Showing posts with label Buffy the Vampire Slayer. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Buffy the Vampire Slayer. Show all posts

Friday, December 11, 2020

Silly Walks and Supernatural Plushies

 Hello Friends,

It's that time to regal you with another tale of an outing with Fangirl, cause you know we're always getting into something. The mental health hydra was raging this day, but it was beautiful day. I had an errand to run to Walmart, so Fangirl decided to lunch at nearby Huddle House where she's gone so often they know her. I was a littler wary of dining in with the latest increase of Corona cases (yes I wore my mask and used hand sanitizer).
I ran my Christmastime errand, which I thought was going to take forever cause every open aisle had a line. I managed to find an open self check out. Which made me uneasy touching, I have anxiety with a bit of the germaphobia side of OCD, I'm sorry. After that we headed out to Asheville to take in some geek culture, aka comic book stores.

In Transit Part One 

As we were on our way to the first comic store, we stopped at a red light, and as I was sitting there and a guy decided to walk across the four lane and as he started to walk he had this weird long gait that put me in the mind of "The Ministry of Silly Walks" skit by Monty Python. He made it across quicker the last two lanes.
As we walked the street to Morgan's Comics I came across some sticker graffiti that makes me wonder if they took lessons from Keri Smith's "How to be a Guerilla Artist"


 Morgan's Comics or "The Nerd Sanctuary
I love this store. It hits all my geek areas. Merlin who works there came in and he had been there the last time we were there, but saw us and greeted us like old friends and he's only talked to us once. Morgan was rocking a thrift store Legend of Zelda shirt, which I had to complement her on. They have a TV in there that they play geeky YouTube music videos on and Fangirl got excited at one they played for Christmas called "Sammy, Baby" a Supernatural parody to Earth Kitt's "Santa, Baby." Speaking of Supernatural the store had a new display with plushies. They had some Sams and Deans, and Fangirl made off with one of each, I told her they were just early Christmas presents to herself. Had they'd had a Castiel she'd bought one of those too. My purchase was a Doctor Who comic. It's of the Thirteenth Doctor number 11 (In which 13 shows her 10 a bit, you Whovians I know followed that).

In Transit Part Two
*There will be Supernatural Season 15 spoilers is this section so avoid if you haven't seen it.*
As we were driving away from Morgan's we were in the turn off lane and some guy who apparently didn't know there was a turn off lane came up behind us like a mad person, about hit us, then honked at us. After we turned on to the interstate I heard Fangirl breath a little heavy, and of course I made sure she was ok, and we talked about it. I said the good Lord must have been looking out for us, to which my friend replied "Thank you Jack!"

As we turned on Merriman Avenue I looked across the road at Loretta's Cafe and the was a sign that said something along the lines of "Sandwich worshiping wrong?" With the way I was putting away turkey sandwiches after thanksgiving I was doing some sandwich worshiping.

Comic Envy
It was mostly looking at merch at this comic store today, there was nothing I wanted in my price range. I did see a K.K. Slider plush, some Studio Ghibli stuff, and a cute Stuff Jiggly Puff. It's one of my favorite Pokemon. I actually have one as my buddy in Pokemon Go. The topic of discussion at the store that day was The Art of Seduction that I first heard about on Geekologie. It's a KFC sponsored Lifetime mini movie, that I think spoofs both on Lifetime movies, and KFC. It looks hilarious I may actually have to watch it.

In Transit Part Three
Fangirl and I took one of our adventures through the back roads to avoid  traffic. We went through a tiny home community. I'm always fascinated by these homes. I myself have a kinda maxi tiny home I have in my dream homes.  We ended up near a dance studio, and I got a glimpse of a dancer performing inside.

Thrift and Dollar Stores
We hit up almost every thrift store in the county, but shopping wasn't with me today. Most of my purchases were Christmas or birthday gifts for other peeps. The only things I got was yet another pair of headphones from Dollar Tree, I'm so gonna invest in a better quality, and at one of the Goodwills a Buffy the Vampire Slayer™  called Spike & Dru: Pretty Maids All in a Row by Christopher Golden for the Buffy collection. I did see a couple pens at Family Dollar I'd love to have. They looked like scepters but one had a diamond on top and another a pearl, all fake obviously.

We ended our day doing curbside service at Ammon's Drive-In. Fangirl made me hungry for her shrimp skewers. And the warmth of the day turned chilly. I got to see some Christmas light displays, so that was cool.  Got home and had a good night sleep. And that was about it to my day. Pretty full day and only one anxiety break down, well one outward break down. I hope you all have a good weekend, stay safe, and God bless you.

*Thrifty Geek* and Vampire >vv< Kitty