Monday, May 16, 2022

The Free Comic Book Day Haul Review

 Hey comic book friends, 


The 7th was Free Comic Book Day. I have already breezed through my selections. So today I'm going to review them. 

Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Official Prelude To The Armageddon Game

In this comic we are introduced to a new leg of the comics with a throwback to the original TMNT comic that premiered the month before I was born. The comic artist decided to do the intro just like the first issue, they even include the original. This was a nice little comic, and learned a really great bit of Turtles history. Of course bit darker than say TV turtles, but I already knew that was the case with the comics turtles, which nothing wrong with that, but just a good heads up for those who aren't familiar with the comic turtles.

Doctor Who Comic 2022

In this comic we see the further adventures of the Fugitive Doctor in an early encounter with Earth. it is this encounter that changes her mind of how she views Earth. Which leads into the First Doctor touching down on Earth for what he believes is the first time. Uh it's all wibbly wobbly time wimey right? This was another great Doctor Who comic, I always enjoy them the free and the ones I buy.


This turned out to be my favorite comic out of the whole bunch. This is about Izzy Crane who moves to Sleepy Hollow and finds herself among the descendants of the legend's characters . She even gets the hots for Victoria Van Tassel, which upon learning Izzy's last name tries to avoid her, I mean it's bad enough she's a Van Tassel. There's also a really mysterious guys walking around other than the horseman that may be set to cause misfortune in the town. I'm going to be honest when this comic drops this September I may have to check it out. I love The Legend of Sleepy Hollow and this series looks like it'll be a great read.

Buffy the Vampire Slayer: The 25th Anniversary

This comic starts as a yearbook style thing. Characters from the comics are lined up yearbook style with superlatives and special sections that's suppose to be the throwback to 25 years I guess. We then get a preview to a new comic series coming out. I'm going to be honest little disappointed. I was looking for more of a look back than what we got. I'm not even sure which comics they pulled from for their pics, was it actually different comic series, or just one of them. I'm thinking it was from the different series with the characters, but I don't know. It just left me like "that was our look back"? It just felt underwhelming. 

Extra Helpings:

Wonder Woman: Tempest Tossed Wonder Woman Day Special Edition 

Now this wasn't part of FCBD offerings. This was a left over from another free comic event that Morgan's Comics had so they brought them out to offer for folks that may have missed the event. I being a Wonder Woman fan couldn't say no to a freebie. This gives us a look at a chapter from the graphic novel of the same name. It's a Wonder Woman origin story looks like. Always love a good origin story. Looks like a interesting graphic novel where Diana is accidentally swept away from her island. So I don't know if the novel itself is any good, let me know in the comments. 

That's all she reviewed. Yeah I usually don't go ham on getting comics on FCBD just from fandoms or ones that sound interesting and initially only four caught me interest, which is usually good since stores usually have a limit on what you get. I hope you enjoyed, much love this week. and God bless.

*Thrifty Geek*

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