Showing posts with label Winter. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Winter. Show all posts

Monday, March 4, 2019

Chilly Day Update

Hello on this chilly day my friends,

Since you can tell from the lack of post Friday, I really have nothing to write about lately, I also really don't have anything for to day so I'm gonna take a page from Julie Wunder at Running in a Skirt and tell you about what things are going on in my life right now and the stuff I'm into.

Weather: We got really spoiled with some beautiful weather, I ventured outside for pictures, sadly still was too muddy to do much.  Then last night the temps started to drop and we got a light dusting of snow.  Thankfully it wasn't enough to cause issue on the infamous hill road and freeze it. See our road is mostly a hill and there's one section that barely gets any sun during the winter, so it tends to stay iced up bad after a snow.
I also want to extend my condolences to the families affected by the tornadoes yesterday, I pray God sends you the help you need and strength.

What Am I Watching?
: Apart from my regular shows my TV has been going from the Cooking Channel and Food Network to the Destination America channel I think the latter shows a lot reruns of Travel Channel stuff, and maybe other things in that family of channels. Online I've been watching Critical Roll I'm still making my way through the first campaign. I love watching this group play D & D.

Gaming: On the computer I've been playing Dungeon Lords, which is proving difficult, not because of technical difficulties, but mostly cause there's a function where you can resurrect yourself, but it costs. Each time you do it it'll take a stat like strength or intelligence, well I did it one to many time now my strength is low and I'm having to build it back up.
On my tablet I'm playing Guild of Heroes, it's a nice little game to play when I'm feeling bored, and I seem to be having better luck than the other one. Well I was not doing so hot right now.

Misadventures in Cooking:  Besides some crock pot cooking, I've really been enjoying a new way of eating my noodles. I was sitting at my computer wondering what I could eat, and then it hit me wonder how Ranch would taste with them. So I did a web search, of course Hidden Valley® as did Mr. Food® and I just cooked the noodle tossed and instead of seasoning added a little butter and ranch.

Books: Besides my Bible and quarterly I'm not really reading anything right now, I have four books I'm waiting for at the library but each is a long wait time, I may have to clean out in front of my bookshelf where I have a bunch of yet to reads and read something from there.

What are you guys up to? Hope it's warmer where you are. I hope you all have a good week, don't cause too much trouble, and may God bless you!

Ninja <[0000]---------------[0000]> Writer, Vampire >vv< Kitty, and Mousey~C>