Showing posts with label lemon. Show all posts
Showing posts with label lemon. Show all posts

Tuesday, December 29, 2020

Links, Links, Links

 Hello Link Clickers,
I know I said I was going to do another Thrify Geek's Library, but I got some time sensitive links here. So I switched them. I'll do my final Library post of the year on New Year's Eve. In today's post I'm going to be sharing my favorite links of things I've come across.

For Your New Year's Eve Celebrations:
These links are ideas you can do to send off 2020 and welcome 2021 in style.

The Captain shared this link by Amy Ever After on how to make a "Gingerbread Dumpster Fire".  I know Christmas is over, but I figured you could still make this then at midnight on New Year's Eve you do like Bobby did LaurenZside's 2020 Gingerbread house. I kinda feel bad for Lauren, I'd so Jethro Gibbsed my Hubby.

My mom makes a lemon pie for Christmas. I'm thinking I'd maker it for New Years or Summer, but anyway I saw the lemons laying out and it reminded me of this Atlas Obscura post about Lucky Lemon Pig for New Years. I love this! On mine I'd put wings on it to make it a flying pig, cause flying pigs are more awesome. I'd probably make these year round.

Nerdy Nummies' Rosanna Pansino chick just shared a video of her making Star Beignets for New Years. If I make beignets anytime of the year I'm making them this way. I love stars!

Geeky Things:
These are links geared toward the geeky side of life.

When I was a kid and received the American Girl catalogue, I'd pour over that catalogue. I think the doll I really wanted back then was Molly McIntire. My grandparents bought me her Christmas story for Christmas one year. I used it as my oratorical contest piece. But sadly she's no longer available to purchase, unless you slum through what will be over inflated used offerings. But they do offer a new doll I would not mind having in my toy collection, Courtney Moore. As a child of the late 80's/early 90's I think she's totally awesome. She even has a working PAC-Man™ machine that you can get.

This Wonder Woman trainers look so cool. If they had them in my size I wouldn't mind them. Another super powered link that has been of use is Entertainment Weekly's article about CW's upcoming line up. I was able to make my viewing schedule, something I usually do in the Fall. Most of the weekly shows I watch are from CW. I have a few on other channels I watch stuff from, which I've looked up to see when their going to start if they haven't already.

I was perusing the Virtual Ninja Turtle Museum. I love seeing the old toys and ones in my collection, it helps to see what went with what and what I need to buy that my sister took with her. It's here I discovered some of my turtle stuff was second hand cause we only got a piece of one of the role play sets as kids, which bites cause I didn't get my katana. ><

Ok I first heard about KFC's console on Geekologie but I felt they weren't sure if it was a gag or not, but according to Geek Native it's an actual think that's pretty powerful, and apparently heat your chicken. I guess it'd be a great way to reheat chicken strips I bring home.

I love reading Epbot, you never know what geeky thing she's gonna have. Well her husband and her do themed Christmas decor each year. Well one three foot tree was Alice in Wonderland themed. I think the card flowers are so cute. I wanna make some!

Personal Links:

Every so often I like do a rundown of the other places you can find me, which are usually on the right of the page.

Twitter- Sometimes I only need a few words to get my thoughts out, so I send it out in a tweet, you can keep up when I post new blog posts here.

Tumblr- Yes I still have a Tumblr called my Brain Dump. This is where I make post for thoughts I wanna get out of my head, but isn't long enough for a blog post, plus my Tumblr shares. I also post links to new blog posts here.

Instagram- This is where I post photos of my life. 

Facebook- This is mostly another place to share post updates, but I do share my favorite Facebook posts here too.

Deviant Art- I'm a creative person. I take artsy photos, drawings, poetry, a bunch of stuff, so I display it here.

Pinterest- I love this site. I pin crafting ideas, geek stuff, stuff I can use in books, it's great, and yes I post links to the blog here.

Six Word Memoirs- Can you tell your life in six words? I do.

Amazon Idea Lists- Yes I still shop here, mostly gift items I can't find elsewhere, but I'm not happy with it's creator, and mostly I shop the third party stores instead of Amazon itself. But these are some of my lists if your looking for gift ideas.

Youtube- I mostly watch videos, but I have posted two videos of me doing readings of my poetry.

Well that is all for my links post. I hope you all have a good week, stay safe, and God bless.

*Thrifty Geek*