Monday, August 2, 2021

Monthly Randoms: July 2021, Supernatural, Vixella, and Soot Sprites

 Hello Friends,

I'm so disappointed in myself, I've been wanting to get back into making posts, I've managed on my socials but not here except the monthly randoms. I wanted to get to at least once a week, but I feel like I'm living in a daze and the days string together to the point I don't even know what day it is. I'm also having trouble focusing, which I think can be linked to my anxiety, but I'm also being currently tested for ADHD, since my ability to focus is getting worse. Hence why this post is late again and I'm struggling to focus just writing this.  Any who let's get to this month's monthly randoms.

Things to Watch:

So been watching Supernatural on TNT for the last couple days.  I still haven't seen all the eps, so the plan was to watch when they started back at the beginning, but they were only on season 9, so I said the heck with it. I know what you thinking how have I not seen them all? I just got into it a few years ago, and I don't have a streaming service or anything that allows me to watch from the beginning other than the TNT reruns. Speaking of which it's Gish week. One of my friends has signed up for it. She's been talking about doing and prepping for the event. 

I've started watching Vixella on Youtube, she's just this fun Youtuber. I was watching Laurenzside doing some new Sims video. It got me hankering for more, so I looked up more and found Vixella who's been mentioned on her vlog. I've watched a few and I've been enjoying them.

Seem's fidget toys are back in style, for better or worse, but a crafting Youtuber I follow aPasos Crafts DIY she recently made some homemade fidget toys. I love the egg one. Eggs are one of those food items that I think their products are cute, like sushi, just cute little food. 

I came across this One Shot Questers bit from last year where D&D meets Among Us. I love this two awesome games coming together. This is hilarious. 

Favorite of my Instagram Saves:

I saw my friend for the first time in months last month. She tells me that in her new space she has her Dean Winchester plush guarding her yarn stash. I was gonna ask her to send a picture of this. Lucky for me she posted it on her Instagram. He just looks like I've fought demons, angels, and monsters, now I'm guarding a Fangirl's yarn.

Random Things I've Found This Month:
So over at Epbot, she's been cranking out the crafts as usual, but she recently shared this cute post for DIY Soot Sprites!!!!!! I love the soot sprites! Their so cute!!!!!!

Ok that's my latest random. Hopefully I can get my butt in gear and start getting better about posting. I can hope right? So have fun with Gish those participating, God bless, and love you Geek Tribe!

*Thrifty Geek*

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