Showing posts with label Dawn. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Dawn. Show all posts

Saturday, March 3, 2018

The Tale of Two Dawns

Good Eaaarly Morning my friends,

Ironically today's tale is of the morn. Given I'm a night owl I seen daylight come a many a time. But I want to share with you two particular dawnings that are etched into my brain.

The Dawn of Childhood
In the days when seeing the dawn come was something that had probably didn't happen often this memory is forever stuck in my mind. This may have been my first time watching dawn come in, certainly the most memorable. It was in the final years of my Dad working, and because of his illness, similar to mine,  it got to the point my Mom had to be nearby most the time, so often times particularly the times Pop had to work the graveyard shift my sister and me were camped out in the camper truck. Well one of these graveyard shifts I guess I'd wanted to see the dawn, I assume my Mom was in the know, I remember being promised M&M's by her, then I took a nap and woke I think when the promised M&M's came, so as I munched on the candy I finished reading this Bobbsey Twins and the Horseshoe Riddle my Mom had given me. I was keeping an eye on the top of the building at end of the street where the dawn would begin.
I'm sure to my child mind watching the first hints of blue infiltrating the night sky was fascinated, then watched as the light grew from behind that building and engulfed the world. My Mom probably forced me to get some zzzz's at some point after that.

Dawn from the Ocean

January 2012 I got to go see the ocean for the first time in my life. Fangirl took me down to Myrtle Beach for a weekend trip. Our last morning there I planned to get up early to watch the sunrise on the ocean. I woke up way too early, so I went to the outer room and watched some Anime. Then I kept watch on the balcony. The butterscotch moon was on it's way to the western horizon, and I saw the faintest hints of red.
 As it got a bit more light Fangirl escorted me to the beach before heading back into the hotel. I walked the beach, picked up shells, as the seagulls bothering the jelly fish I kept a distance from. I snapped various pictures of the dawn coming.

Finally it was like the fiery orb broke free of the ocean. I felt like I was one of the first peeps on the continent to be touched by the sun's light that day. It was such and epic sight.

Another dawn if probably approaching, I hope you guys have a great day and remember to take in the beauty in each day. God Bless You!
Ninja <[0000]---------------[0000]> Writer and Vampire >vv< Kitty