Happy Monday my friends,
Yeah I know for most of you that's impossible. But look at this way the good Lord has given you another day so say Amen! Well today with our Musical Moment we are still on the Taylor Train with her second album
Fearless. So let's get the tunes rocking.
Artist: Taylor Swift
Album: Fearless
Released: 2008
Cover: All I can say is white and gold. We've got a white background and Taylor in white with her hair just everywhere. The Album title
Fearless is in a bold white font under Taylor's signature that's done in a shiny bronze color.
Booklet: There's not really a theme to the photos some look as they are taken straight from her photo albums, some are more artsy, since some go with particular songs I think cover it in the music section. I will say my favorite photo is on the back of booklet where Taylor seems to be channeling a bohemian hippie vibe with her outfit. She's out on a sunny day in a field with a picnic basket and a fancy tea set sitting on a blanket and pillows picnicking with bubbles floating in the air. The websites are in that white "written script" and Big Machine Records™ has a metal grate look with a red car and flames.
There's various fonts for song titles, sometimes the pics are accompanied by a line of lyric. Of course the hidden messages in her lyrics is also there so look for that. Before the Thank Yous she takes time to discuss why they chose Fearless as the album title and every time the title is mentions she has it in bold and in color to set it off from the white text.
Back Cover: Inside is a golden pic of her hands heart surrounded by whiteish imprints of swirls and swirly leaves. The back has a close up of Taylor with her signature and album title the same as the front cover with less shine. The song titles are in a type of brown. Then in a lighter bronze with lovely cursive is the words "Enhanced Content". The music video titles are in that brown song title color. The websites are in the light bronze.
The Disk: We have the hands heart in beige along with the imprint pattern from the inside back cover, actually it's the same picture. It's encircle with black, the words on the edge in either beige or brown. All the text in the circle is in black save the websites in brown. we have Taylor's John Hancock and and Fearless in the same font as it's been used else where.
The Music:
Fearless- Here we have the title track written by Swift, Liz Rose, and Hillary Lindsey. The photo fits the song perfectly Taylor in a shy blue gown dancing in the rain by the glow of headlights. I remember the video to this being taken from the
Fearless Tour. The image conjured in this song of a woman throwing caution to the wind going out in a gown dancing in the rain is one that I guess I associate with a person who is free, bold, daring, if you will... fearless.
Fifteen- Another one solely written by Taylor, as it the next two, about life and the trials of love at fifteen. The booklet's photo for this song has a nicely framed pic of Taylor and her friend Abigail, who's also mentioned in the song, in Santa hats dated 2005. I wonder how she felt about being in her friend's song, obviously pretty chill about it if she appeared in the song's video.
Love Story- This is such a beautiful song complete with references to
Romeo and Juliet, except this story ends with less tragedy. I think there's even a nod to
The Scarlet Letter. The photo to this song is one of her from the Love Story video, with the white gown and castle like setting. Now the video is it a remembering a past life thing or romantic fantasy in ones head, that's what I'm wondering.
Hey Stephen- If memory serves she wrote this song for a guy she was crushing on that was in a band she was touring with. Wow, talk about... fearless. The image they have for this song looks like Taylor in her room writing in her diary.
White Horse- Swift and Rose ride again in the writing. Basically a tale of how this guy and hers relationship is not what you'd find in the fairy tales and movies. I don't have much to say about this one, pretty straight forward.
You Belong With Me- Yeah don't really need to repeat the writing duo's names do I. We find a girl watching her friend dealing with an evil cheerleader girlfriend, and hoping he realizes they are better suited for each other. Taylor does double role in this song's photo being evil head cheerleader and the band geek sitting on the bleachers, which she also does in the video. I like her and the guy next door communicate with giant sketch pads. Like two cans and a string. I think on the making of video, on
CMT maybe, the signed t shirt she's wearing is someones actual band tee. Yeah in high school I was the girl seating in the bleachers, except I was friends with some of the cheerleaders. I also wasn't in band, but my best friend, though I generally didn't sit in their section at game time I did one time to hold her music or turn the pages for her.
Breathe- It says Colbie Caillat helped Taylor write this, as in the singer? It kind puts me in the mind of Caillat's style, granted it's been forever since I listened to her, so don't quote me. Basically we have someone having to carry on after a relationship ends no matter how much it hurts. The image for this one is Taylor in a gown underwater.
Tell Me Why- While this is a rather upbeat song, Swift and Rose have written about a relationship scenario that's anything but. We have someone who loves this man like a fish needs water, but he's destroying her bit by bit. Sad thing is I've had people I know in similar situations.
You're Not Sorry- Swift gives us the bleak tale of a woman who's fed up with her man's antics. The picture for this is of Taylor, looking at her wits end, sitting on a bathroom floor with the words "I'm sorry" scribbled all over the tub and wall. When I see this picture I see myself. At least when I'm having a bad anxiety/depression episode.
The Way I Loved You- Taylor and John Rich gives us a song about a girl that despite having a guy that sounds amazing, isn't happy cause it's not the whirlwind the last guy was. I mean I get someone wanting a passionate love that sends fire through you, but personally I'll take a nice decent guy over someone I'm gonna be getting it a yelling match with.
Forever & Always- Swift pens the final three songs solo beginning with this one of a girl recalling when she fell in love with her guy and what's happening to this relationship, if it's coming to an end. The picture for this song id Taylor peeking through her hands heart.
The Best Day- Taylor recounts special memories from her life especially with her Mom. The pic used for this song is of her Mom and a ittle Taylor.
Change- This a song for all those who've been beaten down, but never given up. How we'll fight will eventually victory will be ours. Dang I'm getting chills just writing that. Why am I including myself, believe me I've been knock down plenty, yet deep, deep, deep, deep, deep down there's apparently something inside of me that believes I could be victorious, I have no clue where, what, how but the belief's there.
Extra Bits: Like the first CD some videos are included for you to view on the computer. The screen's theme is romantic. The frame around the screen, and video box, Taylor's signature, and the words are in beige. The time indicator for the video screen is a cute tiny flower that is of course beige. The title list is a beautiful cursive font, the tiny white EXIT in the corner looks like some old font. You have Taylor in her Love Story gown at that castle like location from the video. The videos available for you to watch is of course Love Story and the second one is one she made for
Change. I don't think the
Change video was released on any video channel, it has Taylor decked on in her cowboy boots rocking out with her band.
A second treat we got with the CD was a poster of Taylor in that
Love Story gown standing if front of what looks like a mosaic version of the
Love Story castle set. Well truth is that background is actually made up of hundreds of tiny pictures of Taylor's fans. I remember when they asked for fans pics I was considering sending one in, but didn't. The bottom of the poster all the words are in white We have Taylor's signature and the website thetaylornation.com which I think will just take you to her main site, it use to take you to a page that allowed you view the pictures from the poster up close.
Do you guys have any memories, thought, favorites with this album? As usual if you do leave it in le comments. I hope you have a good week my friends, live life to the fullest, and may God Bless You!
Ninja <[0000]---------------[0000]> Writer and Mousey~C>