Thursday, May 27, 2021

Monthly Randoms May 2021: Mental Health, life events, and Tornadoes

Hello my Friends,
I'm so sorry for the radio silence. I've been wanting to start getting back into writing on this blog, I have a back log of ideas to write, but the mental health hydra has been waving it's new head about. I was going through my second massive manic high that I've ever had that I know of. Like the first I was really happy, couldn't sit still long, and messed up my sleep. The first high in 2018 I would sleep 4 hours and be fine, but this time my body, which felt like was vibrating with energy, and my brain wouldn't settle, I could take a melatonin and it'd not have an effect, though we adjusted my dose and it seems to be working now. But at some point I hit like this weird in between state of manic high and maybe like regular anxiety. When I told my therapist that I was going through the manic high again, they upgraded me from just a mood imbalance to Bi Polar 2 . Since so many people are misdiagnosed with Bi Polar and in 2018 I'd only had that one major manic episode, though I think before that and since then I might have had some minor ones hard to tell if it was anxiety related or just creative juices getting me excited, cause if I get into creative mode I sometimes will stay up longer. But for a few days I got settled down sleep was back to normal, and just the regular amount of anxiety not letting me sit still long. But for a couple nights my sleep has been getting off again, and I hit a major inanity and depression yesterday that had me ugly crying, which has been a bit, and my anxiety is out of sorts and I'm really tired, but not sleepy tired. I fear I'm hitting the manic lows which I hope doesn't frell with my birthday coming up in a week. But all that not sitting still and focusing, plus trying to get back to book writing and just having my mind everywhere, and lack of want and being out of habit has got me off with writing this blog. I know I read somewhere offering explanations why you've not been posting is not really good, but this is my life. I have mental health problems, and I hope other people see this who maybe think their alone will see their not. It's a messy life that sometimes leaves you not posting on your blog for a month. Yes just looked my last post was the last Monthly Random. So with all that explanations out of the way let's get into the Monthly Random.

Events That Have or Will happen

Last month I forgot to mention my 4th Blogiversary, I started this blog in 2017. So yeah still limping along.

Next week as I've mentioned I'm leveling up, I saw that on Facebook refer to your birthday age as levels. Last year because we were three months into the pandemic I couldn't have my friend come over. I couldn't even tell you what we did last year. I live with my family thankfully so I wasn't alone, but it was weird not doing something for it. Usually my friend Fangirl takes me out for a few hours to do something cause while I have many family members just do cake and gifts and stay home, which I do the cakes and gift at my house, but I just feel a need to celebrate my life more. See I about didn't even make it into the world, I'll tell you the story in my birthday post, so I guess it's made me see the beauty of celebrating each year, plus I feel like it's my day. It's my one day out of the year I don't have to feel guilty about doing things the way I want. Well this year I'm not sure what's going to happen cause we can go out now, and I'll be vaccinated, but sadly Fangirl has been currently advised not to drive, cause she's got some unknown thing wrong with her and half her body is numb and they've yet to figure out what's wrong with her and I don't have my license, long story, so I can't pop in to see her, or go do something on my own to treat myself. When my folks brought it up the other day I hadn't really thought about my B-day and I was like, it'll probably be the same as last year not doing much cause Fangirl can't come, and my folks are home bodies, they only go out if they have to and also because we have a tank of a truck that takes a lot of gas, so going out has to be planned since were on a fixed income. But when birthday talk came up again, I pretty much said I won't be doing much since I can't go out and my Mother said Oh you'll be going out. So my folks have got something cooking, which has me actually intrigued about how they're going to make this special day, actually more special this year than I originally thought it'd be. 

Things I want

The Dream Keyboard-

Ok so last month I mentioned my dream keyboard. Well This Story Ain't Over has changed that. In a vlog of hers from February, I'm so behind on cleaning out my watch later YouTube Playlist. Well she got a new keyboard from Azio. I love this the classic typewriter look I love but back-lighting. If the rainbow backlit keyboard from last month could have a baby with this keyboard and it be an all black classic type keyboard with rainbow backlit, it'd be the perfect keyboard. If any of you comes across something like this let me know. 

Author's Dream Pen and Ink Set-
I have always wanted to have a fountain pen. Well a Facebook ad led me to discover Truphae Inc  that has lead me to my dream pen and ink set. I think if I ever got a book published and did signings I think it'd be fun if it was possible and I perfected my hand writing and learned how to use this pen to sign books in this way to add a bit of flair.
The pen is a Benu Scepter Fountain Pen. While blue is my favorite color, I found I loved this glaxayish colored pen the most, it's probably cause it reminds me of this galaxy ink pen with foil art and writing on it I saw in a dream and I'm bound and determined to find it's real world equivalent. This pen isn't it, but it gives me the same vibes.
And of course what is a pen without ink. My favorite on the site  is the Robert Oster Blue Black Ink it reminds me at the sky at night. I wish I could get one of the multi colored ones in colors similar to the colors of a sunset. That'd be perfect, but this is gorgeous too.

Favorite of the Deviantart Likes

My first is this piece called Tea with Owls by one of my favorite artists I follow Saimain. I love owls so this one got me all excited. I love this artist's work. I started following them back in college I think when they were showing off their art the made for what was going to be their novel. I also love their fan art especially the Doctor Who. When they had them I wanted to get a small print or card of their Time and Space piece. 

Then there's a new to me artists Lun-art who is doing some amazing fan art. I first saw their Crowley from Supernatural and they've done our favorite angel in the Garrison Castiel. They also have some Doctor Who as well with the Tenth Doctor

Check these artist other works out, you won't be disappointed they are amazing!


Favorite of My Instagram Saves 

My first offering is of the sisters of Junk G. I love their outfits especially Aime's. I love some of their outfits and products. Miss their show.

Next we have the Mistress of the Manners of the Gothic Charm school celebrating getting her vaccination in Gothy stye

 Random Things I've Found This Month


I recently watched this BasehuntersChasing video from a active day they had in 2011. I find Tornados fascinating, yet scary, meaning I probably won't be pulling a storm chaser if we get a rare one here in the backwoods (mountains can be very useful). I think the fascination started  in the 90's cause we had allot of Tornado movies on the big and small screen about the time I was in Middle School.

Russian Tea-

Next is this Southern Living article about Russian Tea. This is not traditional Russian Tea this is the tea that is now a Southern staple. It's the only way you can get we to drink ice tea type of teas. I know it's rare, but I'm a southerner who's not crazy about iced tea, bleh. Mom keeps a jar of the mix on the counter, and the recipe in her recipe box. The first article I saw on it's history was on Atlas Obscura.

And that closes another Monthly Random. I hope your week is good. I gotta get off here and reconstruct my entire book series' timeline and story notes and ideas document. I saved it last night and when I brought it up today when I went to work on my book outline, the page was blank. Thankfully some of it is in my physical notebook. So I can piece it back together hopefully. Writer struggles am I right? Well have a good night, God bless, and Love ya Geek Tribe!

*Thrifty Geek*