Showing posts with label Autumn. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Autumn. Show all posts

Friday, September 29, 2017

Daily Treasures- Autumn Cometh

Fall has arrived again my friends. God has begun painting the leaves in brilliant colors and the pumpkin flavored noms are infiltrating the store shelves, well they've been doing that for a while now haven't they? I love this time of year, there's a magic to the air that no other time of the year holds. Other perks include the fact my favorite constellation, Orion, returns to our skies this time of year. It's like welcoming back an old friend after his long journey each year.

The other day I was working outside when I get under my favorite poplar tree. The breezes started blowing causing leaves from the poplar and surrounding trees to rain down in golden splendor. I stopped long enough to take in this miraculous moment and catch some leaves as I do each year.

Nature is quite the magician if I do say so myself. I was walking down the drive to the mail box and before me seemingly suspended of it's own accord was a little yellow leaf swinging and dancing in the air. I just stood mesmerized by this act of simple, yet astounding magic.

I find that I'm frequently inspired to write about this season. Something about the views, smells, and feel of it is creative juice of a special blend. Last year I decided to bottle Fall's scent even if it was just in word:

Parfum d’automne*

If Autumn could be perfumed

What would be it's olfactory?

It'd be the scent of chopped wood

That clings to Daddy's shirt after working on winter wood

The aroma of sun dried leaves that crackle beneath your feet

The fragrance of Marigolds that scent a Fall night

The unique smell of an Autumn breeze

That blows cool over the hills

Ratting the trees

Demanding leaves to play with

To finish it off healthy sprinkles of pumpkin spice and cinnamon

That engulfs our nose and taste

That is what a bottle of Autumn should smell like

I also enjoy the store finds this time of year. I generally have two wish lists during the season. One for the items that would be my décor for Halloween/Fall, and the items that I want to add to my regular year round décor. What can I say I love some creepy mixed with the many other things I throw up in my space. I got things up like a Dollar Tree Gargoyle I bought ages ago when we were still attending the Halloween Festival in Brevard, NC, and this Dracula Rubber Ducky the folks gave me. Heck I have one of those changing haunted portraits from last years Dollar General Halloween line I keep up. You can find her in the second picture of The Spooky Vegan's post, the lady on the top row. I don't know what it was about this portrait, but it was destined for my wall. When I first saw it I though it was cool cause it was A. a changing haunted portrait , which I've always wanted, B. She transforms into a vampire my favorite horror monster, C. Her normal state was just such a lovely portrait that I'd have hung even if it didn't change. I didn't buy her that first day, I didn't want to make a knee jerk splurge purchase. But after I left the store I couldn't get the piece out of my head, I even had christened her Lucillia, either that first time in the store or the days following. So I of course returned, and after a pulse quickening search through the male portrait stack I found Lucilla, and since then she's hung above my computer watching me work, procrastinate, and stuff my face. My general rule with shopping for not essentials is if you can wait on purchasing it wait, and if it's still something that stirs in your heart and mind days or even a year later get it, but in the cases of thrift stores and day sales best to just act, but have self control.

Ok my friends have a good weekend, enjoy God's beauty around you, and may He always Bless You!
Ninja <[0000]---------------[0000]> Writer
And from his slumber on my bed the Vampire >vv< Kitty

*I used a language translator to attempt to get the French for perfume of Autumn or Autumn's perfume, if you speak French let me know if that's right. I just thought the title needed to be in French.*