Showing posts with label POGS. Show all posts
Showing posts with label POGS. Show all posts

Monday, July 15, 2019

Pog Nostalgia

Happy start of the week friends,

I'm feeling a bit nostalgic, so bare with me if you have no clue what I'm talking about. When I was probably in my first year of middle school. There was a game from Hawaii that somehow went mainstream called Pogs, or Milkcaps, (Thanks Wikipedia for all that info.) It was like the fidget spinners of my day if you will, blew up big one day and gone as quick.

My sister and me played the game once maybe, except we didn't play for keeps. Basically you stacked the caps up then you threw a slammer at it to knock the pile over and whatever was facing up you kept, it was kinda how you kept score, if you were playing for keeps it was how you got new Pogs (again thank you Wikipedia for the refresher course).

They were like disk shaped trading cards if you will. Seems almost everything in the 90's had a Pog: Baywatch, Power Rangers, even Dungeons and Dragons! I actually wanted a Power Ranger one, but not from the linked set. It was a White Power Ranger I think I saw in an article in this Disney Adventures.

Due to lack of funds as kids Econut and I didn't collect a lot of them. We actually only had Pogs from three collections:

Apollo 13
I got these back in the day when Hardee's still did toys in their kid's meals. I even had the silver slammer. This is probably my favorite slammer of the two I had. It was like a giant coin. My favorite pog of this bunch  is the holographic A13/Moon one.

Lucky Charms
We collected a lot, if not all, of the pogs out of this collection. We even did the mail in to get the red storage case with the slammer. I liked this slammer had finger holds in on the back. My favorite pog of this group is Lucky holding the four leaf clover marshmallow on the red background.
Star Wars Episode 1
I actually didn't realize these were pogs as they came out my freshman year of high school. They were put out by Taco Bell, KFC, and Pizza Hut for Episode 1. I think you tried to collect certain colors to get prizes. I only had one and that was Queen Amidala.

Future of POGS
I recently came across this Android Police article by Matthew Sholtz. Seems the World Pog Federation is trying to do a POGs AR. If I understand it'll be like Pokemon Go played on your phone. I don't know if it ever reached it's goal, but that would have been interesting. I just wished they'd offered the scan you own collection into the game for more than just backers, that'd been cool just to revisit that fad of yesteryear, of course I could just dig my old ones out of storage and play the old fashioned way.

Did any of you guys have a favorite pog or slammer? Did you collect any during the craze? Let me know in the comments.

Have a good week my friends, play a game and God bless you.

Ninja <[0000]---------------[0000]> Writer