Friday, May 3, 2019

Free Comic Book Day and Marvel

Hello my nerdy friends,

Free Comic Book Day is coming up. I've made my list of comics I'm particularly interested in, got my big bag ready to hold stuff, and wondering who's dying in Avengers: Endgame, yeah I such an optimist aren't I? Yeah we decided to save this movie for FCBD to continue the tradition, at least for the last few years of a comic book movie on FCBD. Speaking of things Marvel have you seen you guys seen the awesomeness Jimmy Fallon did? That probably is a stupid question isn't it? I wish this song could be available for download.

Captain Marvel
Last month to get ready for Endgame Fangirl and I went and saw Captain Marvel. I have to say after the feels of Infinity War this movie was a little more easier on the emotions except when Stan Lee came on the screen. I mean come on we all had feels there. I love the nostalgia: old businesses and phone booths, I mean even the movie's website screamed 90's, ah the days when almost everyone had a website. I also loved seeing some familiar old faces in this movie, and new ones like Goose! I foresee cats being named Goose. Fangirl thinks the cat was so named for the Spruce Goose, but I say he was named Goose from Top Gun. What do you all think? I think Captain Marvel maybe my third favorite comic hero now. Second being Storm from X-Men, and the top slot going to Wonder Woman.

Free Comic Book Day
One of my favorite geeky holidays is FCBD, it's free comics! I also try to make sure to purchase something so I'm just not getting free stuff, gotta love a massive conscious. I'm looking forward to this year's Doctor Who comic and the Whedonverse one.  Do you guys have any your looking forward to getting?

Well I have a lot of geekiness coming up, I hope you guys have a good week end, and God bless you!
Ninja <[0000]---------------[0000]> Writer

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