Showing posts with label Paranormal. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Paranormal. Show all posts

Saturday, October 27, 2018

Of Spooky Late Night Searches

Happy Saturday Friends,

I hope you all are having a good Halloween season, I have been munching on Oreo's Halloween cookies, and eyeing the caramel apples. Last Saturday I attended a Pumpkin Festival, I'll post about that day as soon as I get my sister's pics. But today I wanna share a little creepy research fun I ended up having earlier this month.

It all started one late October night when I checked the peeps I follow on YouTube and this video from LarenZSide popped up where she's looking at spooky things sent to her by her users. Some of them to sound and look creepy I will say, but the one that intrigued me was a pic of a Subway sign that said you couldn't use Ouija boards of do seances there.

Well I wanted to show Fangirl this, but I didn't want her to see all the video so I searched the web to see if I could find the pic, well I not only manage to find the pic on the Food For Thought post, but they tell the story behind the sign. Apparently it's an old building that may already be haunted and they don't wanna open a can of supernatural worms... Smart thinking. I use to own one of the Parker Brothers® ones that a neighbor girl gave me cause I thought it was awesome, but then heard way to many stories, so I gave it to Fangirl who's gonna make art out of it, or use it for decoration. I'm weird I think their beautiful and cool looking, but I'm not gonna use one and risk calling up something I can't get rid of.

Watching that video taking the info from that and doing that late night search it put me in the mind of Fiona Phillips from So Weird. Particularly the Vampire episode from season two when she pulls an all night research session on the title creature. Do any of you guys remember that old Disney Channel show, it was awesome, they really need to release it on DVD or something.

*insert cheesy vampire accent* Vell my friends. I hope you all have a good veekend full of spooky fun. Stay safe and God bless you!

Ninja <[0000]---------------[0000]> Writer