Showing posts with label T.J Klune. Show all posts
Showing posts with label T.J Klune. Show all posts

Monday, December 21, 2020

Thrifty Geek's Library: The Unusual Suspects

Hey Book Friends,
Well, since I was crappy at blogging this year, I have a couple library posts I need to do before the year ends. So here's the first. This post is going to be unusual books or books with
unusual things in it that I read this year.

The Lightning-Struck Heart by T.J. Klune

This is the first book in the Tales from Verania series. It follows a wizard in training, Sam, who has to help his knight crush, Ryan, save the kingdom's Prince, who Ryan is dating.This was the weirdest and funniest book I read this year. I was literally laughing out loud. If this book could bleed it'd bleed sparkly rainbows. There are so may gay characters, which I'm happy to see even though I'm straight. My favorite character has to be Gary, the hornless unicorn. He has no filter when it comes to talking about sex, and also spews glitter when he's angry. That being said it does have sexual themes so avoid if you don't like.
I was telling Fangirl about this book, and she started reading it like when she'd be waiting for her food or in line at places and she couldn't read it in public, because she'd be laughing at it.
Overall this was an awesome book, I hope the library gets more of this series. It was a perfect read in this pandemic, it really takes your mind off the dumpster fire that was this year. I totally recommend you guys read this. I definitely want to add this to my books to add to my library permanently list. Which I really actually need to start making.

The House at the End of Hope Street by Menna van Praag

This is the tale of Alba who is dealing with problems in her life and finds herself on Hope Street at a beautiful house, where she is welcomed to live 99 days and in that time turn her life around. The house apparently has had many famous tenants and is very helpful in many ways. There are also the house's keeper, Peggy, and other tenants who are on their own journeys.
This was an interesting book. I love we had so many characters with their own stories playing out along with the main character. I was surprised at some of the reveals at the end. I love the house itself. It sounded so beautiful, and there's plenty of pictures of famous people around who've stayed there. If you are down in life, this house will totally kick your butt in gear to turn it around. I also have to say "dang" to the family drama, I thought my family had some drama going, I think Alba's family might surpass us, maybe.
If you love writing and books I think you might like this book. Books and writers do get mentioned if I'm not badly mistaken. Been a little bit since I read it. So check it out.
This was another pretty good read this year and I'm probably going to add this to my permanent book collection at some point.

Well that's all for this post of Thrifty Geek's Library. I know for sure there's going to be one more before the new year. I'll probably post that Monday. In the next post I'll be revealing my annual Christmas tradition that I do that involves me making a gift for Jesus.
Wishing Happy Yule a Merry Christmas to those who celebrate those holidays, and a belated Hanukkah! Have a good holiday whoever you are, hope it's good, and God bless you!
*Thrifty Geek*