Showing posts with label pine tree. Show all posts
Showing posts with label pine tree. Show all posts

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

What Am I Doing Now?

Happy Tuesday friends,

Things have been slow lately so I'm gonna take pages from Julie Wunder and Austin Kleon and tell you some of the things I've been doing recently.

Bookwise: I was reading through the Cecilia and Kate series by Patricia C. Wrede and Caroline Stevermer. I got part way through the The Mislaid Magician: or Ten Years After when I saw I wasn't going to finish it before it was time to return it, because it's difficult for me to visit even the nearest branch of my local library I use the digital library and check them out through my kindle app. I'm not sure how to extend my check out, and I don't want overdue fees so I figured I return it an check it back out, didn't realize someone else was on the waiting list, so I'm waiting for it so I can finish. Sadly not all peeps can speed read like I tend to.

Binging: Still watching Critical Role I'm making my way through the second campaign. I love the characters especially Jesture, she's just adorable and mischievous. If I keep watching at this rate I'll be caught up before long. Upside caught up, downside what to watch on the bad anxiety nights, never fear I am going to rewatch and maybe actually finish Barky's Brigade.

Music: I have The Old Ways from Loreena McKennitt's The Visit album stuck in my brain. It's a beautiful song. It's based off a New Year's Eve experience she had the turn is as haunting as she says the experience was in her song description on the CD booklet (Hit the info tab on the website to read it for yourself). I love to lay in bed and listen to this song.

Food: I have been eating everything in sight lately. I'm hungry constantly lately. I think it maybe one of my meds. Cause I had some trouble with eating like this last time I was at a full pill of it. I am thinking about making up some of Sugar Bean Bakers' Pumpkindoodle Cookies, they are so yummy. 

Animal Friends: In the backwoods we have many wild animals that we encounter. I heard a deer snorting last night, I've also heard the call of a screech owl.

For a few days I made the acquaintance of a frog hanging out on a trail, sadly it seems to have moved on, I wish I'd gotten a picture.

I did get a picture of this cute ground hog out my window:

It's things like this that make me happy to live where I do.

Other Things I'm Noticing: I've been noticing couple spider webs. The first is one made on the trail where I spotted the frog. I first noticed the huge spider in the middle of it. Then as days go by I look up in it to see what's up with it. Seems the spider has left it, but it's still hanging there. Sadly due to it's position I couldn't get a picture of it.

The second web I noticed in this morning's sunlight. It shone like a brilliant rainbow of colors. The photo doesn't do it justice:

Saying Goodbye: We had to say goodbye to an old friend. A pine tree:

It was dying we think due to some ivy and it'd got over grown from us not being able to trim it. So we bid it adieu.

What are you guys up to this week? Let me know in the comments.

I hope your week is good, happy Fall, and may God Bless You!
Ninja <[0000]---------------[0000]> Writer