Monday, April 4, 2022

Happy Birthday Maya Angelou!

 Hey friends,

I know this was suppose to be a Musical Moment post, but word reached me today was my favorite poet Maya Angelou's Birthday, and it is now National Poetry Month, it's also Take Your Poet to School Week, and anyone who's been here a bit knows I enjoy poetry, I'm a pot myself, I've actually been published, I mean it was one time, but still makes me published (anyone who has a March 2015 issue of WNC Woman will find my poem Believing in there). Well for all these reasons and a call out to Maya's fans to help celebrate this years Dr Maya Angelou Day of Reading theme Still I Rise, I decided to delay my planned post for this great celebration, by doing the post for Maya I'd already planned to do sometime this month.

How I Discovered Maya Angelou and Her Impact On Me

My first encounter with the activist/poet/writer/actress/singer/any other titles I can't thing of right now was back in middle school. It was in my 8th grade Language arts class taught by Mrs. Hooker where it happened. Our reading for that day in our books was a excerpt taken from I know Why the Caged Bird Sings. I think a section involving the woman in Arkansas she knew growing up who had her own home library that she let Maya use. Well Mrs. Hooker informed us it was part of a whole autobiography and offered it up for any of us to read, maybe for extra credit. Well I joined the list. I remember starting strong plowing through it with my usual read frenzy, but as we got to her older years in the book I suddenly just dropped off reading to the point I'd had it so long I was afraid I'd get in trouble so I had to return it as an unfinished read. I'm still perplexed as why I dropped off, It makes no sense given things I was reading at that time. But that was the start. Over the next couple decades she'd become more elevated in my favorites. Her poem Phenomenal Women would get on my radar when it was used in the movie Beauty Shop. I know this movie isn't a well like as the rest of the franchise, but I love it, and it was curiosity at what beautiful poem they were quoting that led me to look it up, and discover it was Dr Angelou. This is now one of my favorite poems of all time. Maya also is a contributing factor to which Madea movie is my favorite. Madea's Family Reunion is my top favorite and one of the reasons is because Maya has a role as one of the matriarchs in the family. One of my classmates had the pleasure of meeting her at a health convention some years ago, I was jealous of this guy cause he got to shake her hand. I'd hoped to get to get to meet this amazing woman, but sadly it did not get to happen, at least this side of the veil of life, for as many or you know, or may not know, she passed in 2014. I honored her my watching OWN's Sunday dedication the did, by airing all the specials they did involving her. It was during that watching that I burst into tears. I'm not sure if it's what Maya was saying, the fact I never got to meet her, the fact she was gone, or some combination, but this is the first time I've cried over a noted human's passing. I've been sorrowful over many. but never cried. I even created a digital art piece in her memory, called The Caged Bird Is Free. I like to think she's ascended to a glorious higher form.

Still I Rise

This years theme for the theme, for Maya Angelou's Birthday celebration they've decided for her  Day of Reading to do it around another powerful poem of hers: Still I Rise.

I find this poem to be one of her most amazing works due to the fact how it speaks to me and empowers me. I've often found people who'd suppress because I'm poor, or a woman, and there's probably people who'd try to suppress me because of my mental health. It's due due to my mental health that I find a bully in my mind in the form the Mental Health Hydra. When she describes the things people do to her  it sounds like some of the the thoughts the hydra sends my way trying to break me, but like the poem says I keep rising. Even when this monster crushes me and I feel like I want to give up, I keep coming back, rising up from my broken thoughts, because I will not give it the satisfaction of beating me. When I read this poem it reminds me how I constantly am rising up in my daily battles.

My Future Maya Angelou Shelf

It's my goal to someday have a space big enough where I can properly display my books and book/author items. I'd also like to dedicate shelf space to certain series or authors. One of the authors I want to give space to is Dr Angelou. So I thought given the day I'd take time to discuss what that'd include or what I'd like to to have included as part of that space, if this is something you have no interst in just skip to the conclusion.

First a foremost are her books, sadly all I have been able to get is the Phenomenal Woman: Four Poems Celebrating Women book which includes the title poem and Still I Rise, it's the book I used in the above picture. I also have her Hallelujah! The Welcome Table: A Lifetime of Memories with Recipes cookbook. My book goals is to purchase the blue version of this Juniper Books set of her complete works they would look gorgeous in her space.

Included in this space would be the Maya Angelou items I have acquired in addition to her books. First there's her lovely quarter that I managed to get a hold of thanks to my Granny:


Speaking of issued items, there is also her stamps, which I swore my folks had given me a framed set, and I haven't found them yet, so yes those will be included if I find them, if not they'll be something I want to get. Other items I want to get include this Maya Angelou Barbie® Inspiring Women™ Doll, cause this hits my poetic and toy collector sides. She's beautiful in doll form, and I just love the Barbie mint of her book I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings, it's so cute.

Lastly is this beautiful Litographs poster for the Phenomanal Woman book I have. This wouldn't fit on the shelf, but it would be displayed on a wall nearby, at least I hope it would. I was actually a contributor for their tribute project they did in Dr Angelou's honor after her passing. I use to know where I was at in this guess I'll have to hunt for it again. Wouldn't mind the bag from this as a book tote she says hinting to gift giving peeps, actually this whole section is a gift giving hints for you in case you guys missed it.

Conclusion Section For Those Skipping The Last Section

So to conclude I wish Maya a happy birthday. I hope she is celebrating today phenomenally, cause she truly is a "phenomenal woman", and yes I said "is" cause death does not negate this fact. Happy Birthday Dr. Angelou!

So my friends take time today to read her work, watch one of her movies, and just remember her. Also remember it is Take Your Poet to School Week, with Poet in a Cupcake Day this Friday, and Tweetspeak does have a Maya Angelou cut-out you can use for the celebration, and you can reuse it for Take You Poet to Work Day in the 3rd Wednesday in July. 

So have a good week, read a poem (especially a Maya one), and God bless!

*Thrifty Geek*

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