Saturday, September 15, 2018

My Strange Finds Summer Edition

Good Evening My Friends,

I hope those of you in Florence's path are ok. Tonight I'll be showing off some of My Strange Finds from the last maybe few months.

 My first strange find is this watch I found hanging in a tree outside Walmart back sometime in the Summer. It was something that was puzzling and probably made me smile:

Time flying... er hanging.
I spent a lot of time outside this Summer and apparently nature loved it:
Nature's Heart
I was out doing laundry the other night and I noticed the "P" and "S" stickers of the push sign were gone, leaving behind a message that many probably feel when it's laundry day:
This is how I feel about my day sometimes...
Wednesday Fangirl and I were at the Outlet Mall in Asheville where I first noticed this fire and water fountain:
I looked at Fangirl and was like "If you had a long enough stick with a marshmallow on it... Yeah this isn't a strange find I guess, but it is cool.

I ended up coming across a few strange finds Wednesday as well:

1. ZomBee Bloody Bites: I saw these creepy cute things at the Dollar Tree in the same Outlet Mall. Each candy comes with glow in the dark fangs and watermelon flavored blood. I know it's probably gross and messy, but I thought it was awesome!

2. Bullfog SNOT: We stopped by this store we hadn't seen before called Hobbytown, and I saw this bottle of green stuff I think if used on model's tires.

3. Another Bullsh*t Night in Suck City: A Memoir- I saw this book by Nick Flynn on a bookshelf at a Goodwill. At first I'm like that's some name for your memoir, then I'm like wait no I've probably had days like that.

I hope you guys have a good weekend, those in Florence's path stay safe, and may God bless you all!
Ninja <[0000]---------------[0000]> Writer

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