Showing posts with label sandwich boards. Show all posts
Showing posts with label sandwich boards. Show all posts

Tuesday, March 15, 2022

Monthly Randoms: Of Gals, Cakes and Sandwich Boards

 Hello Friends,

I was hoping to start posting regularly again, but I'm very rusty, and the usual issues with the, which saying it at this point is making me a broken record, Mental Health Hydra B----. Well today I'm bringing you the late February Monthly Random. I know it's very late, but at this point I feel like I'm scrambling to do everything cause I feel like I'm behind on everything. I also know what your thinking: Where's the third part to the Vox Machina post? Sorry I over estimated that project a bit, I know I said I'd do it last week, but yeah I had crap happen. So that will come out at some point. Hopefully soon, but no promises. But I did want to go ahead to get this Random out instead of doing a combined February and March one. So here is the Randoms of February.

Random Name Change:

Did she change the blog name? Why yes I did change the name. When I moved my blog here it was called "Once Upon a Bologna Sandwich". I forget when I decided to change it, I had fallen out of love with Bologna sandwiches and changed it to Backwoods Geek. Well sometime this year, I felt the name of my blog was too boring, and I missed the whimsy of my first name. So I revamped it with a sandwich I never have gotten tired of and now it's "Once Upon A Turkey Sandwich".

Random Doings:

Week of the February 14th- 19th-

I was going to make a post about this last month, but then the Vox Machina posts took precedence.  So I'll start with Valentine's Day. I spent this day of love with the fam, cause I got no man to speak off. I gave my folks a parents' Valentine's with three pieces of candy each, the rest of their gifts came after I went out with Fangirl the next day. I received a card, a box of chocolates, and a bag of assorted Hershey's™ candy. Mom baked us a heart cake:

The frosting is strawberry. The cake is a plain cake.


Galentine's Day and my Monthly Granny Outing-

Fangirl and I hung out on the 15th, which became our Galentine's Day. I gave her some flowers and made her a Supernatural themed card. We hit our usual haunts such as Morgan's Comics in West Asheville. Morgan the owner is an amazing artist, not only does she sell her art, but you can find it around the shop like on her Sandwich Board:

Grogu is so cute!


I ended up coming across another cute sandwich board while I was out with my Granny the next day at Vale123Pizza:

Mom's B-Day-

The week rounded out the 18th with my Mother's Birthday. For the celebration my Mother made another cake:


It was Strawberry all the way through, my Mom's favorite. I know what your thinking: Didn't you just have cake four days earlier, yup. Still had some of it left too when this was made. Mid-February is the time of Strawberry flavored cake. You're also probably wondering why my Mom baked her own cake. Well my Dad I don't think knows how to back and I'm not allowed to. There was a Mom birthday cake related baking disaster when I was 16 my Mother has yet to fully forgive and definitely not forget.

Favorites From My Socials:

Reddit has some great video game themed artistry last month that got my upvote. This first was this Samus Metroid 3D Artwork that u/Wizyakuza created, you can purchase it here. The next piece of art is this cute crocheted Celeste, from Animal Crossing, done by u/EntertainTheDog. Lastly u/Shinamus shared this Uncharted fan video by Allan Ungar, which stars Nathan Fillon! 

There was strong  musician vibes last month on Instagram. Firstly, is from SJ Tucker, showing off a birthday present made for her from her song "In The House of Mama Dragon". It's a great song about this woman Sooj knows, even if you're not Pagan, you'll love it, I'm Christian and I love it. Second one is from Patti Smith featuring this beautiful spiral stone.

Doctor Who started Black History Month on Twitter with a throwback to their episode "Rosa", it was a powerful episode, one of the best not only of Whitaker's but I dare say the whole series. @KP11Studios shared this nerdy meme that totally explain why I am the way I am, and since Supernatural is part of that, you shouldn't be surprised I liked Chester the 67 Impala.

The like I'm showcasing from Tumblr was posted by What Greater Gift Than The Love Of A Cat called Snow Lovers. Reminds me of that snow scene in Garfield's Christmas Special from the 80's.

The cat content continues with TikTok. I follow 3 Southern Cats and Momma, and her cat Willow is a huge Reba McEntire fan. In this video, Willow gets a surprise when a certain red head songstress comments on a post.

Things To Watch:

I love the YouTuber LaurenzSide. As all her fans know she is a fan of bread. She is, after all the bread queen. Well Lauren discovered canned bread recently. When I saw the title I thought of Squidward in that one Spongebob Squarepants episode. Even Lauren mentioned that episode. I actually remember after seeing that show wondering if that was a thing, well apparently it is. 

Things I Wanna Get:

So this past Christmas my Great Aunt, in her generous nature, put together a bunch of gifts for me. Well one of those gifts was a box filled with assorted bags of candy. One of those was a candy I'd never tried before Andes Cherry Jubilee. I figured it was going to be Cherry flavored chocolate, but it was all that and better. It tasted like those chocolate covered cherries my Dad used to get at Christmas, but easier to eat.  

Things I've Found:

1. Since I heard about Maya Angelou's Quarter I wanted to get it when it was released. Well while I was out with my Grandmother she got two of them in some change she got back. I'm so happy to have gotten one. 

2. While out the same day I was perusing the Easter section, which I guess is utilized for Ostra too. I saw a selection of different light up eggs. I guess night egg hunting is getting big. The ones that caught my eye were these unicorn eggs:


My Mom would love these, she loves unicorns. I think they're cute.

3. I came across this shirt abandoned in Wal-Mart:

I feel like this is a good reminder we all need to try to do if we can. I said try, even I'm not nice all the time. 

4. So I was Mod the Sims looking for some Sims Custom Content, and I came across this custom lot designed to look like a Monopoly board. That alone was funny, what is even funnier is the description of it. I downloaded it, don't know how I'll use it. 

5. I think the Captain is responsible for this next, she shared this on her Facebook wall.  It's an article form Media Chomp entitled "Apparently People Don't Know How to Boil Water". It's talking about a  comment thread that starts with a discovery about hot tea, that leads to a debate about how to heat water. Now all this is all funny enough, but the cherry on top of it is the last comment where someone turns the thread comments into a Shakespearean play... I encourage you to read this guys, it's great.  

Well that is February's Randoms completed. I hope Your week is well, try to be kind, and may my God bless you!

*Thrifty Geek*