Showing posts with label International Talk Like a Pirate Day. Show all posts
Showing posts with label International Talk Like a Pirate Day. Show all posts

Wednesday, September 19, 2018

Talk Like a Pirate Day Ideas

Ahoy my mateys,

Today be that most piratey of holidays: International Talk Like a Pirate Day (ITLAPD), let us take a moment to tip our hats to it's founders the Pirate Guys. I figured I'd take the time to give you a few ideas on how to celebrate.

First head to the day's official site, here you'll find how to talk like a pirate and party ideas, and other great info associated with the day.


I have a few videos I watch that I enjoy watching:

1. The first is the video of the Capricon 2008 live performance of Tom Smith's Talk Like a Pirate Day Song. It features The Pirate Guys themselves.

2. I love watching the entire web series of The Bus Pirates. There's a few racy bits, but it's hilarious.

3. Lastly is Improv Everywhere's Pirates of Central Park, it's a bit the partnered with Disney Parks.


Well best just show you my TLAPD Spotify playlist. It contains my seafaring songs for the day.

You can also check out the Pirate Songs page of the official site, for more tunes.


I like to crack open open John Matthew's Pirates Most Wanted Book. It features a lot of info about real life pirates.

Also check out a comic I did a while back for the day: Talk Like A Pirate Day 2013.

Hope you have a good ITLAPD, way the seas be fare, and yer treasure plenty. God bless you all!

Ninja <[0000]---------------[0000]> Writer