Showing posts with label Lisa Shearin. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Lisa Shearin. Show all posts

Friday, July 5, 2019

The Ninja Writer's Library- Mystic Women

Hello you awesome bookworms,

In this installation of the library the theme is mystical women. We travel to the treets of New Oreleans to a story book inspired world. So follow me as we dive back into the pages.

Spirits, Hurricanes, and the Krewe of Ghoul
by Deanna Chase

I was intrigued by the description of this story when I was trying desperately to find something new to read from the library. A tale set at Halloween with vampires, count me in. This was a short story set in the world of Pyper Rayne, which is set in New Orleans. She gets invited to a Vampire themed float and gets more than she bargained for.
This was a quick read given it was a few chapter long short story. I loved it was set in New Orleans, it's on my list of places I want to visit. I also enjoyed the antics of the ghost Ida May, who is lively for a dead chick.
There is a bit of adult content, but it's a parade on Bourbon Street what do you expect. I've watched live cams there during Mardi Gras so I know what I'm talking about. As I usually do I just breezed past these parts.
It was a nice intro to this character and her world, and a nice little read to pass the time.

Spirits, Stilettos, and a Silver Bustier (Pyper Rayne #1)
by Deanna Chase

Reading the short story above made me interested in reading the first book, which luckily the library had. In this book we have Pyper trying to find a murderer without becoming a victim herself.
A very interesting cast of characters. Pyper a medium, who owns a coffee shop and does body painting, Jade a witch who works at the coffee shop and is high up in her coven, Ida May the shop's ghost who causes mischief and flirts with the cute guys, well as much as you can when your a ghost who can't be seen by normal people.

I found this book to be the right amount of strange and amusing , especially where Ida May was involved. I may go back and read the Jade books that came before.

Magic Lost, Trouble Found by Lisa Shearin

This is the first book in the Raine Benares Series. This might be my first fantasy novel in a while, as in the old school medieval setting. *Checks book journal* Yeah if you count Howl's Moving Castle and Stardust it's been since last year. I use to eat fantasy novels up, luckily Captain was my enabler.
I have to say I like the main character. Raine is one spunky chick. She can take care of herself, she's loyal to those she loves, and has a cat that likes her neighbor more. Sadly it's her caring for her friends that gets her into the trouble she finds... see what I did there. *points to the title of book*
This I think is the first time I've seen goblins be sexy. They are described as an alluring race. I never thought I would see this. All this time thier the annoying blame things you start out fighting in a game, now their hot, gotta love fantasy...

Spelled (The Storymakers)
by Betsy Schow

Continuing on the path of mystical females and first books in a series we come to Dorthea a princess of Emerald who in wanting her circumstances to change breaks her world. Defiantly a be careful what you wish for moment.

Dorthea lives in a fairytale world that puts me in the mind of the Shrek and Ella Enchanted movies. All the famous fairytales and stories coexist here where they apparently believe in the great Storymakers who write the rules and happily ever afters of this world. Dorthea like her mother and female ancestors before are forced to forever remain inside the castle away from flame for fear of some curse put on them by a witch. I'd go crazy. I mean I can be a homebody, but forever trapped inside. I mean at least there are credit cards in this realm so she could order things if she wished.
This was a nice reworking of the fairy tales we know, I loved language this world had very fairytale themed. This is another series I may if I get the chance continue to read.

I hope you enjoyed that romp through literature. I hope you find something fun to read this weekend, and may God bless you!

Ninja <[0000]---------------[0000]> Writer