Tuesday, November 7, 2017

The Halloween Season Chronicles

Hello friends! Seems our calendar has come around to the final couple months of another year. Soon we'll be running around throwing up the Christmas lights, we have to start putting them up before Thanksgiving to get done. Mom's already begun the great light check to make sure they are in good shape. But before we begin the journey to the Holiday Season, let's take a look at the recent Halloween season.

Where the Sky is Filled With Balloons

Almost every October Fangirl and I have made a trek to Franklin for their Pumpkinfest. It's the main time of the year, excluding conventions, we can rock the costumes. Fangirl went with her tried and true Fortuneteller get up, this makes the third or forth time since we've been friends that she's dressed as one.
Forgive the scowl, the sun was in her face.

I went as a Fall Fairy this year. My decision for this was based on that leaf crown. It was suppose to be used for my costume last year, but in the rush to leave I forgot it, so I decided to come up with a costume I where I could utilize it.
I've come to sprinkle Fall magic about, or at least some orange glitter.
We got to enter main street the same way we did I think the year before last and found a new tagging, the rat. Some of his toxic waste seems to have spewed on the street. The Crying Guy tag on the doorway in the background was there last time. I wonder what was their mindset. Was it just bored taggings or messages behind these pieces.

Now when we pass through the archway you see in the background some part of me always feels like your stepping into a new magical world. Which when you think about it it kinda is. It's a world of mermaids and pirates, princesses and book characters, superheroes and characters of the screen. It's where you'll see a flame shooting mini bike and a bookstore with cats. So yeah there's a bit of magic it if you look at it with the right set of eyes.
Thankfully it was a beautiful day, though more like a cool Summer day than Fall, which mean still pretty warm.
Lovely sky to receive the 22 balloon we saw lost into it's vastness
When I come into town I have two shops I love to visit. The first is one of my favorite book stores Books Unlimited. I mean it has books first off, but it has so many things I love about it. There's the wood floor, this grandfather clock you pass going into the used section of the store, they have a ship hanging from the ceiling, and of course the cats that are usually found around the shop. I didn't really pay attention this year to see if I saw the cats, I was in a fog of lack of sleep.

The second shop I visit is the Art Room. I love their selection of charms. Last year I think I purchased a charm for my charm bracelet that said beads of life which really I think reflects what a charm bracelet is. This year I decided to start a Halloween charm bracelet. I got a tea cup and saucer charm to represent my Hatter costume and a golden leaf for my fall fairy costume. I want to find charms that represent costumes of the past at some point and just other things that represent my Halloween memories.
You never know the friends you'll meet on a bench
The Thimblerig Circus was back and the lady of the trio was in her gorgeous costume again from last year, we later watched as she allowed her fellow performer to slice the banana in half she was holding in her teeth with his whip.

One thing Fangirl and I always do at this festival is the costume contest. This year was brutal and not the contest. It was hot and we're in layers standing in a looong line. We're in the last age group and my mouth was powder by the time we got to be judged. Neither one of us places 3rd when to a Green Arrow, 2nd to the Beast and his little Belle, and 1st was a homemade Edward Scissorhands costume, but they all deserved their wins.

Our day ended with we dining on pizza and visiting my sister awhile, where we were treated to bearded dragon antics.

Evie Pumpkin the Vampire Librarian

Our pumpkin carving was stalled when a call came in from my Granny saying my Grandpa was being sent into emergency surgery to have his appendix removed, it was 82. *Never fear he's alright he got to come home after five days in the hospital* But after the surgery we came home and got the pumpkins done. Thanks to the Daedalus Books catalogue I had books on the brain so I decided to put spooky and books together. With those themes in mind I created: Evie the Vampire Librarian!
Shush or she'll suck your blood.
I doubt you can see them in this picture, but she comes complete a scar and warts, warts were already a part of her lovely aesthetic

Halloween Night Antics

Halloween Night was kind laid back, we made our scarey themed supper, watched our usual movie and I finally caught Hocus Pocus on the tube.
Our Ham monster got black olive ears this year.

Well my friends I guess it's time to bid adieu to the Halloween Season. Although Fangirl and I are hoping to do one last bit of Halloween fun by going to see Maedea's second Halloween movie. I hope your week is good friends and may God bless you all.

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