Showing posts with label animals. Show all posts
Showing posts with label animals. Show all posts

Monday, February 25, 2019

Animal Encounters

Happy Monday my friends,

Here in the backwoods we aren't strangers to various creatures birds, squirrels, chipmunks, raccoons and deer. But we have received some interesting visitors here lately so I thought I'd take time to share them with you.

The Peacock-
Back in 2018 we get a call from my Granny telling us a peacock was heading our way. Sure enough a peacock came through the field. Ranger our dog started going nuts barking. Which at that point the scared bird took to the trees and stayed for the longest time. I had no clue peacocks were able to get into trees. What's more impressive is how far he traveled, cause the only people in the area we know owns peacocks, and they live a couple miles away by road, further if he went through the woods.

The Pig-
The year of the pig gave us a pig. Once again my Granny called and said she'd saw a big black dog heading our way. Once more Ranger was pitching a fit. Well we didn't see it until it was in the field below our house, and I'm like that's a big dog. Well Mom went out on the porch and met this dog, which turned out to be a pot-bellied pig, our neighbors in fact, who herded him back home. Now one time pigs weren't uncommon I think my family use to keep some, but besides the wild ones I think we had rooting around when I was younger, this is the first pig we've had here.

The Frogs -
Frogs are common here, peep frogs a harbingers of warm weather for us, but here in winter not so common. In NC we recently got a crap load of rain. How much, enough to were two little frogs tried to get in from it. I was going out on the porch and opened the door to find Mousey, Mom and Pop's cat playing with something that hopped into my Dad's shoe, then under the kitchen table when my Dad dumped it out, Pop finally managed to catch it and put it outside, then I saw the second frog hopping.

What's some of the weirdest animals or animal tales you've had? Let me know in the comments. Hope you have a good week and may God bless you.
Ninja <[0000]---------------[0000]> Writer