Friday, January 25, 2019

Dreamer's Night

Hello my friends,

It's Friday night and we have survived to another weekend. Today's post is gonna be hard to explain, but I'm gonna try to express it that best I can. I did this post back on my old blog, but I felt it should be revisited and updated, plus don't want a perfectly good Pinterest board to go to waste since it was specially made for this  post.

I was jamming to a song earlier and I found myself catching hold of an old familiar feeling, I can't describe it, but I know that when I recall certain memories, hear a song, or see a photo, I find this feeling tugging. I thought maybe it was a yearning for the teenage years where the memories come from, but when songs and sights that are not from that period call to me, I'm beginning  to think all this the memories, images, what have you is actually taking me to a limbo brain realm I'm gonna refer to as Dreamer's Night. 

What is this Dreamer's Night? Well I think it's a state of mind I find peace in, a place where hopes and dreams are doable, and also a place ripe for creativity. It's a patchwork of memories, music, images from my life that make up this realm. I think this is my brain trying to get me to reconnect to this part of myself from my teen years the ambitious dreamer who found little joys in the music, or a night sky, and believed dreams could come true.
How is the explaining so far? Well since this feeling is hard to explain let's see if I can show you.

The Memories

This mental space I call Dreamer's Night has it's roots in a cluster of little memories from my high school years  that when I think on them bring this feeling. There not all earth shattering, they all probably happened in different years, but they all happened at night, and bring on the same feelings. Their like charms on a bracelet, different but connected.

Memory One: This is simply leaving a grocery store coming down the hill it's on and I looked out over the landscape and saw the lights of the town shining. Can't also help to think of Angel in his Buffy spinoff over looking L.A.

Memory Two: I was outside the laundromat I think sitting in the truck listening to Lila McCann's Something in the Air CD, I'd just bought it if I'm not mistaken.
Memory Three: Riding in the truck on a rainy night with an S Club 7 song in my head. I had this golden disco ball key chain in my hand and I was spinning it.

Memory Four: Being in the newly opened Lowe's the folks were buying something. I was hyped up so I started dancing there in the aisle like Natalie does in the Dixie Chick's Cowboy Take Me Away video, may have had the tune stuck in my head that night.

Memory Five:  My Junior Prom Night at the Deer Park Restaurant and at some point as I danced I looked up and saw a night sky tinged pink from the Asheville lights nearby as a plane blinks by.

The Images
Pictures worth a thousand words right? Well most what I can offer is the Pinterest board which contains images that fit in this mindset. There's images of cities/towns,  quotes and things from my teen years centered around this Dreamer's Night. I even made a Polyvore outfit (RIP). Some items have connection with one of the above memories of the time they occurred to help illustrate Dreamer's Night.  As I was looking at old trip photos I found this feeling calling even in a blurry shot.

Now lastly to link all the pieces together is the music, but that will be Monday's Musical Moments. I hope you guys have a good weekend and may God bless you!

Ninja <[0000]---------------[0000]> Writer 

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