Saturday, September 3, 2022

It's My First Post in Months, Opps : Sprites, Thor, and my Book!

So I've been MIA, sorry been out of it for months mainly dealing with my massive anxiety issues and working on my book when I'm able to get myself to focus it.

Artsy Fartsy Time:

So June was Fangirl's Birthday, and I finally finished the project I was suppose to give her for Christmas. I saw this great project idea by Epbot for Soot Sprites. I wasn't able to do it exactly like they did but it was still cute:

Thor: Love and Thunder Review:

Fangirl and I saw the latest Thor movie, I thought it was a good movie. I know some people had issues with the humor, but given the more serious topic of Jane's Cancer, I felt it was the only thing that kept me from disliking it, I don't like uber serious movies with serious topics, I prefer light hearted things. I found the goats hilarious, especially when they crashed into the planet and yelled out. Which sounds pretty dark, but it really wasn't. I really enjoyed it and would recommend it to Marvel fans or Thor Fans.

I'm in a book!

Recently one of my submissions, Year's Transition, was selected for the North Carolina Bards Poetry Anthology 2022. You can preorder it by clicking the link. This book showcases a bunch of poets all across my home state.  So consider ordering it when you get the chance.

Well that's been my last few months. Not a lot going on, besides fighting the mental health hydra. So I hope you have a good weekend, love everybody, and God bless.

*Thrifty Geek*