Showing posts with label movies. Show all posts
Showing posts with label movies. Show all posts

Friday, July 12, 2019

Wanderings in Waynesville

Hello friends it's Friday again,

For today's post I'm gonna talk a little about some things that happened this Wednesday when Fangirl and I, who else, was in the town of Waynesville Wednesday where we took in a movie and dinner.

Smokey Mountain Cinema

We decided to take a matinées of Toy Story 4 at the reopened Smokey Mountain Cinema. We've missed this old friend of ours. The who place has been given a blue makeover. The concession stands that at one time split the room, but now is against the back wall. The ticket windows are just for show now, as you buy them from the concession stand now. The seats in the theater are nice and squishy and you can lean back in them a little now if you wish. Fangirl and I reminisced over the old water damaged panel that use to be on one of the ceiling panels, and when they'd fix it, this was back with the guy who originally owned it when we went to see movies. I'm just glad to see her open again.

Toy Story 4

Now I wasn't the most excited for the movie, I've watched them all, It's just not something I get excited about. Plus by the time we say it I was burnt out with it, cause it's like every product has used them in their commercials. But enough of my lamenting and on to the movie itself.

This movie was good, did manage to make me laugh. It had it's feels, not as bad as 3, but still heart string pulling. It also manage to have some jump scares that made me think of the Goosebumps movies. From the ending I think this is the final movie in the series, which if it is they ended it well.

A funny note, they were showing Annabelle in the theater next to us... an awesome mix don't you think?

Watami Sushi and Noodles

After the movie we went to eat at a restaurant that I hadn't seen before on Main Street called Watami Sushi and Noodles. It is a small little restaurant on a corner, but it was amazing. They include forks and chop sticks in your napkins so you can choose. I like that.

Fangirl had the Pink Lady sushi. It is salmon, crab, shrimp and avocado, rolled in rice paper with salmon eggs on top. She also had Japanese yaki soba with beef. It was a huge dish piled with noodles.

I had the Lemon Honey Chicken, named for it's sauce that includes broccoli, mushrooms, and carrots, and lemon wedges and a side of rice. It was really good though I mainly ate the chicken, mushrooms and some of the rice, I'm picky about how I like broccoli and carrots, never fear the left overs went to my Mom who I thought would enjoy it, and she did.
Depending on what you get the meal sized are huge, Fangirl and I had enough left overs for a second meal from our meals. Upside if you have a small stomach, you can have more of the yumminess later.

But I defiantly would suggest them when your in Waynesville. It's really good.

That ends this post. I hope you guys have a good weekend. Go see a movie, eat some good food, and God bless you!
Ninja <[0000]---------------[0000]> Writer