journal, my actual handwritten one, and I was writing about the trip we'd made to the Laundromat to do the massive load of laundry that'd piled up the last time I got massively sick, we'd all been sick that time. Mainly it was just observations of things that night and the people we ran into, but it got me to thinking that would make an interesting book. A book centered around the Laundromat. I'm sure some it's been done, but each person and Laundromat has a tale. I mean seriously interesting thoughts photos, and stories can come from these places.

I have a many memories from my ventures to these places, some that are sick enough to gross out your therapist and those good enough that me feel warm when I think about them. There's the night a couple had this large dog running around the place and it goes sniffing at our Burger King we'd bought to munch on while the clothes were washing. Then after they had finished their clothes you saw them throwing layers of their dryer warmed clothes on them before assumingly walking home into winter's darkness.

Actually at that same Laundromat many, many winters before and my Dad needed to use the restroom, so he parks at the Laundromat, it's a 24 hour place, and he opens the door to their tiny men's restroom only to bean the head of a poor homeless man who'd made it's floor his bed for the night.

These yellow ones had been there since I was little, they were in the process of replacing them.

Dog or Human?
It's a place where the writings of bygone visitors can leave us with so many questions like: "What's the deal with Princess Sparkles?"

Are these crazy kids are still together after almost 4 years?

Who's Jessie and why is he always here?
Besides a place that keeps clean clothes upon your person, it's a place were you profess your love.

So what are some of your crazy Laundromat stories? Or any clothes washing related tale? Well friends behave yourselves, may your clothes always come clean, and may God Bless You!
Ninja <[0000]---------------[0000]> Writer