Wednesday, July 25, 2018

Funko Rock Candy © Figure Wish List

So I was watching Book Roast do an unboxing of Gobstone Alley Special Happee Birthdae box and included was a Rock Candy© Luna Lovegood figure, she's one of my favorite characters from the Harry Potter verse plus she's a fellow Ravenclaw. So I looked it up and I found a lot of figures just from these type of Funko© figures I would like to have in addition to Luna. This is just a few probably of what I'd like:

1. 13th Doctor- Looking forward to this new Doctor. I can't wait to see the new series. I'd love to add some more to my Who collection, seriously if I had more space there'd probably be a whole bookcase dedicated to this fandom, plus money. Come on all the DVDs alone may make up a case, so better make it two.

2. DC Bombshells Wonder Woman- My top favorite superhero of all time. You might recall I bought a pin of this version of the character from a comic store during Free Comic Book Day.

3. Classic Wonder Woman- Of course you gotta have the classic, although isn't the skirt her original look?

4. Batman vs. Superman Wonder Woman- Final stop on the Wonder Woman train is from this movie. I can't help it, I love her look in this version of the character.

5. Buffy- Last but not least is the Vampire Slayer herself! Love this fandom, this was high school man, and a little bit of college.

6. Albus Dumbledore- The Headmaster of Hogwarts was my first favorite character of the series when I started reading the books. This is another fandom, with what I done have will take a couple shelves... or so.

Do you guys have favorite figures from the Rock Candy line? If so let me knows in the comments. Anybody attend Comic Con? You have any awesome memories to share?

Well this weekend I shall be attending the Asheville Anime Regional Convention with my peep Fangirl, so that post will be coming up. I hope the rest of your week is awesome and may God Bless You!

Ninja <[0000]---------------[0000]> Writer  and Vampire >vv< Kitty

Vampire Kitty Striking a Pose

Wednesday, July 4, 2018

The Ninja Writer's Library- Geekerella

"...the impossible is impossible if you don't try." - Elle's Dad

Happy 4th of July my friends (Even if your not from the US I hope you have a good day),

It's time to dive back into the Ninja Writer's Library. Today's read is a massive shout out to the geeks of the world. It's called Geekerella: A Fangirl Fairy tale (Once Upon a Con) by Ashley Poston. I first heard about this book from The Nerdy Girlie. It didn't take long for me to get interested in reading it. I mean first it's a retelling of my favorite fairy tale Cinderella*, with a healthy helping of geek. So of course being a geek I'm all down with this version. Yes it's YA encase you were wondering. Well, I was very excited to find it in the digital section of my library's offerings a few months ago, and I quickly put myself on the wait list, and I've been waiting "patiently" for my turn. So now it's been read here's me review.

What's it about?

We have two stories here we have Elle a girl living in the Cinderella situation. She's a geeky chick who's main fandom is this old sci fi show called Starfield, that was introduced to her by her late Dad. She also runs a blog about the show and is excited and dreading a movie reboot of the show that's being made.

The second part of our tale is about an actor named Darien**, who is playing the Prince in the Starfield reboot. While he's seen by most of the world as the latest Hollywood heartthrob from a teen show, deep down he's a geek who loves this old show and is just wanting to do the role justice and prove himself to the show's hardcore fans.

What did I think about it?

I enjoyed it. I actually would take a breaks through out the day from reading it so I wouldn't speed through it as I'm prone to do with a good book. You can tell the writer is in tuned to the fandom world. As I was reading the scene where Elle's nervously awaiting the cast announcement for the movie and she's all like they better not screw this up, I'm laughing cause that's pretty much what a fan would be like in that scenario, actually I may have heard or read fans who have said things like that.

She also makes great references to real life fandoms. I think the first was a Firefly reference, yes Browncoats rejoice thou has not been overlooked, Supernatural peeps she even mentions the Destiel ship I'm not kidding. I actually tried to list the various references she makes in the book, I still don't know if I have them all listed. I also just have to say excellent use of food truck, especially at the end.

It really hit on the button about what being a geek is. About how we  love our fandoms, and how sometimes these fandoms and their characters help us get through the tough parts in life, and inspire us. Yes there was a lot of geek empowerment in this book, and that we should be proud of our geekiness. *Feels like their should be some spirit raising music in their somewhere*
If your a reader of YA , a Cinderella fan, and/or a geek I recommend this book. I defiantly will add this to my permanent library, it's just a fun geeky read.

I hope you've enjoyed a dip back into the library. Hope you guys have a great day. Those celebrating be safe with your fireworks, or firework viewings, and may God bless you!

*Note: Yes I do love Cinderella though I'm not a fan of the whole waiting around for the man to save her, but I'm knowledgeable enough to know when these tales were written that was the social mindset. So I don't get in a huff over it I just pull the lessons and the things I love from it and focus on like the magic, the ball, and dreams coming true after all the toil.

**Double Note: Is his name a Sailor Moon reference?