Happy Monday friends,
Today is another Crazy Ideas time, only this time I actually did the idea, so this is a bit of Artsy Fartsy Time too. Today I'm going to show of my creative space in a box.
See I have always wanted to have a creative space (I think
Keri Smith has mentioned creative spaces in her blog at some point, not 100% sure). Either a place like a writing shed, or even just putting a shelf near my computer with things I find inspiring, but money and space makes all of these not feasible. Well the other day I was doing some research for a story, and came across this article from Exemplore about
Types of Altars, one was one you could keep in a box and store away when you needed to. Then it hit me hey why not do that with a creative space? So that's what I went and did.
First things first I needed a box. I just so happen to have this purse shaped box my uncle's wife at the time made me for Christmas a couple or so years ago, if you're curious I think she got everything at Micheal's.
I then placed inside things I found inspired me. I don't have much in it at the moment, but I'm sure more will be added as time goes on.
It was only when I was taking this picture that I realized, when opened this thing has a coffin outline. While we only have a few things in this puppy let me give you a close up on the items.
The top have I have some inspirations sayings. It's all attached on with washi tape I got at Micheal's. On the upper slip of paper I have my favorite Bible Verse from Philippians 4:13: "I can do all things through Christ which strengthenth me." Be low that I have the first two lines I love from one of my favorite poems Arthur O' Shaughnessy's Ode: "We are the music-makers, And we are the dreamers of dreams," I put it on this crinkly paper to give it the air it'd been scribbled on a scrap of paper, but I may have to change it out.
Next I have some gumball machine treasures, is that what you call them. The yellow thing looks like it may have been a factory defect, cause it looks like is just half forming into something, so I call in an idea, and I have it in here in hopes I always have ideas forming like it. On the left is a skull cause well every writer needs a skull don't they?
This cute bottle I purchased at my first Asheville Anime Regional Convention. Inside it I put a fake crystal and a couple silver stars, and the
tangerine seed I wrote about last new years.
I have this saying decorative stone my folks gave me it says: "Only you can give your special gift to the world".
Lastly, I have this
TOMY Micro Dancer. I got this a lone time ago. I don't know why it just makes me smile. This particular one is called
Elvie the Daisy Dancer which is perfect since my favorite flower is a daisy and she's got a Union Jack on her shirt, which I love cause I want to visit the UK someday.
And that closes the box on this post. I hope you all enjoy my little creative space on the box, maybe it'll inspire those of you with little space and funds to create your own. If you do share them in the comments below. I hope you guys have a great week, stay inspired, and God bless you!
Ninja <[0000]---------------[0000]> Writer and Vampire >vv< Kitty