Showing posts with label Comics. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Comics. Show all posts

Monday, May 16, 2022

The Free Comic Book Day Haul Review

 Hey comic book friends, 


The 7th was Free Comic Book Day. I have already breezed through my selections. So today I'm going to review them. 

Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Official Prelude To The Armageddon Game

In this comic we are introduced to a new leg of the comics with a throwback to the original TMNT comic that premiered the month before I was born. The comic artist decided to do the intro just like the first issue, they even include the original. This was a nice little comic, and learned a really great bit of Turtles history. Of course bit darker than say TV turtles, but I already knew that was the case with the comics turtles, which nothing wrong with that, but just a good heads up for those who aren't familiar with the comic turtles.

Doctor Who Comic 2022

In this comic we see the further adventures of the Fugitive Doctor in an early encounter with Earth. it is this encounter that changes her mind of how she views Earth. Which leads into the First Doctor touching down on Earth for what he believes is the first time. Uh it's all wibbly wobbly time wimey right? This was another great Doctor Who comic, I always enjoy them the free and the ones I buy.


This turned out to be my favorite comic out of the whole bunch. This is about Izzy Crane who moves to Sleepy Hollow and finds herself among the descendants of the legend's characters . She even gets the hots for Victoria Van Tassel, which upon learning Izzy's last name tries to avoid her, I mean it's bad enough she's a Van Tassel. There's also a really mysterious guys walking around other than the horseman that may be set to cause misfortune in the town. I'm going to be honest when this comic drops this September I may have to check it out. I love The Legend of Sleepy Hollow and this series looks like it'll be a great read.

Buffy the Vampire Slayer: The 25th Anniversary

This comic starts as a yearbook style thing. Characters from the comics are lined up yearbook style with superlatives and special sections that's suppose to be the throwback to 25 years I guess. We then get a preview to a new comic series coming out. I'm going to be honest little disappointed. I was looking for more of a look back than what we got. I'm not even sure which comics they pulled from for their pics, was it actually different comic series, or just one of them. I'm thinking it was from the different series with the characters, but I don't know. It just left me like "that was our look back"? It just felt underwhelming. 

Extra Helpings:

Wonder Woman: Tempest Tossed Wonder Woman Day Special Edition 

Now this wasn't part of FCBD offerings. This was a left over from another free comic event that Morgan's Comics had so they brought them out to offer for folks that may have missed the event. I being a Wonder Woman fan couldn't say no to a freebie. This gives us a look at a chapter from the graphic novel of the same name. It's a Wonder Woman origin story looks like. Always love a good origin story. Looks like a interesting graphic novel where Diana is accidentally swept away from her island. So I don't know if the novel itself is any good, let me know in the comments. 

That's all she reviewed. Yeah I usually don't go ham on getting comics on FCBD just from fandoms or ones that sound interesting and initially only four caught me interest, which is usually good since stores usually have a limit on what you get. I hope you enjoyed, much love this week. and God bless.

*Thrifty Geek*

Friday, May 10, 2019

Free Comic Book Day 2019

Happy Friday Friends,

In today's post we'll be talking Free Comic Book Day (FCBD), I may have mentioned it before but this is one if not my favorite geeky holiday.


I prepared for the day by painting my nails as close to a comic book yellow as I could get ( I used a wet n wild® yellow). Then using a technique I learned a long time ago somewhere on Facebook I guess I added newsprint to it. This is achieved by soaking your nails in alcohol and laying a piece of news print over your nail briefly and the words will transfer. Sadly you can't see the news print well in this picture.


On to the day itself,  the morning which smelled so good. We went to our usual first FCBD stop Hero Hunter comics, which had moved and seemed to be closed. We learned from a guy later that they'd closed the week before. I don't know if it's permanent or what.

Morgan's Comics

We headed to Morgan's Comics, and ran into the guy who use to own Not So Old Toys and Comics, he may still he said he might come back so not sure. A lot of unsure on businesses on this day.
It was sensory overload as it usually at comic shops during FCBD. There were free comics, figures, and an old NES system. Saw a really nice Batman costume and a woman with I assume her kids who was dressed in a cute TARDIS dress. I ended up picking up a couple d10's to add to my collection:

I've done named them so that'll be part of a dice naming post at some point.

Comic Envy

Our next Stop was Comic Envy where Captain Sparrow was manning traffic yet again, he had a few helpers later encouraging people to stop by. 

 One of my favorite costumes I saw here was the worker dressed as Luna Lovegood, one of my favorite characters from Harry Potter. I also ran into an old Film and Video classmate. He was geeking out with his sons. I ended up purchasing a couple comics, one being Marvel True Believers® #1 Earth's Mightiest Hero Captain Marvel. Ever since her movie she's made my top three superheros. I can't tell you the second one cause it's a gift for someone.

The Wayvern's Tale
We popped next door at The Wayvern's Tale, a cool gaming store that has become part of our FCBD rounds. So many games and stuff I wanna purchase, but then I'd be broke. I did get couple dice. One as a gift, and this cute little one:

For some reason this dice reminds me of Big Hero 6's Baymax.
I also saw the TARDIS Mom again, so nice to know we weren't the only one's making rounds to the nerdy stores that day.

Avengers: Endgame

We then headed to the movie theater for lunch and to see Avengers: Endgame. All I can say is wow! It was an epic movie with epic feels. I may have actually shed a tear or two. *warning channeling Captain Malcom Reynolds* I got goosbumps during this movie. If you haven't seen it, see it before it gets spoiled for you if you can.

And can I just say what Stan Lee says for his final cameo is good words, though I think "Excelsior" would have been more perfect. I just hope they find ways of honoring him in other movies.

Other Geeky Haul

After the movie to move around a bit, and maybe a bit of retail therapy, we did some shopping. I came across the entire first season of Angel which I happily purchased given I have yet to get any Buffyverse episodes yet.

Geeky Inspiration

As I was out I found myself being inspired by what I saw, so I crafted a poem:

FCBD 2019 Observations

The floral scents of morning
 Sweetly kiss the nose
Are we saying goodbye
To the one who introduced us to this day?
The Wendy's worker in the mascot's clothing
Dances on the roadside with balloons tied to her arms
A sidewalk traveler spontaneously busts a move
While at a stop light a driving woman sings to the music
A familiar face pops up at a new place
Someday he might return to us
A stop sign has become a vegan's message
"STOP eating animals"
A band jams under an overpass
Beneath the flying squirrels
The purple bus zooms by
Proclaiming someone's done weirder
The afternoon rain drenches the world
As an epic battle plays before our eyes

So did you guys have any favorite comics from this year? I'm still working through mine. Right now no surprise my favorite is Doctor Who. I hope you have a good weekend, geek it up, and may God bless you!
Ninja <[0000]---------------[0000]> Writer

Friday, May 3, 2019

Free Comic Book Day and Marvel

Hello my nerdy friends,

Free Comic Book Day is coming up. I've made my list of comics I'm particularly interested in, got my big bag ready to hold stuff, and wondering who's dying in Avengers: Endgame, yeah I such an optimist aren't I? Yeah we decided to save this movie for FCBD to continue the tradition, at least for the last few years of a comic book movie on FCBD. Speaking of things Marvel have you seen you guys seen the awesomeness Jimmy Fallon did? That probably is a stupid question isn't it? I wish this song could be available for download.

Captain Marvel
Last month to get ready for Endgame Fangirl and I went and saw Captain Marvel. I have to say after the feels of Infinity War this movie was a little more easier on the emotions except when Stan Lee came on the screen. I mean come on we all had feels there. I love the nostalgia: old businesses and phone booths, I mean even the movie's website screamed 90's, ah the days when almost everyone had a website. I also loved seeing some familiar old faces in this movie, and new ones like Goose! I foresee cats being named Goose. Fangirl thinks the cat was so named for the Spruce Goose, but I say he was named Goose from Top Gun. What do you all think? I think Captain Marvel maybe my third favorite comic hero now. Second being Storm from X-Men, and the top slot going to Wonder Woman.

Free Comic Book Day
One of my favorite geeky holidays is FCBD, it's free comics! I also try to make sure to purchase something so I'm just not getting free stuff, gotta love a massive conscious. I'm looking forward to this year's Doctor Who comic and the Whedonverse one.  Do you guys have any your looking forward to getting?

Well I have a lot of geekiness coming up, I hope you guys have a good week end, and God bless you!
Ninja <[0000]---------------[0000]> Writer

Tuesday, May 29, 2018

Great Strides and Free Comic Book Day 2018

Hello this rainy night my friends,

I hope and pray all is well with you guys. Before this rain shut down on us I've been taking advantage of the outdoors and my mindscape. I have not been able to sit still as of late. But here I am ready to regal you with the month's fun. Sit back this maybe a long one. These particular events took place during a course of two days.

Great Strides
Since 2007 my peeps and me have off and on participated in this great cause. Great Strides is an amazing event that raises money for the Cystic Fibrosis Foundation. There are walks all over every year to collect the money you've raised thus far and just celebrate your efforts. Why do I walk you may ask? Well this is why I walk:

You'd know her as the Captain. I've watched her battle this beast and it's minions, she's a strong little warrior, she may not look it, but she is.
 This is the first time in a few years we've all got to get together to do the walk as one big group. Since they changed were we use to walk and most our walk team is out in Franklin, we decided to walk out there.
The walk took place on May the Fourth be with you. Yes they put up some Star Wars decorations for the occasion. They even had a magician on hand, which Fangirl called it on his profession before he announced it.
While it wasn't Carrier Park, it was still a spectacular walk. There was a river to one side with people fishing on boats:
There was even a beaver pond:

I found my first painted rock hanging out in a tree:
The back said to post it Franklin NC Post, Fangirl said the tag should be #WNCrocks so there's both of them which ever it is. These rocks special made for the event was all over the trail. This one was my favorite:
They told us what was collected at this walk total over $14,000. I hope all these takes us closer to a cure.

It was great seeing all my best friends together in one place again. We had laughs, goofed off, talked Supernatural, and asked the important questions like "Could the Doctor lift Thor's hammer?"

Free Comic Book Day 2018

So the next day was my favorite Geeky Holiday: Free Comic Book Day!!! It was a rainy day off and on, but it did not dampen Fangirl's nor my spirits as we jammed to some Geeky tunes, well at least my spirits weren't,  Fangirl may have had a weather induced headache.
We had a new stop to make this year in the town of Canton at a shop called Not So Old Toys and Comics:

Usually when we've gone it's when his Mom is running the place, but today Mr. Rogers was there himself. Now since this store doesn't get in brand spakin new comics, they didn't have the free comics that were to be offered , but they did have special sales and maybe their own free selection. For the first 30 peeps in the store you got a free goodie bag. It was a Transformers Prime bag and the swag was 3 issues of Street Sharks, that was a trip down memory lane. I never read the comics or saw the show, but I remember the commercials for the toy line. Plus the ads found in these books take me back, they were the same ones that could be found in other magazines of my childhood. I purchased a unicorn for my Mom for Mother's day, while Fangirl gave into her Transformers fandom and bought a figure to add to her collection. I couldn't tell you the name of the character it's beyond the basics I think.
Their always watching...

Our next stop was Hero Hunter Comics, the origin store of our Free Comic Book Day hijinxs all that time ago. I'm happy to announce that after all these years they're going to be heading to what I hope a bigger local. I'm excited for them. So next year maybe we'll have a new shiny shop to raise havoc in. I purchased a Wonder Woman Bombshells Pin, because she's my favorite superhero. I also purchased a Princess Leia Pin, this was mainly cause I was thinking on the things I'd been telling Fangirl about her on the drive over there her prayer candle, warning bad gesture, and her glitter habits.

As we partook of the monthly Chinese feast,  Econut called to inform me of her comic haul, which included three rare Pirates of Dark Water comics.... *pouts* Do you guys remember that cartoon, if you do you rock!

The next location was suppose to be Haywood Comics, but in trying to find parking we ended up on one of our "adventures", code word for getting lost.  We went from West Asheville, to Carrier Park, through the River Arts District, and into Downtown. This surprised us when we ended up in downtown, yeah we decided not to back track.

But sometimes the unexpected journeys can be even better than what you planned. West Asheville is one of my favorite sections of Asheville, like many places in the city it has some amazing art on it's buildings:

Plus, I've always wanted to go to the River Arts District of Asheville which was a fun place to explore, and of course boasted it's own building art:

Or the building themselves seemed to catch my interest:

This is what I love about Asheville and the unexpected trips you never know what gems your gonna find.

As we headed on to Comic Envy we heard this street musician singing about going away in his time machine, my inner Whovian got giddy and pretty appropriate for the day I thought (one of the free comics was Doctor Who, yes I remembered to get it this year).

We got to Comic Envy only to learn they had moved and were on Merrimon avenue now. So another back track venture and we found it's new home. Captain Jack Sparrow was at his usual post directing traffic and getting his goof on.

It was a busy FCBD as usual. I decided to purchase another Doctor Who comic The Twelfth Doctor: Ghost Stories.

While out that way I suggested we go to The Wyvern's Tale, a gaming store I'd been wanting to go into for a bit. It just so happened to be down the road, so once Fangirl slapped her latest bumper stickers on her vehicle, we were off.

The Wyvern's Tale was a gamers wonderland. I added to my dice collection, amongst the purchases was a weather dice, and a blue transparent 6 sided die with a tiny white 6 sided die within.  I was eyeing some mini's and other wondrous treasures, but had to remind myself gotta save some dough for your Mother's Day gifts. The guy who run me up was nice and helpful, so that made my day.

As we headed to see Infinity Wars we saw more of the city's quirk that I've come to love. There was this mural I was really drawn to I guess cause I still love making dandelion wishes and I think one of my favorite flowers, the daisy, is in that bouquet.

As we got to the obelisk we found a man making huge bubbles:

I think a piece of me would have enjoyed just taking a moment to be out there enjoying the show.

So what were my thoughts of Infinity Wars? Like Marvel stuck a knife in my chest twisted it a bit yanked it out with my my heart still on the blade and stomped on it, yet I still found myself laughing and now quoting bits of the movie, that's a marvel movie for you I guess.

After the feels fest we dined upon Applebee's where apparently my constant energetic state as of late, well prior to being sick and the rain, made me actually have an appetite. Then a meal pick up for the folks and then we slogged home to the sounds of geek.

What were my favorite comics of my haul? Well Doctor Who of course, especially the 11th's story and maybe Lady Mechanika even though the 1st part was a recap from a past FCBD comic.

How has you May been my friends? Did you guys do anything for FCBD what were your favorite comments? Let me know in the comments. I hope you guys have a great week and may God bless you all, and hope it's sunny where your at.

Ninja <[0000]---------------[0000]> Writer