Showing posts with label Monthly Randoms. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Monthly Randoms. Show all posts

Friday, April 1, 2022

Monthly Randoms March 2022: Dinosaurs, Good Anthems, and the Pesky Dream

 Hey Friends,

Happy Friday everybody. I hope your week has been good. Well, it's time for another Monthly Randoms! The segment of this blog where I give you an over view of random things in my life from the month. That's basically it.  So lets hit the ground running.

It'd like to open with a random concert preview video that I think is appropriate for the day from musician SJ Tucker. The song she sings is one of my favorites. She's having an online concert, they'll be two shows I think, the first is tonight. All the proceeds go to various causes, which she mentions in the video. So check the show out if you have a chance.


Decided my nails needed a pop of color. So I dressed them in L.A. Colors® Color Craze® Number 504. Good color I think to end and start a new month.

Favorites on my Socials:

We'll begin this section with a Reddit post that really hit my r/nostalgia by u/tRubbelMaker1. This is a video of the opening of the old Dinosaurs TV series. It followed the adventures of your typical prehistoric dino family. My whole family loved this show. I still have somewhere, at least I'm suppose to, the toys that one of the fast food places gave away with their meals. One Christmas both my sister and me got talking Nugget dolls, the baby if your not familiar with the show, this is also the year the dad Earl came with Santa. Santa's sleigh must be magic to fit a dinosaur. 

Over on Instagram a favorite of fine this month was these group of shots from one of my favorite places in Asheville: Morgan's Comics. These were from their Spring Eve celebration this year. It's got comics, flowers, and bubbles.

The "Dreaming Star" dice set that Spaethenarts made were so gorgeous that I had to enter her give away for them. Sadly I did not win, but you guys should totally check out her dice guys. They are beautiful!

Over on Tumblr the Mistress of the Manners of the Gothic Charm School made me smile when she sought support from her "emotional support cannibal".

Meowcos pinned a cute pull tab heart necklace tutorial on Pinterest, credit for the idea was given to @yano4kaa. I love when people do craft projects with recycled elements.

Things to Watch:

Earlier this month Fangirl was regaling me with the tale of Quincy's Tavern. The tavern in question is the Lucky Gryphon, run by Quincy who is ready to offer adventurers with a quest, food, or good advice. This concept is a brilliant idea. The way it's filmed you are made part of the scene, as if you are a patron of the place. He utilizes ASMR sounds creating a rich experience. Quincy himself is a kind, knowledgeable man. I see so many times in his comments he is a calming spot to people's day, and I have to agree. There's just something relaxing about these videos. 

Things I Want To Get:

Last year I posted about my dream keyboard a couple times I said my dream keyboard would have the classic look like this keyboard and the back lighting of this keyboard here. Well my friends 7 Keys must have sense my desires, because they have made my dreams reality with their Retro Typewriter  Keyboard! This has the look of the old, but with a modern day twist. Squees! 

Music I'm Jamming To:

Last little while I've been jamming to my writing playlist as I've been writing. It's filled with music to break up the quiet, but not enough beat to get me jamming. I tend to start jamming hard to some songs. One of  those songs was a cover of Touch the Sky from Disney's Brave by Malinda Kathleen Reese. It was a suggested song by Spotify for this list. An excellent suggestion.

Apart from this list I've been listening to Ya'll Means All by Miranda Lambert from season 6 of Queer Eye. A beautiful song of a country girl who welcomes everyone. I'm the same, out in my section of the backwoods all are welcome here at my house, well if we could fit you.

Been also jamming to Michael Jackson's Black and White, the anthem that encourages people of all races to stop looking at the skin, that we are all the same no matter how we look. I feel like the world really needs to revisit this song. 

Lastly been jamming to Belle from Disney's Beauty and the Beast. Belle is one of my favorite Disney princesses that came out when I was a kid. We have a lot in common a love of books, being big dreamers, and stubborn women.


Belle hanging out on my bookshelf near the bookmarks.


Books to Read:

Austin Kleon is celebrating ten years of his hit book How To Steal Like An Artist. In a recent newsletter he reflected about writing it and its success. I don't have the original, but I do have the journal he put out for it. I love it! Congratulations on your success!

Random Ramblings:

Understanding That Dream

I've always had strange dreams. Some mornings my senior year I'd tell my friend Fangirl them, to the point she bought me a dream journal for Christmas and told me to write them down. Well in the years since high school I've always left space in my journal entries for my dreams. In all those years though I've had a reoccurring dream that bugged the crap out of me. 

The Dream: I'm an adult who's returned to do senior year, or college, all over again even though I've completed it. Often times I'm freaking cause I haven't been to class most the year and now like the finals are happening and I fear I'm going to fail if I don't start going. Often times have forgotten my schedule, and can't find it in my bag, which added to the stress.  Sometimes I think I also remember forgetting my locker combo too. 

As I mentioned this is a dream I've had frequently over the years, I had it multiple times in one month. I knew my brain was trying to tell me something, but I couldn't figure it out. I tried multiple dream dictionaries looking up the symbols trying find the answers, but never had luck, that is till last month. I came across this article by Kate Bingham-Smith for Scary Mommy. Here she says "...all fingers point to stress, anxiety.." Upon reading that everything became clear. The keyword here is anxiety. As I've mentioned here before I suffer from bad anxiety issues, which does causes me a lot of stress to boot. Which explains the frequency of them, cause I'm frequently in the anxiety hole. Now knowing the cause I'm sure won't make the dreams go away, unless you can wave your hand and make my mental health issues go bye bye, but at least know I know why I have them. It'll make it less frustrating. 


Ok guys that's enough random rambling for the month. Next time I'm hoping to have you a Musical Moment post (I know been a moment since I've done that). I hope you all have a good weekend, have great adventures, and God bless. 

*Thrifty Geek*

Tuesday, March 15, 2022

Monthly Randoms: Of Gals, Cakes and Sandwich Boards

 Hello Friends,

I was hoping to start posting regularly again, but I'm very rusty, and the usual issues with the, which saying it at this point is making me a broken record, Mental Health Hydra B----. Well today I'm bringing you the late February Monthly Random. I know it's very late, but at this point I feel like I'm scrambling to do everything cause I feel like I'm behind on everything. I also know what your thinking: Where's the third part to the Vox Machina post? Sorry I over estimated that project a bit, I know I said I'd do it last week, but yeah I had crap happen. So that will come out at some point. Hopefully soon, but no promises. But I did want to go ahead to get this Random out instead of doing a combined February and March one. So here is the Randoms of February.

Random Name Change:

Did she change the blog name? Why yes I did change the name. When I moved my blog here it was called "Once Upon a Bologna Sandwich". I forget when I decided to change it, I had fallen out of love with Bologna sandwiches and changed it to Backwoods Geek. Well sometime this year, I felt the name of my blog was too boring, and I missed the whimsy of my first name. So I revamped it with a sandwich I never have gotten tired of and now it's "Once Upon A Turkey Sandwich".

Random Doings:

Week of the February 14th- 19th-

I was going to make a post about this last month, but then the Vox Machina posts took precedence.  So I'll start with Valentine's Day. I spent this day of love with the fam, cause I got no man to speak off. I gave my folks a parents' Valentine's with three pieces of candy each, the rest of their gifts came after I went out with Fangirl the next day. I received a card, a box of chocolates, and a bag of assorted Hershey's™ candy. Mom baked us a heart cake:

The frosting is strawberry. The cake is a plain cake.


Galentine's Day and my Monthly Granny Outing-

Fangirl and I hung out on the 15th, which became our Galentine's Day. I gave her some flowers and made her a Supernatural themed card. We hit our usual haunts such as Morgan's Comics in West Asheville. Morgan the owner is an amazing artist, not only does she sell her art, but you can find it around the shop like on her Sandwich Board:

Grogu is so cute!


I ended up coming across another cute sandwich board while I was out with my Granny the next day at Vale123Pizza:

Mom's B-Day-

The week rounded out the 18th with my Mother's Birthday. For the celebration my Mother made another cake:


It was Strawberry all the way through, my Mom's favorite. I know what your thinking: Didn't you just have cake four days earlier, yup. Still had some of it left too when this was made. Mid-February is the time of Strawberry flavored cake. You're also probably wondering why my Mom baked her own cake. Well my Dad I don't think knows how to back and I'm not allowed to. There was a Mom birthday cake related baking disaster when I was 16 my Mother has yet to fully forgive and definitely not forget.

Favorites From My Socials:

Reddit has some great video game themed artistry last month that got my upvote. This first was this Samus Metroid 3D Artwork that u/Wizyakuza created, you can purchase it here. The next piece of art is this cute crocheted Celeste, from Animal Crossing, done by u/EntertainTheDog. Lastly u/Shinamus shared this Uncharted fan video by Allan Ungar, which stars Nathan Fillon! 

There was strong  musician vibes last month on Instagram. Firstly, is from SJ Tucker, showing off a birthday present made for her from her song "In The House of Mama Dragon". It's a great song about this woman Sooj knows, even if you're not Pagan, you'll love it, I'm Christian and I love it. Second one is from Patti Smith featuring this beautiful spiral stone.

Doctor Who started Black History Month on Twitter with a throwback to their episode "Rosa", it was a powerful episode, one of the best not only of Whitaker's but I dare say the whole series. @KP11Studios shared this nerdy meme that totally explain why I am the way I am, and since Supernatural is part of that, you shouldn't be surprised I liked Chester the 67 Impala.

The like I'm showcasing from Tumblr was posted by What Greater Gift Than The Love Of A Cat called Snow Lovers. Reminds me of that snow scene in Garfield's Christmas Special from the 80's.

The cat content continues with TikTok. I follow 3 Southern Cats and Momma, and her cat Willow is a huge Reba McEntire fan. In this video, Willow gets a surprise when a certain red head songstress comments on a post.

Things To Watch:

I love the YouTuber LaurenzSide. As all her fans know she is a fan of bread. She is, after all the bread queen. Well Lauren discovered canned bread recently. When I saw the title I thought of Squidward in that one Spongebob Squarepants episode. Even Lauren mentioned that episode. I actually remember after seeing that show wondering if that was a thing, well apparently it is. 

Things I Wanna Get:

So this past Christmas my Great Aunt, in her generous nature, put together a bunch of gifts for me. Well one of those gifts was a box filled with assorted bags of candy. One of those was a candy I'd never tried before Andes Cherry Jubilee. I figured it was going to be Cherry flavored chocolate, but it was all that and better. It tasted like those chocolate covered cherries my Dad used to get at Christmas, but easier to eat.  

Things I've Found:

1. Since I heard about Maya Angelou's Quarter I wanted to get it when it was released. Well while I was out with my Grandmother she got two of them in some change she got back. I'm so happy to have gotten one. 

2. While out the same day I was perusing the Easter section, which I guess is utilized for Ostra too. I saw a selection of different light up eggs. I guess night egg hunting is getting big. The ones that caught my eye were these unicorn eggs:


My Mom would love these, she loves unicorns. I think they're cute.

3. I came across this shirt abandoned in Wal-Mart:

I feel like this is a good reminder we all need to try to do if we can. I said try, even I'm not nice all the time. 

4. So I was Mod the Sims looking for some Sims Custom Content, and I came across this custom lot designed to look like a Monopoly board. That alone was funny, what is even funnier is the description of it. I downloaded it, don't know how I'll use it. 

5. I think the Captain is responsible for this next, she shared this on her Facebook wall.  It's an article form Media Chomp entitled "Apparently People Don't Know How to Boil Water". It's talking about a  comment thread that starts with a discovery about hot tea, that leads to a debate about how to heat water. Now all this is all funny enough, but the cherry on top of it is the last comment where someone turns the thread comments into a Shakespearean play... I encourage you to read this guys, it's great.  

Well that is February's Randoms completed. I hope Your week is well, try to be kind, and may my God bless you!

*Thrifty Geek*

Wednesday, February 2, 2022

Monthly Randoms: Where I'm back From Oblivion and Playing Catch Up

 Hello Friends, 

I know what you're thinking: Where has she been? Or probably not. Probably didn't notice. It's okay I get overlooked frequently. Well according to this it's been right at six months since I posted, my bad. So I decided to start off with a Monthly Randoms that'll cover things for the last six months. So sit back, this one might take a minute...

Why Radio Silence?

So where I have I been? For those who have been here a bit once more the Mental Health Hydra B---- has been making a mess of things. Yes she's earned her B. Why have I decided to make her a female, cause she's frequently PMSing and she's been mucking things up the last few months. So one thing that has been getting worse thanks to her is my ability to focus and sit still. I've been wanting to make posts on things for the last few months, but motivating myself to write a blog post and focus long enough to do it... yeah... Not easy.  See I have anxiety which can cause being unfocused and fidgety, or on the rare occasion it's my Bipolar 2. Well it has been getting so bad lately that my therapist wondered if I had ADD/ADHD. So she gave me the assessment quiz for ADHD and from that she's like well it's looking like it's just this part of anxiety getting worse. Well a couple sessions later I was bemoaning my seemingly worsening state of focus and staying put and she's like "Oh is it you ADD?" and I'm like "You said I didn't have it." to which she replied "That's the problem with these things it's hard to tell." Though in out recent sessions she's pretty sure I do, but she wanted to get my Medication Psychologist to take a look and see if it was. I've had two sessions with him and we haven't breached that yet, I actually don't even wanna mention those sessions, I don't even discuss my Medication Psychologist drama for the last two to three years, it's that frustrating. 

In the summer things I felt were good mental health wise, then September came and with the dip of temps my mood. Christmas day wasn't actually bad this year, leading up to it little rough I mean there was the usual holiday stress induced breakdown, a few holiday related anxiety stuff that's bothered me the last few years that my therapist and the Captain finally helped me overcome, plus my TV blew leaving me with no TV now, and the sudden urge to redo my room a week or so before Christmas, which I still haven't finished, boxes are still everywhere in here. Then there was the fact my lack of motivation left me not making a gift for Jesus's birthday as I usually do every year and not wrapping Pop and mine's gifts till early Christmas morning, plus my sleep suffered all the week of Christmas but other than that I actually enjoyed Christmas. The day after my sister and her partner came up and spent the day with us and exchanged gifts, first time in two years we got to have a holiday visit. After that Sunday I assumed like usual after Christmas that week leading up to New Year's Eve would be one full of rest and settling back into normalcy... heh. Sleep apparently got peeved at me and decided to leave me. I started sleeping three hours then I'd wake up and couldn't go back to sleep so get up crash a few hours for another three hour sleep and that's the way it was all through January. The was two days where I'd get six hours in one go and one night of broken sleep, but not enough to make me feel better. My mental health was taking hit from this, plus add in this bitter cold we've been having... the Intrusive Thoughts have been partying. Well last couple days of January I've managed to get some decent sleep finally. Day before yesterday I actually woke up refreshed thought I was gonna get some writing done on my book, which I don't think I've worked on the actual book since Summer, but my anxiety bothered me a bit, and then I crashed for a couple hours, woke up and still bothered me and then I crashed till 1 am yesterday morning, then fell back asleep around noon or 1 pm till 4 pmish. So good I can sleep, but I'm hoping I'm not shifting from the unable to sleep portion of anxiety to the doing nothing but portion of it. 

So yeah that's my issues and how it's fracked in a nutshell. How about we move onto some more fun topics. That good with you guys? Good!

Pumpkin Festival 2021

After a year off due to Covid she was back bigger and better than ever... Quite literally she had the largest population attendance she's ever had, which we, Fangirl and I, as seasoned attendees felt as we safely tried to enjoy ourselves. We didn't get big with our costumes. Like we usually put a year long thought into our costumes, but last year we didn't learn till like halfway through the year I think that the festival was still on, plus Fangirl had medical issues that we didn't know what would come of that. So we decided to just have a chill year at the festival. I rewore my 2019 11th Doctor costume:

 Well Fangirl wore her medieval outfit she wears for her demonstration group at Ren Faires:

We saw a few cool characters around the festival like Angel Ponies and Batman and his Batmobile:

Fangirl and I usually compete in the costume contest, but do to our lax approach to costumes and the fact Fangirl is unable to stand in the long lines, which was difficult before her even before getting hit with her current medical issue, we just sat and watched from the porch of the Crabtree General Store while playing Pokemon Go

Seeing Econut 
After the festival we went to see Econut at her job as we always do. Hugging her up was a moment, that's all I can say. It'd been two years almost since I'd last seen my sister in person, it made me so happy to finally give her something as simple as a hug. Didn't want the visit to end even when her quitting time came, so her partner and her invited us back to their place for pizza. I was excited to learn they'd begun watching Supernatural, they'd made it to season four. We talked that a bit, caught up, and exchanged two year worth of gifts. It was a great end to a good day.
Of course it made it even better when the next day her partner texted me saying they had met Chuck and if we could trust him... Well of course I had to lie not spoiling that for them. I still hate myself for ruining Harry Potter for my sibling, not doing that again. They finished the series a few weeks ago. It's been fun seeing where they get to, slowly making fandom posts on Facebook, and both of them texting me lines and parts their at, and the inevitable disgruntlement over the series finale. I'm so proud.
Now to our usual sections in these posts. Sadly very poor job of saving things to post here for the last few months, so I'll share what little I have.
Favs On My Socials
Ok let's share the few things I've faved or the like on my socials:
1. I loved this pin on Pinterest involving a Black Panther actress and how it's not too late to go for your dreams. Is this actually true she'd started acting at 88?  
2. I love this Instagram post from The Good Advice Cupcake. It's a great reminder we're all beautiful. I love this Cupcake, she's making me smile. I first discovered through Perpetual Kid, and I'd like that product.

What Am I Jamming To?

At one point I was jamming to Five Days North's- Heaven Hold Us I first heard the song on Becca and The Books blog post. An awesome booktuber you should check her out.
Domino bu Jessie J which I found looking for the cover the group Venice did of it that I found watching this Supernatural video. Before you click be warned it is Cockles themed, so if no like no watch, but if you like that be it as a friendship or you ship it, then enjoy.
Also jamming to songs from Taylor's version of Red and Fearless

Things I Want

I want this beautiful set of Maya Angelou's entire works from Juniper Books. I love they come together to form the picture on the spines. I'd get the blue and red set. I'd really like her complete works, cause I only have her cook book and this collection of four of her poems in a book called Phenomenal Woman, and she was, I gotta say it, a phenomenal woman. I also want quarter which was release last month! I'll have to keep my eyes peeled!
Halloween last year Michael's had a nice Moon Phases piece that I would have totally hung on my wall, that's right I'm one of those people who utilize Halloween and Christmas decor year round. It's sadly no longer on the website, but you can view it in this Old Fashion Halloween post. Maybe I'll encounter it on a thrift store run.
 Ok, finally done! Ya'll I'm telling you my focus is shot. I use to be able to write post with in a couple hours this took me 24 hours or more. I hope we can do something, cause I feel like I use to be a multitasking master, now nope... Well happy 2/2/22 hope twoday is good, see what I did there, it's also middle of the week so there's a plus. I'll be back soon. I have a couple posts planned for the next few days. So here's hoping I will be starting to post regularly again. Good day, much love, and God bless.
*Thrifty Geek* and Vampire >vv< Kitty 

Monday, August 2, 2021

Monthly Randoms: July 2021, Supernatural, Vixella, and Soot Sprites

 Hello Friends,

I'm so disappointed in myself, I've been wanting to get back into making posts, I've managed on my socials but not here except the monthly randoms. I wanted to get to at least once a week, but I feel like I'm living in a daze and the days string together to the point I don't even know what day it is. I'm also having trouble focusing, which I think can be linked to my anxiety, but I'm also being currently tested for ADHD, since my ability to focus is getting worse. Hence why this post is late again and I'm struggling to focus just writing this.  Any who let's get to this month's monthly randoms.

Things to Watch:

So been watching Supernatural on TNT for the last couple days.  I still haven't seen all the eps, so the plan was to watch when they started back at the beginning, but they were only on season 9, so I said the heck with it. I know what you thinking how have I not seen them all? I just got into it a few years ago, and I don't have a streaming service or anything that allows me to watch from the beginning other than the TNT reruns. Speaking of which it's Gish week. One of my friends has signed up for it. She's been talking about doing and prepping for the event. 

I've started watching Vixella on Youtube, she's just this fun Youtuber. I was watching Laurenzside doing some new Sims video. It got me hankering for more, so I looked up more and found Vixella who's been mentioned on her vlog. I've watched a few and I've been enjoying them.

Seem's fidget toys are back in style, for better or worse, but a crafting Youtuber I follow aPasos Crafts DIY she recently made some homemade fidget toys. I love the egg one. Eggs are one of those food items that I think their products are cute, like sushi, just cute little food. 

I came across this One Shot Questers bit from last year where D&D meets Among Us. I love this two awesome games coming together. This is hilarious. 

Favorite of my Instagram Saves:

I saw my friend for the first time in months last month. She tells me that in her new space she has her Dean Winchester plush guarding her yarn stash. I was gonna ask her to send a picture of this. Lucky for me she posted it on her Instagram. He just looks like I've fought demons, angels, and monsters, now I'm guarding a Fangirl's yarn.

Random Things I've Found This Month:
So over at Epbot, she's been cranking out the crafts as usual, but she recently shared this cute post for DIY Soot Sprites!!!!!! I love the soot sprites! Their so cute!!!!!!

Ok that's my latest random. Hopefully I can get my butt in gear and start getting better about posting. I can hope right? So have fun with Gish those participating, God bless, and love you Geek Tribe!

*Thrifty Geek*

Saturday, April 24, 2021

Monthly Randoms April 2021- California Dreams, Neon Pegasus, and So Weird

 Hey friends,

Sorry slowly getting back into the swing of things on here. I have a list of post ideas and then days just blend together and I lose track. So here I'm back with another post! 

You know I do posts where I just talk on things going on or I'm into at the moment, kinda like Running in a Skirt and Austin Kleon does in his newsletter, well I'm going to make that a monthly thing. Once a month generally toward the latter part of the month I'll do a post of random things I wanna talk about from the month. So here's the first one.

Things I want to get:

California Dreams Soundtrack-

Thanks to I'm Stuck in 1999 over on Tumblr I have got a desire to find the California Dreams CD again. Their theme song was amazing and I have a yearning to hear it again. I hope I can get lucky and find one on Amazon or Ebay, or Thrift shopping, cause it's become somewhat of a rarity to find now. If you don't know know who they are California Dreams was a show in the 90's that came on along with Saved by the Bell. It was a bout a band called, you guessed it, California Dreams. As someone who use to want to do music as a career this was a favorite thing for me to watch. 

The "Lunar" Box from TheraBox-

I came across the Therabox thanks to Facebook ads, thinking about doing a post or more on some of my finds through these ads, and I am drooling over the "Lunar" box from the site. There's a few things in this box that I'd like to have. There's the Aminnah Skincare: Stardust Skies whipped body butter that just looks pretty, I'd almost be afraid to use it, but it sounds like it'd be awesome on my dry elbows. I also like the Happy Shoppe Manifest Your Dreams Notepad. I just think it'd been something I'd like to try.

Posi Vibes Fortune-Telling Dice by Rose Lazar-

Another site I came across thanks to Facebook ads is Smudge and they had a Posivibes kit that included these cute fortune telling dice. I was more interested in this dice so I found them being sold alone

Rainbow Keyboard and Mouse-

When I was shopping around for a new computer tower on Walmart I came across this Rainbow Keyboard and Mouse set. This is my dream keyboard/mouse set up. Then when I was pricing a tower in person at Best Buy I saw one in person. It was so beautiful.

Wonder Woman Mini Comics-

Wonder Woman is my top superhero. Well there's some mini comics of hers I wanna find.

Wonder Woman and the Star Riders vs. Purrsia #1- The first one I know I had at one point, it's probably kicking around my stored collection, but if not I wanna get it again because this was my very first Wonder woman comic. In 1993 Kellogg's Cinnamon Mini Buns Cereal had mini comics in their cereal. My sister I remember had the Flash one, he's one of her favorite superheroes, and I got Wonder Woman. I do hope I find it, so I don't have to pay out the nose to replace it.

General Mills cereals Justice League mini comics and cereal box - In searching for the previously mentioned comic I learned in 2017 General Mills released special edition Justice league boxes with one of four comics inside. I'd like to have gotten the Wonder Woman box and at least one comic for the Wonder Woman portion of my collection.  

Music I'm jamming to:

Neon Pegasus by Perry Gripp- Once upon a bologna sandwich my friend sent me a link to this music video telling me it reminded her of me. I loved it. Well earlier this month got to listening to it a lot again. The Neon Pegasus is definitely my aesthetic, dark and colorful, and so my Patronus, though unlike in the video my Pegasus would have neon stars on it's flank. 

How Do You Do (Pop Airplay Edit)- Cascada- Probably my favorite Cascada song. This is the only version I've found on Spotify so far, that I like,  that has all the lyrics.

If I Ruled the World- Big Time Rush with Iyaz- I've been jamming to this lately. I just wanna get up an dance to it, yeah I know it's from an old Nickelodeon show, but I'm the type is I jam to whatever music stirs my heart up.

The rest of the music is I guess what you'd call Supernatural adjacent.

Angel With a Shot Gun- The Cab- Poking around the Supernatural internet spaces I heard this song mentioned a few times by Destiel shippers. I finally gave it a listen. This. Is. An. Awesome. Song! I'm like rocking out so hard to it I'm getting weird looks from people when they see me do it.

Crazy Love- Jason Manns -So I've heard the through my fellow Supernatural peeps that Jenson Ackles sang this song. Well recently in my suggest Youtube videos I saw this video in which Jenson joins Jason Manns in singing it. So figuring no version of their's existed I found the original Van Morrison version and would listen to it. Well I discovered Manns had a Spotify page so I went and looked and he does have his version of the song on there, sadly not the version with Jenson.

 The Joker- Jason Manns and Jenson Ackles- I use to watch That 70's Show and there was a musical episode that included the gang singing this song, and I liked it. Well found the original version by the Steve Miller Band and listen to it, well few days ago was exploring what Jason Mann had to offer and found a version with Jenson Ackles. I love it! If you love Jenson's singing, this is a great song that displays that.

Things to Watch:

As we all know Disney has it's own streaming service, well in some of their commercials for it I knew they were going to show the old Disney Channel Movies I watched growing up. Well I wondered if they would be showing the older Disney channel original series from like when they first started doing that. Basically wondering if they were going to show So Weird my favorite of all original Disney Channel programming, well I've discovered they are! Sadly I can't afford streaming services, but knowing when/if I do stuff like this is possible to see again. If you've never seen it check it out. It's about a girl who travels the country with her rock star Mom, and come across the strange things of the universe. It also had amazing music, but sadly this predated the days Disney Channel made soundtrack CDs for the TV shows and movies. *pouts*

Favorite of my Instagram Saves:

Each month I'll try to share a link or two to my favorite Instagram saves. Well this month I'm sharing my favorites of all I've saved thus far.

The first one is from this month that the Pioneer Woman put out on or around Easter. I think it's just cute. This dog nose surrounded by beautifully colored eggs. It's just cute.

Jenna Ezarik, iJustine's sister, captures this beautiful beach view, I'd love to see sunset on the west coast.

My peeps at Morgan's comics shared this Skittles quote from Morgan Albritton, very deep and true.

Musician/Singer SJ Tucker has a beautiful new guitar I'm drooling over.

My Fur niece making the weirdest faces on a mini road trip a while back.

A little Junk G knowledge for those star shaped people.

Things that are annoying me:

People who decide to blast people for what they like, or telling people there's something not right about a person if they love something.  I've covered this on some of the socials, and at this point of the night/morning my frustration has burned down a bit, but it still bugs me.

Dang finally got through that. I've been writing on this for hours. Not only is there a lot of links to go through where I guess I'm on the high side of my newly officially diagnosed Bipolar 2 disorder, they'd only called it a mood disorder not wanting to misdiagnosed me, but since this is my second major high episode, my therapist is pretty sure I have that on top of everything else my mental health hydra goes through, yes another head ya'll. But I did it, and I hope you like. What are somethings you doing right now? Let me know in the comments. 

I hope you have a good weekend, embrace your tribe, and God bless you!

*Thrifty Geek* and Vampire >vv< Kitty