Showing posts with label Memories. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Memories. Show all posts

Friday, October 18, 2019

Goodbye Kmart

Happy Friday friends,

Our local Kmart is closing I haven't done much shopping there in a while save the family getting medications and vitamins. But I do have some good memories of the place. 
Like if we popped in there for meds or vitamins during Halloween it was fun to press the buttons on the decorations and see what they did. My Dad and me had fun doing that. I think during our Halloween window shopping with Fangirl we might pop in here.

Another time I was in there with someone and they had Katniss dolls from The Hunger Games and Groom Edward dolls from Twilight on sale and had them in a display together and Katniss' bow was aimed for Edward. I don't know if it was on purpose, but I hope so cause it'd mean someone there had a since of humor.

I have a few Christmas memories from here. At Christmas time they'd have a tiny forest of Christmas trees set up and I felt like I was in a tiny enchanted Holiday forest. Going back to my childhood they'd gather all us poor kids from the area on the first Saturday of December before the store opened and give each kid a budget and we could buy stuff for us or our families. The also did a clothing one when I was in 5th grade maybe.

There was the time the parents when we had some money come in they let us have a little shopping spree, which we never got to do before, so that was fun.

I remember the blue light special being mentioned in Troop Beverly Hills and the game they had. I think I saw it in a thrift store.

Thanks for the memories Kmart, you'll join the list of stores big and small that have left their memory on my life's path.

Do you have found memories of Kmart or some other defunct store let me know in the comments.
I hope you all have a good weekend, I'll be at a festival, which I'll write about probably Monday.

God bless you guys!