Showing posts with label rain. Show all posts
Showing posts with label rain. Show all posts

Saturday, January 19, 2019

Daily Treasures: Lazy Rainy Days

Rainy evening my Friends,

It was pouring rain earlier. *Cue Eddie Rabbit's I Love a Rainy Night* It's suppose to switch over to snow sometime both which will result in the same thing... mud. Uh really not liking that. But despite all that I do at times love a rainy day. During the heat of a sunny summer's day when a gentle rain shower suddenly falls and a rainbow could be your reward. Or in the fall when the grey and fog of a dreary rain made the colors of the leaves pop.

Rainy days make the soul feel the need to slow down, wrap yourself in a blanket, and get lost in a good book, a nice warm beverage is optional. I love sometimes to just sit and listen to the gentle patter of rain falling to earth. A good song to fall asleep to.

Anybody remember that anime movie Studio Ghibli did The Secret World of Arriety. I seem to recall a couple scenes where you had just rain sound, actually I think they did this in a lot of their movies. Wasn't like the most calming feeling when these sences happened.

Ok I think that's enough about the weather for this post. Yes I just did a post about weather. I'm trying to get back to a once a week posting habit, and this is all I could come up with except for a couple other ideas that will requiere more effort.

I hope you are doing well in this new year friends, may you enjoy your lazy rain and/or snow day, and always may God bless you!
Ninja <[0000]---------------[0000]> Writer