Monday, February 19, 2018

Musical Moment : Taylor Swift's Speak Now

 Hello my Friends,

It's Monday again so we're gonna jump back into the tunes with another trip down Taylor Swift memory lane. I should say given that Taylor and some artist love putting out deluxe or special editions of their albums, that none of the ones I talk about on here are, just a heads up.

Artist: Taylor Swift
Album: Speak Now
Released: 2010

Cover:  We have Taylor in a purple gown looking like she's in the midst of a twirl. Some of the dress looks like it has been painted. To add to the painted effect there's purple and white paint splatters. The album title is white, her name is in a shiny gold, both I'm pretty sure are in her hand, and the letters are raised (I know there's a proper term for that, but I can't recall it to save my life).

Booklet: There appears to be a theme with this booklet: paintings. They give a feel of golden framed paintings in a gallery. There is a prologue in this booklet talking about the title and album, similar to what she did in Fearless. There's looks like strokes of paint above it with the word "Prologue" written in white the rest of the words and Taylor's signature, is in black. The song titles are in in different fonts and colors appropriate to each song, some of the pictures also have lines of song, with them, and the lyrics, in various colors, has her hidden code. There's a simple one lined thank yous in white at the end. The back cover of the booklet has Taylor in a white shirt, but the bed she's sitting on and the background appear to be painted. There's of course the golden frame. The websites and Big Machine Records™  logo in white. Like the last post I'll mention individual pics with their corresponding song in the music section.

Back Cover:  Inside is a painting/photo of  the fisted hands of Taylor and her band members forming a circle each wrist has a letter that makes up the title Speak Now.  I'm pretty sure it's her band cause they've been used for the other photos and one guy had thr same "O" on his wrist in another photo. Taylor I'm almost certain is the "W" cause it also has her lucky number 13 written on the wrist. Taylor in in a yellow dress black heels. It all puts be in the mind of that famous Marilyn Monroe grate scene. The dress is painted like the cover song in for is in purple possibly in Taylor's handwriting. Producers are written in white, while the rest of the words and record company's emblem is in black.

The Disk: The picture a black/white/grey tone version of the inside back cover picture. All the writing and trademark emblems in gray. Taylor's signature in black.

The Music:

Mine- All music on this album is written solely by Swift figure I'll get that out of the way. We have a woman who is iffy on love because her Dad left, yet finds a love whose not gonna leave. I first heard this song when I think it was CMT did the premiere of the video which included the making of. I actually probably grinned every time I saw the "they first meet" scene cause of what went on during the filming. The booklet pic for the song is  a painting/photo of Taylor in a beige top and a light blue gold trimmed skirt sitting on a rock looking out on the water.

Sparks Fly- A song about when a love has those sparks flying. Did she have a video for this song? I keep wanting to say it was a tour video, or maybe I'm confusing it with Fearless.

Back to December- The tones of a woman regretting a relationship she ended. I seem to remember her CMA performance of this song where she had an orchestra and was playing the piano and at some point snow, rose petals, or something fell from the ceiling. I sadly can't recall much of the video. The pic for this is a straight haired Taylor in a white top or dress.
Speak Now- A song that lets us image if someone actually spoke up when the preacher asks if there's any objections? This song has one of the most funniest pictures in the booklet. Her band mates are in it some playing wedding guests, one is the preacher, one's the freaked out groom, and I don't know if the bride is one of her band mates, but she is hilariously in bridezilla mode. Then there's Taylor in a pink dress with blue belt standing in the aisle reaching out to the groom, I'm assuming she's just spoken up after the preacher asked if their was any objections.

Dear John- A woman who realizes the kind of man she was really dating. I guess this is a Dear John letter if you will.

Mean- We have Taylor giving her mind to those who've ever been mean to her. The photo to this has Taylor as that damsel in distress tied up on the railroad tracks and I think it's one of her band mates as a the villain in a handle bar mustache.They actually do a scene like this for the video, don't know if it's the same guy though. I loved this song's video, which I also saw the CMT making to. It had various people being picked on for everything for the kind of jobs they were working, what they were into, or what they wore, but eventually each person finds a way to overcome the ridicule and being victorious in life, or are set on the path. Taylor and her band are putting on a show where they start of as country bumpkins in a tumble weed land home then ending up in the big city with new spiffy duds. Taylor has this silver dress of fringe on which I love the effect that happens when she spins in it.

The Story of Us- Tis the tale of how the story of a relationship is ending on a sad note. The photo for this song has Taylor in white, with a silver heart locket, her band is either in dark clothing, or in shadow, happily carrying on conversations leaving her alone.

Never Grow Up- We have a parent wishing their child wouldn't grow up and then a girl wishing she wouldn't grow up then as an adult wishing she hadn't grown up.

Enchanted- It's the song that inspired two of Taylor's frangrences: Wonderstruck and Wonderstruck Enchanted, actually if your wondering why the song seems familiar it's cause it was used in the commercial for the perfume.  Beautiful song, like some fairy tale to music I guess you can say, except we don't know if there's a happy ending yet. The photo to this song is Taylor in a beige gown a against what looks like the painting of some plantation.

Better Than Revenge- A revenge song against a girl who stole a dude from her apparently. I can't help but just jam out to this song even if it's a person bashing song. Is it sad I actually have my own moves to this song?

Innocent- She writes of someone who longs for the fresh start, simple days of youth and tells them that no matter what has happened, to her "they're still an innocent".

Haunted- An apparently fragile love has turned cold though the singer wished it hadn't. The music for this I feel really fits the song title, kinda haunting. The image we have to this song is Swift in a grey gown going through a lantern lit forest. I get a lady in grey ghost story feel from this image.

Last Kiss- She sings of a person reminiscing over the memories of a past love. I assume it's a recent split the singer is still trying to get over.

Long Live- A song about taking in the moment when you came out on top against all odds. I like to think this song is companion song to the Fearless album's Change this being the second part to it. This photo to this song features Taylor and her band looking back at the camera with a huge auditorium before them, like saying "see we've conquered".

So I guess I've spoken all I can about Speak Now. Do you have a favorite off the album or a special memory pertaining to it? I hope you have a good week my friends and keep the music going. May God Bless You!
Ninja <[0000]---------------[0000]> Writer

Wednesday, February 14, 2018

Artsy Fartsy: Fabric Taco Valentine

Happy Valentine's Day my friends, or Galentine's Day if you prefer to observe that,

I know is not a favorite day for many of you, as a fellow single gal I totally get it, but each year I like to take this time to shower some love on my family and friends. This year along with some cute little Dollar Tree® plushies, and a little homemade card, I put together a Fabric Valentine Taco! Why the crap would I make tacos? Well to be honest there were suppose to be fabric fortune cookies, but I got so far and saw that wasn't happening. I was inspired by this Chica Circle tutorial that Craftgawker shared on their Facebook. But I wanted to make big ones and felt the paper would be easily messed up so I opted to make fabric ones, but it started reminding me of a taco so I decided of it's a taco.
So it today's Artsy Fartsy Segment, which if you recall is where I do crappy craft tutorials, I shall show you how to make your own Fabric Taco Valentine:

First cut out a circle of fabric, I leave the size to whatever you need. My fabric of choice for this project was a Waverly® Inspiration Fat Quarter from Wal-Mart. I think the color is Lacquer.

Next fold it up, and stitch it together along the top leaving the sides open. And there's your fabric taco valentine.

If you want to add a personalized touch to them before you stitch it together you can stitch the recipients name into the side.

Finally we have the fun of filling it, my ingredient filings of choice were some Palmer® Fudge Hearts and some heart table scatter and a boxes of stickers I purchased from Dollar Tree®. My family really thought they were cute, so that's all that matters.

I also should note not sponsored by any of the above, just happens to be the places I got my stuff.

So you guys make anything cool for Valentine's, or Galentine's, day? Let me know in the comments. I hope you all have a good day, remember to spread the love always, especially in the times we find ourselves in, and may God Bless You!

Ninja <[0000]---------------[0000]> Writer

Monday, February 12, 2018

Musical Moments: Taylor Swift's Fearless

Happy Monday my friends,
Yeah I know for most of you that's impossible. But look at this way the good Lord has given you another day so say Amen! Well today with our Musical Moment we are still on the Taylor Train with her second album Fearless. So let's get the tunes rocking.

Artist: Taylor Swift
Album: Fearless
Released: 2008

Cover:  All I can say is white and gold. We've got a white background and Taylor in white with her hair just everywhere. The Album title Fearless is in a bold white font under Taylor's signature that's done in a shiny bronze color.

Booklet: There's not really a theme to the photos some look as they are taken straight from her photo albums, some are more artsy, since some go with particular songs I think cover it in the music section. I will say my favorite photo is on the back of booklet where Taylor seems to be channeling a bohemian hippie vibe with her outfit. She's out on a sunny day in a field with a picnic basket and a fancy tea set sitting on a blanket and pillows picnicking with bubbles floating in the air. The websites are in that white "written script" and Big Machine Records™   has a metal grate look with a red car and flames.
There's various fonts for song titles, sometimes the pics are accompanied by a line of lyric. Of course the hidden messages in her lyrics is also there so look for that. Before the Thank Yous she takes time to discuss why they chose Fearless as the album title and every time the title is mentions she has it in bold and in color to set it off from the white text.

Back Cover:  Inside is a golden pic of her hands heart surrounded by whiteish imprints of swirls and swirly leaves. The back has a close up of Taylor with her signature and album title the same as the front cover with less shine. The song titles are in a type of brown. Then in a lighter bronze with lovely cursive is the words "Enhanced Content". The music video titles are in that brown song title color. The websites are in the light bronze.

The Disk: We have the hands heart in beige along with the imprint pattern from the inside back cover, actually it's the same picture. It's encircle with black, the words on the edge in either beige or brown. All the text in the circle is in black save the websites in brown. we have Taylor's John Hancock and and Fearless in the same font as it's been used else where.

The Music:

Fearless- Here we have the title track written by Swift, Liz Rose, and Hillary Lindsey. The photo fits the song perfectly Taylor in a shy blue gown dancing in the rain by the glow of headlights. I remember the video to this being taken from the Fearless Tour. The image conjured in this song of a woman throwing caution to the wind going out in a gown dancing in the rain is one that I guess I associate with a person who is free, bold, daring, if you will... fearless.

Fifteen- Another one solely written by Taylor, as it the next two, about life and the trials of love at fifteen. The booklet's photo for this song has a nicely framed pic of Taylor and her friend Abigail, who's also mentioned in the song, in Santa hats dated 2005. I wonder how she felt about being in her friend's song, obviously pretty chill about it if she appeared in the song's video.

Love Story- This is such a beautiful song complete with references to Romeo and Juliet, except this story ends with less tragedy. I think there's even a nod to The Scarlet Letter. The photo to this song is one of her from the Love Story video, with the white gown and castle like setting. Now the video is it a remembering a past life thing or romantic fantasy in ones head, that's what I'm wondering.

Hey Stephen- If memory serves she wrote this song for a guy she was crushing on that was in a band she was touring with. Wow, talk about... fearless. The image they have for this song looks like Taylor in her room writing in her diary.

White Horse- Swift and Rose ride again in the writing. Basically a tale of how this guy and hers relationship is not what you'd find in the fairy tales and movies.  I don't have much to say about this one, pretty straight forward.

You Belong With Me- Yeah don't really need to repeat the writing duo's names do I. We find a girl watching her friend dealing with an evil cheerleader girlfriend, and hoping he realizes they are better suited for each other. Taylor does double role in this song's photo being evil head cheerleader and the band geek sitting on the bleachers, which she also does in the video. I like her and the guy next door communicate with giant sketch pads. Like two cans and a string. I think on the making of video, on CMT maybe, the signed t shirt she's wearing is someones actual band tee. Yeah in high school I was the girl seating in the bleachers, except I was friends with some of the cheerleaders. I also wasn't in band, but my best friend, though I generally didn't sit in their section at game time I did one time to hold her music or turn the pages for her.

Breathe- It says Colbie Caillat helped Taylor write this, as in the singer? It kind puts me in the mind of Caillat's style, granted it's been forever since I listened to her, so don't quote me. Basically we have someone having to carry on after a relationship ends no matter how much it hurts. The image for this one is Taylor in a gown underwater.

Tell Me Why- While this is a rather upbeat song, Swift and Rose have written about a relationship scenario that's anything but. We have someone who loves this man like a fish needs water, but he's destroying her bit by bit. Sad thing is I've had people I know in similar situations.

You're Not Sorry- Swift gives us the bleak tale of a woman who's fed up with her man's antics. The picture for this is of Taylor, looking at her wits end, sitting on a bathroom floor with the words "I'm sorry" scribbled all over the tub and wall. When I see this picture I see myself. At least when I'm having a bad anxiety/depression episode.

The Way I Loved You- Taylor and John Rich gives us a song about a girl that despite having a guy that sounds amazing, isn't happy cause it's not the whirlwind the last guy was. I mean I get someone wanting a passionate love that sends fire through you, but personally I'll take a nice decent guy over someone I'm gonna be getting it a yelling match with.

Forever & Always- Swift pens the final three songs solo beginning with this one of a girl recalling when she fell in love with her guy and what's happening to this relationship, if it's coming to an end. The picture for this song id Taylor peeking through her hands heart.

The Best Day- Taylor recounts special memories from her life especially with her Mom. The pic used for this song is of her Mom and a ittle Taylor.

Change- This a song for all those who've been beaten down, but never given up. How we'll fight will eventually victory will be ours. Dang I'm getting chills just writing that. Why am I including myself, believe me I've been knock down plenty, yet deep, deep, deep, deep, deep down there's apparently something inside of me that believes I could be victorious, I have no clue where, what, how but the belief's there.

Extra Bits: Like the first CD some videos are included for you to view on the computer. The screen's theme is romantic. The frame around the screen, and video box, Taylor's signature, and the words are in beige.  The time indicator for the video screen is a cute tiny  flower that is of course beige. The title list is a beautiful cursive font, the tiny white EXIT in the corner looks like some old font. You have Taylor in her Love Story gown at that castle like location from the video. The videos available for you to watch is of course Love Story and the second one is one she made for Change. I don't think the Change video was released on any video channel, it has Taylor decked on in her cowboy boots rocking out with her band.

A second treat we got with the CD was a poster of Taylor in that Love Story gown standing if front of what looks like a mosaic version of the Love Story castle set. Well truth is that background is actually made up of hundreds of tiny pictures of Taylor's fans. I remember when they asked for fans pics I was considering sending one in, but didn't. The bottom of the poster all the words are in white We have Taylor's signature and the website which I think will just take you to her main site, it use to take you to a page that allowed you view the pictures from the poster up close.

Do you guys have any memories, thought, favorites with this album? As usual if you do leave it in le comments. I hope you have a good week my friends, live life to the fullest, and may God Bless You!

Ninja <[0000]---------------[0000]> Writer  and Mousey~C>

Friday, February 9, 2018

The Ninja Writer's Library Julie and Julia by Julie Powell

Happy Friday my friends,
Since I've renewed my library card, finally, I think I'll include write ups about them in these library segments, I mean in a sense they do become a part of your library briefly. For today's literary offering I give you: Julie and Julia: 365 Days, 524 Recipes, 1 Tiny Apartment by Julie Powell. *I also feel it's my duty to warn you if you decide to read this book or go to any of her blog links there will be foul language, you have been warned*

I've watched and enjoyed the movie Julie & Julia for many years, I even went and read the original blog, but I had yet to read the book. For the uninitiated Julie Powell, with inspiration from her husband Eric (did they ever get back together actually), decided to cook through Julia Child's Mastering the Art of French Cooking in a year. A feat I find impressive since the best I can do is cookies half the time, let alone some impossible sounding, to me, dishes. Also impossible to say, I remember when I read the blog my head would hurt reading those words, though it could have been reading small print late at night too. I think I just kinda breezed passed the French this time, adopting the bread and butter approach a preacher my family knew used.*

I find that I resonate with the author on a few levels we have some of the same physical and emotional issues (EX: She felt like a "drone", I find myself feeling like a "zombie").  We enjoy food, have had bad experience with maggots, and love Buffy the Vampire Slayer, which gets mentioned a lot in this book, it's actually interesting to read what she was doing the night I was watching the final episode of Buffy.

I wasn't crazy with some language and subject matter, but it's nothing I haven't heard before, so eh not a fan but not gonna get worked up over it. I will say I actually did learn something useful pertaining to cooking mainly what exactly and how to identify the gizzard. *Thanks Eric's Dad*
One of my favorite parts in the book was also my favorite part in the movie, why I don't know, but it's when she's dealing with cooking lobsters. In the book it's like prolonged cause she has to cook multiple lobster dishes. I don't know why I find it humorous, maybe cause I would probably be dealing with the same pangs of guilt and episodes of freaking out she did if I were cooking up a live lobster.

 Another part I enjoyed is the dinner that turns into a large get together during a black out. I don't know it's the idea that amidst chaos you and your peeps can find joy in good food and each other's company, I assume the meal was good I don't remember the particular consensus of how good it was.

Am I going to seek this book out to add as a permanent part of the library? I don't know yet, Still weighing the good against the bad. We'll see.

So my friends what did you all think of this book, and,or the movie? Are you guys reading anything good? Let me know in me comments. Have a good weekend guys and may God Bless You!
Ninja <[0000]---------------[0000]> Writer
 Vampire >vv< Kitty
and Mousey~C>

*P.S. My family has a history of being friends to various degrees with the pastors of our church, I mean my Papaw and one of the preacher, God rest both their souls, use to pull pranks on each other. I think it was my Papaw, or my Dad, who asked the preacher, same one I just mention if I'm not mistaken, how he managed to pronounce some of those hard names and words in the Bible. The preacher said he just called it bread and butter and moved on.

Monday, February 5, 2018

Musical Moment: Taylor Swift's... Well Taylor Swift

Hello My Fellow Audiophile Friends,
Today we begin looking into the music of Taylor Swift. For the next five weeks, five cause I don't have Reputation yet, we will be looking into each of her albums the art and music. So Swifties strap in and join along and let's get this Taylor Train going. Up first naturally the one that started it all:

Artist: Taylor Swift
Album: Taylor Swift
Released: 2006

Cover: We have a close up of Taylor maybe at a river? There's a imprinted
(is that the right word?) design of butterflies and flowers in green fading into blue fading into white on the left side. The Artist Name/Album title is in white written with the artist actual signature.

Booklet: It's set up like a kind of scrapbook with song titles and some other labels "written" on pieces of tape, I'm not sure if it's a handwritten looking font or the artist's actual writing. Some of the photos are on mattes like you'd find in really well designed scrapbooks. On the thank you's page is a picture of her writing away on a piece of paper, I'm wondering if it's the thank you's she's writing there. Through out is also little hand drawn and written scribblings, I'm thinking by Taylor herself. The back page has her on a tractor with a barn, greenery and blue skies. Continuing with the butterfly theme from the cover she's in a butterfly dress. There's a Taylor quote written in blue, again don't know by the artist or a font, talking about complications and being her friend.

What I love about the booklet is within each song lyric Taylor has left a secret message for you to decipher, she's done it for all her albums at least through 1989. I won't tell you what they say, but it is fun to do and sometimes informative, sometimes though it is very cryptic and you really wanna know what the message means.

Back Cover:  Inside has Taylor in a white dress, at the river, holding a purple clover. I'm loving that charm bracelet she's got. There's some of the same imprint design like on the front cover. On the back the artist is in same outfit wading the river. Reminds me of rivers we'd go to in summer, except bluer. Taylor Swift is written in green in her own handwriting once again. The song titles and info are in sky blue, websites in black (wow the days of MySpace), in the same script as the inside song titles.

The Disk: We have a light blue photo of Taylor's feet there's a full colored one in the booklet. Actually it kinda puts me in mind of the disk art for the Dixie Chick's Fly CD. All the words are in black, save the Big Machine Records™   logo that's black an white. The album title/artist's name is of course her signature.

The Music:

Tim McGraw- This was the first single she put out if memory serves. What caught my eye was the title. You know a star's hit it big when they make it into another artist's song. I enjoy a lot of Tim McGraw's music, this song didn't make me a Swifty though, I for some reason didn't get too excited over though right now it's an ear wig since I've been listen to it, and I can't keep from singing it. If you somehow missed this tune wrote by Swift and Liz Rose, the pair also wrote the next two together, it's about how someone hopes an old love will think on them from time to time.

Picture To Burn- A ye olde breaking up song and the jaded feelings that follow, and in this case revenge plots. Every time I see the title I can't help think of the title of a book or album my sister was considering once upon a time she was gonna call the project Burning Daisies of something like that. I also remember watching the making of to this song's video I think on CMT. I know Taylor had issues with the video opening basically where she was having to look through binoculars. I think her friend Abigail is starring along with her, isn't awesome when you can drag friends along for you're stardom ride.

Teardrops On My Guitar- A girl pining after her I assume guy friend, but he's in love with another. Ehh the memories of teen love angst. I had my share of guys I crushed on, and  tended to be horribly tongue tied or awkward around them. But I don't think I ever crushed on the very few guy friends I had. I wonder how these peeps feel when she uses their names in songs? I don't have the guts to do that, except in the case of past celebrity crushes.

A Place In This Word- This is a finding your path song (written by Swift, Robert Ellis Orrall and someone known simply as Angelo). As I've mentioned in a previous post I have a special list of songs that really tell my lifes story, yes all our tunes is the sound track of our life, but only certain songs really tell our story or hold memories, and this one is one of them. I added this particular song to that list back in 2009. Mostly cause at the time and even now almost 10 years later am still trying to figure out where I belong, and who I am. Plus the description in the 2nd verse of listening to music and rocking jeans fits me.

Cold As You- Another Swift and Rose song where someone tries to love a person with too many walls up. I just suddenly had an image of Elsa flash before my face.

The Outside- This is written by just Swift. I'm trying to figure out if it's a song about wanting to be part of the in, or any, crowd, being on the outside of a relationship she wishes she can be a part of, or dealing with being an outsider for the first time...

Tied Together With a Smile- Tis Swift and Rose again. This song kind fits how I feel right now. To me it sounds like it's about a person who's held it all together, hid their pain, but now they can't keep it together.

Stay Beautiful- Our just mentioned writing duo with a song that makes me think of something someone may write in that senior year yearbook. You say what you need, wish them well, hope you come across them again, and... well the title says it.

Should've Said No- And this is why you don't cheat on your partners peeps they will find out! This a solo Swift written one about an ex of course, and what he should have done. I remember when she performed this song I wanna say on the CMA's, I think they used it for a music video, and that waterfall fell from the ceiling with the no's projected in it. I mean even King George Strait gave her a standing ovation for that!

Mary's Song (Oh My My My)- Swift, Rose, and Brian Maher giving us the story of a couple as their relationship progresses from childhood to marriage and how they hope the future will be. Reminds me of Bryan White's Tree of Hearts.

Our Song- I think I heard this song for the first time on the radio as I lay in bed after the New Year arrived. This is the song, just written by Swift, that go me on the Taylor Train. I still love it after all these years. I mean hey if what's already out there can't speak how you feel why not write it yourself. I loved the video too. It was so colorful and that sparkly guitar! Actually when VH1 did this video for their reboot of Pop Up Videos I think they said the jewels or what every they used kept coming off.

Extra Bits: Stick the CD in your computer and you 'll end up at a screen that has the image from the inside of the back cover and her signature in white, there's a white butterfly hangout on the corner of the video screen. There are two videos you can choose to watch. The first one is the Tim McGraw video, I actually think a lot of the album photos were taken when they shot the video. The second is a little video about her Grand Ole Opry debut. Seeing her walking the circumference of that great circle just reminded me that even though I've outgrown the dream of being a music artist I still get a longing to at least stand in that circle.

So Swifties, did we enjoy a romp down memory lane? Do you have memories or thoughts related to Taylor's first release? If ya do comment below. I hope you have a good week my friends may God bless you!
Ninja <[0000]---------------[0000]> Writer

Saturday, February 3, 2018

Moon, Groundhogs, and the Fight Against Gravity

Hello My Friends,
Well it's cold... again. We got hit with a smidgen of snow, and I hear more is coming. Whoop. *she says sarcastically* Well at least we got a warm fire and a roof over our heads, Thank You Lord! *Looks at Pencil and snorts* It has the words BE SHARP on it... LOL. Yes I'm being very random, I think it's my messed up sleep schedule.

Moon's Triple Fold Show
So Wednesday was the "Super Blue Blood Moon". I happened to still be up that and even though it wasn't a full eclipse for me I had to see it, cause who knows if I'll be around the next time this happens, I mean God willing, but you never know. It was cold as heck with snow still around, and the fact the sun had yet to rise, but I took in this beautiful event despite these facts. Luckily it's setting point on Wednesday above the most western mountains so it didn't set before the partial eclipse started.
The sky was in it's usual light blues and pinks of pre dawn, a few stars were hanging on to the sky.The moon looked like it had a yellow tone to it. Soon it began to be over shadowed, at one point it looked as though the tree branches was trying to keep it aloft. Then after it was partially darkened it just faded away. I never see the moon fade mid eclipse like that, it was amazing. I was a mecicle by the time I got back in, but it was worth it.

Sadly due to a deleting screw up I only have one of the pictures, granted they weren't the best pics, but still ERRRRR... But here's my only crappy pic of the "Super Blue Blood Moon" for you guys.

Why Phil Why!
Well the 2nd was groundhog day. I woke up early and found my Mom watching Groundhog Day. Then on The Weather Channel we watched the famous Phil's prediction, 6 more weeks of weather. *Cue Dramatic NOOOOOO!* I picked up our cat Mousey and asked what his prediction was, probably put me down or I predict much pain in your future. I feel like I should know this, but does anyone know how this whole groundhog thing got started?

Once upon a time we had a groundhog that's den was on the hill above the second curb after you turn on the road. My grandpa noticed the critter first I think, afterwards it was either him, my sister, or me who dubbed it Groundhog Curb. Sadly I don't think there's any there anymore.

Fun fact in old day I don't know if this is just in area they use to refer to groundhogs as Whistle Pigs.

Losing the Fight With Gravity ...Again

Well I faced off with my old frenemy gravity once more... and lost... again. I was putting wood on the porch and caught my foot on a piece of wood and crashed. The left index finger and knee got skinned up. But all is well I got bandaged up, and finished getting wood, I even had time to chat with a passing deer... What? *cue that hippy guy from Animaniacs* It's called communing with nature man!
I hope you all have a good rest of the weekend my friends. Take time to enough nature! God Bless You!

Ninja <[0000]---------------[0000]> Writer
 Vampire >vv< Kitty
and Mousey~C>

Monday, January 29, 2018

Musical Moment: Lari White's Don't Fence Me In

Hello My Music Loving Friends,

I've been toying with the idea of doing Musical Moment write ups about the music in my music collection. So Mondays, maybe not every Monday, I'm gonna to take a CD and have a Musical Moment Monday where I talk about the music, the cover, the disc design, and what ever odds and ends I can include with the particular album. Cause in this electronic age we miss some of this awesome stuff. I was going to go and do like one artist at a time and cover all their CDs in my collection, but that could be a very long post. So I'll do it a CD, maybe even cassette, at a time.

I originally was gonna start with a series of posts featuring Taylor Swift, but in lieu of the passing of Lari White I thought it appropriate the first one be dedicated to her. I was saddened to read of her passing on Bryan White's Facebook page. She was a beautiful woman, she made some great songs that I enjoyed through my middle and early high school years. This will be e the only album I cover of hers for now, cause it's the only one I own.

Artist: Lari White

Album: Don't Fence Me In
Cover: The cover features Lari White in a white dress looking to me like she's enjoying being blown about by the wind. She's in a field looking set up with a blue hued storm clouds appearing back drop, I guess the image of a untamed field and untamed storm point back to the albums title. The artist name is in white, fitting given her name, I wanna say it was done in a hand written looking font, but I don't think it's the artist's own signature. The album title is printed in a green.

Booklet: Most of the photos within the booklet feature color and black and white photos of Lari in the field looking like she's enjoying the state of being free and unfenced. There is a set of three photos that are close ups on her face. She's adorned in black in front of a brown background. The first of the trio I'd have to title as "Thoughtful", the second "Joy", the third "Profile". Below the photos is this quote from Shakespeare's Othello, given the amazing "Super Blue Blood Moon" event coming up I think the quote is kinda fitting. She actually mentions the poet in her thank you, I just wonder now how he inspired her.

Back Cover: The inside photo is a blue toned image of the artist standing in front of a floral print wallpapered wall like something out of an elegant parlor. The outside photo is the same scenery as the front cover minus the artist and an addition of an image of the full moon, once again fitting for the lunar event, that seems to have a burlap texture to it. The song titles and info is in white.

The Disk: It's off white with looks like silhouettes of the grass from the cover, the album title is in a muddy brown color, and the artist's name in Simply Nailogical's favorite color: Holo.

The Music:

Don't Fence Me- According to the song's Wikipedia entry, this song was written by Cole Porter and a poet named Robert Fletcher, and has been used in a couple of Roy Roger's flicks. On this album we get a 33 second live recording in which Lari sings in a style reminiscent of the old western songs along with singers Shelby Lynn and Trisha Yearwood (who was one of my first favorite singers and first "grown up" cassette I owned). The song sounds like it's being played on a record, graininess and all, or maybe one of those old fashioned radios. To add to the record effect the tune ends abruptly with a scratch as though you've taken the needle off leading straight way to the next more song an back into a modern sound.

Wild At Heart- This is a song that was written by Lari herself and Al Anderson. Basically it's a woman trying to get a guy to loosen up a bit. It's a song that I think would be a perfect fast dance number for the honky tonk, complete with fiddle and steel guitar.

Ready, Willing, and Able- I have such memories of this song, written by Jess Leary and Judy Alan Sweet. This was being played on radio when I was in Middle School. I loved this song. Probably even imagined myself on stage singing it, which was the case with many songs by female artists.

Ghost of a Chance- Another penned by White with Chuck Jones about a woman trying to compete with her love's past relationship, makes me think of Trisha Yearwood's The Woman Before Me. The song opens with blowing wind and a creaky door followed by whispers, perhaps the whispers of this man's past love that won't let him be.

The Test- Written by Don Schlitz and Billy Livsey about someone who is putting their relationship to the test with basically a pros and cons list and how love can be a stronger than any trouble they may experience.

Ain't Gonna Worry About Love No More- I really enjoy this upbeat number written by Michael Noble, which I really hope isn't like a continuation of the previous song's tale. Here we find a woman, that assume has just gotten out of a relationship, and is putting matters of the heart on hold.

Next to Love- Lari White and Chuck Cannon writes about hanging onto each other and love. That's all I got for this one.

Something Blue- Another song written by White and Cannon using the old wedding belief that you need something old, new, borrowed, and blue and using it to describe a failed marriage. This another song with a prominent steel guitar.

Do It Again- A third song with the just mentioned twice songwriting pair along with previously mention Chuck Jones. It's basically about someone who believes the old saying if they could live their life over they'd do it the same way.

I've Been Waiting For Love- A sweet love song by Stephuny Smith, never seen that name spelt that way, and Terry Burns where a woman has finally found that love she's been holding out hope for. Yeah still in the waiting stage for me.

Soul Searchin' Blues- Lari solo wrote this great blues number, only 42 seconds in length, maybe this song is the answer to life and everything (Hitchhiker' Guide to the Galaxy peeps know what I'm talkin' about). It sounds like a group of friends and herself got together and did a little acoustic jam somewhere.

Woman of the World- Once again we find White and Jones writing of two different women one who has been all over the country, especially towns that share names with famous foreign (to the US) cities, and one who's a hard working Mom who's never left her home county, but each woman has strength to overcome the hardships in their lives.

Don't Fence Me In (Reprise)- She "ends" her album with the rest of the opening song once again a live recording, but done in a more fast passed I guess you call it modern honky tonk style.

Soul Searchin' Blues- Apparently as a more or less hidden track , well it's not labeled in the book, but is numbered on the CD player, Lari included the entire version of the song. She gives a mention to the devil, which isn't he sometimes involved in stories of blues singers ( read this tale about Robert Johnson). Amazing the stuff I learn about music lore from the Travel Channel.

Extra Bits: I read that country singer Vince Gill did some background vocals, I'm not sure which song, will require a closer listening I guess. If any of you know let me know in the comments. *I gave a closer listen even though Vince Gill has a signature I'm not sure which one there's a few possible ones, if I was a betting person I'd say Something Blue is at least one of them*

And that's a wrap! Lari ended the album by saying "mighty cool" and I have to say her music was "mighty cool", and I'm sure she was too. I was giving her music another listen as I was on her official site and it just seemed like her photo had me hypnotized for a moment and you just wanted to wish her a peaceful rest and thank her for the music.

On a final note I have to say I really enjoyed doing this. It really gave me a chance to sit and not only give the entire album a good listen, but also really study the cover and CD art, and just learn things I didn't know before, example being the nods she gave Shakespeare. But stay tuned cause I got a lot more where that came from. I hope you have a good week my friends, and may God Bless You!

Ninja <[0000]---------------[0000]> Writer