Tuesday, March 29, 2022

Artsy Fartsy Time: Expandable Cards

 Hey crafty friends,

Today we're bringing you a segment I haven't done in a minute, Artsy Fartsy Time, because I am artsy and fartsy. Yes I know a woman who's admitting it, it's unheard of I know, but here I am.

So today's Artsy Fartsy surrounds expanding cards I made last month.  So last month was Valentine's Day and my Mom's Birthday, and at some point prior to these events that I saw a aPasos' Easy Love Expandable Card. Both cards featured today use these instructions. I love cards like this, and it looked super easy to make. Since it had been posted for Valentine's Day I thought why not make one for Fangirl for Galentine's Day? So I did, but my card is less cutesy, and more Supernatural. I thought I'd warn the squeamish it does show what's suppose to be a bloody heart, but you can't tell it really what it is with my mini drawing skills, not good at drawing little things. Fangirl is a big fan, and the reason I gave the show another shot.*see this post for more on that*. So I decided to go SPN with hers:

Fangirl's Supernatural Expandable Card

 When you take the card out of the envelope it's flat like this. It's a black card with some anti possession symbols on the pull tabs, since this is a SPN themed card. The first picture is a drawing of my friend that says "All I need is your warm, kind, sweet heart for Valentines":

Pull the tabs to expand and reveal the inside of the card, which features a were wolf me with a heart meal that says "Thanks for the pick me up Galentine! Love ya!", and then I finished with my artist signature:


Did she she like the card, yeah but between her being half asleep and the crappy miniature drawings, she didn't get it at first.

Mom's Birthday Card

My second card of the week was for my Mom's birthday. I went more cute with this one. I used my Mom's favorite colors of red, white, and blue for the color scheme. We have a cake made to look like her favorite cake, strawberry flavored. It says "Happy Birthday!" at the bottom  :

Upon expansion you'll see a drawing of me holding my arms out for a hug. It reads "I Love You Mom!" with the date and my artist signature:

Now every car need an envelope so I took to Pinterest (check out my Pinterst page link. It's in my links section the right *points*). I found a pin that led me to this Mini Envelope Pin tutorial, I sized them up and presto easy envelopes:

A Purple Envelope for Fangirl's

I gave my Mom's card a white one

Yeah they look wonky, but they worked, and it's the thought and your attempts that count right?

And so we close out today's post. Hope this inspires you to make your own cards if does let me see it in the comments or one of my socials. I hope you have a good week, craft on, and God bless.

*Thrifty Geek*

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