Showing posts with label Captain Marvel. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Captain Marvel. Show all posts

Wednesday, November 18, 2020

Of Sonic Screwdrivers and Doctor Who Comics

Hello Geeky Friends,

Fangirl and I ventured out to Asheville again, yes we were armed with our masks, hand sanitizer, and social distancing skills. We learned a night or so before that our favorite Chinese restaurant in Asheville, Shogun's. So we graced it with our presence once more. Yes they were taking safety measures. It's been nice to have one of my favorite foods again the last couple months.

Fortune cookie wisdom for today...

The Asheville Mall  

We paid a visit to the mall. I visited Gamestop, and then the two of us went to Boxlunch and Hot Topic. At the latter I purchased the 13th Doctor's Sonic like I wanted to this month. It made me so happy. It has two buttons one gives you the regular sound of the sonic, the other button has a different sound and makes the crystal in the end turn. I love it! I also did some Christmas shopping while I was there. I'm actually gonna have everything ordered and bought before December maybe. Yay me!
The random walking stick, what's it's story? Is it waiting for it's owner, or been abandoned. What adventures has it been on?

Comic Envy

We paid a visit to Comic Envy. Fangirl probably wanted to slap me. She got a My Hero Academia blind grab bag thing again and last time she wasn't happy with what she got, so she said she was gonna try again, and I said I was gonna laugh if she got someone she didn't like again. She got another she didn't like, I had to laugh, cause I said I would. I purchased Captain Marvel: The War of the Realms Issue #7. I was rather amused by this comic. First you have a body swapping situation and one of best scenes where in the foreground something serious is going on, but in the background something hilarious is going on. I got a good laugh out of it. I also purchased a Lego Catwoman:
 Isn't she purrrfect?

Morgan's Comics

We made a stop at Morgan's comics. We chatted Supernatural with the shop's owner. She's so cool. I love just browsing the shelves comic, games, and just geek stuff. I ended up purchasing two Doctor Who comics, Thirteenth Doctor: Issue #9 and the Tenth Doctor/13th Doctor Team Up Issue #2. Love me some Who! The Owner was trying to keep up with the election news. This was the day after the election, so the counting was still going on, actually in some places isn't it still going on?

 We hit up a couple Goodwills that seem to be providing signs that day:

So yes it was a nice day. Got some retail therapy in, hung out with one of my best friends, and had good food. 
What about that election? Like this year hasn't been crazy enough. I don't really talk politics here cause it's confusing and I don't understand it most the time, that's why I hadn't registered to vote before. This year though I felt a need to exercise a right women of old fought for me to have. I did register as unaffiliated, despite being raised in a Democrat house I feel I don't fully support any party. Another reason I don't talk politics is my family. While the people in my house are Democrat, I got a bunch of Trump supporters in my family. We had a Trump supporter living with us when he won. He was a very loud supporter. Since the election has been decided I'm lucky I've only had to put one family member on a thirty day snooze on Facebook cause every post it seemed they made was bashing the decision and I love them so I decided to just temporarily mute them till around Christmas time and then they'll be moved on to the holidays hopefully. I'm just glad I don't have to see anymore political commercials.

 Well I'm gonna continue to binge classic Who and just chill out a while. I hope your Hump day is good, stay weird, and God bless!

*Thrifty Geek*