Showing posts with label Emma. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Emma. Show all posts

Saturday, January 27, 2018

Saturday Morning Sharings

Hello my friends,

I hope this post finds you all well. I have been in winter's grip, not as bad as the peeps in the north have had this year, but enough to turn me into a zombie* I think more so than usual, add in some other rough patches health wise and it's been a rather less than warm welcome to the new year. But we are thawed out, for now, and I'm trying shock life back into me. So for this post I'm kinda gonna channel Julie Wunder's Running in a Skirt blog where she does these posts occasionally called Currently and Things I'm Loving Lately, in which she discusses things she's doing, or into at the moment. Also probably homing in on Austin Kleon's Email Newsletters. I'm just gonna talk some things I'm enjoying or getting into right now.

Latest Movie Purchase
I don't buy movies often, but I saw Enchanted in the store and it's defiantly a top favorite of mine, so I had to get it. When this was out in theaters in 2007 I think, cause the DVD says the DVD released in 2008, I saw this twice, once with Fangirl, and then the two of us went to see it with my sister**, both times I came out of the theater feeling so happy. This is a feel good movie for me. It also is the reason I really think people need to just break into a good song and dance number a least once a day, any more than that and we're treading into Buffy the Vampire Slayer's Once More With Feeling territory in which singing and dancing not so great.

I was really happy to find the music video for Carrie Underwood's Ever After on the disc, I think I only kept catching snippets of it when it was on the TV, but now I finally got to see it all, and like the movie it makes me smile. It's one of my top two favorite songs from the soundtrack, That's How You Know is the other, and yes I purchased the soundtrack not long after I saw it the first time.

Another extra I love from this DVD is when they took three of the scenes and showed how they put it all together. Some people don't like having the secrets of scenes revealed, cause they feel the magic is ruined, it's never really ruined it for me, I find it all fascinating.

Attempting to Reread
I was hankering for some Jane Austen so I decided to reread Emma, but the mood has passed I believe I only seem to read a few sentences and I put it back down. Errr.

What's On My Youtube
I don't know how I came across this YouTube Channel but I'm enjoying it. It's called Book Roast brought to us by avid reader Gintare, I think I got that name right. She talks books, does critiques, but not in a ripping it to bits way. She also does a few subscription box openings, if I wasn't so broke I know at least one I'd subscribe to if I had extra cash to spend. She's a big Potterhead, a couple of her poxes are Potter themed. One of her bookcase shelves is dedicated to the series (I've wanted to do that too with not only the Potter series, but a few others as well).

Games I'm Zombieing Over
I've been playing Con Man: The Game a lot lately. It's based off the show Con Man with Alan Tudyk and Nathan Fillion. You basically get to fulfill your geeky fantasies and build your own convention. It's got everything in this game alien battles , geek culture references, and an elderly woman who has listened to Ray Steven's The Streak one to many times. There's even appearances by not only the main stars of the show, but some other members of the geek fame: Kevin Smith, Felicia Day, and Joss Whedon to name a few. If your a fan of the show, or want to run your own con I totally recommend this game if your looking to pass some time.

I've also been getting back into Dungeons and Dragons Online. I've been playing my blue haired elf trying to relearn everything. She got knocked over by a horde of trolls, one never wants to be adventuring alone and see a gang of trolls running at you.

In Memory
I sadly learned a singer who's music I enjoyed passed away. Her name was Lari White. Some of my favorite tunes included That's My Baby, Ready, Willing, And Able, and Take Me I thank her for the great music and hope she's at peace now.

I shall end my transmission here. I hope you all enjoy your weekend. God bless you!

Ninja <[0000]---------------[0000]> Writer

*PS- When I refer to myself as a Zombie or in zombie mode, it's that mind set where your just sitting there numbly going through your day. You don't feel quite all there.

**PSS- My sister was dying to get out of the house and asked Fangirl and me if we all could go out, despite the fact Fangirl and I had just came in from a out of state trip. Enchanted was still playing and they only thing I think good to see that night. I'll never for get the look on my sister's face when the opening musical number came on. One could read her thoughts "WHAT THE CRAP HAVE THEY BROUGHT ME TO?!"