Monday, January 6, 2020

Doctor Who Episode "Spyfall"

Good Evening my friends,

Well the new series of Doctor Who has begun with the two part episode "Spyfall", so I thought I'd share my thoughts.

Spyfall Part One

A great series opener. A very Bondish spy vibe especially when she gives her name at the party. Isn't that like a throwback to the third Doctor. I seem to recall from the Doctors Revisted special back in 2013 that Doctor had gadgets and stuff or am I remembering wrong?

I love how the Doctor keeps her quirky style even when going black tie. She can rock a bow tie as well as Matt Smith. Check out this video for more on all of Team Tardis' black tie attire.

Nice to see the Doctor still has bike riding skills. I love when there's elements of the Doctor's that transpires across the regenerations.

Ok the part one twist really threw me. This makes twice this character has surprised me with a return. I though it be a while before we saw them again.

Spyfall Part Two

Doctor talking to the group via prerecorded message makes me think of "Blink" with hints of Doctor talking to River in that one ep through the screen and anticipating her what she was saying. I also get hints of "The Big Bang" episode.

This is a episode of computer girl power all across time. You know there is Ada Lovelace day? When the Doctor said she was the daughter of Lord Byron didn't realize it was the poet.

I can't believe what the Doctor has to go through now. After all the heartsache and thinking things were squared away with that certain problem, then this happens. I can't say more otherwise I'd spoil it, but when you see it you'll know what I mean.

Hope the rest of the series is just as great as these first eps. I hope you guys have a good week, have fun adventures, and God bless you.

Ninja <[0000]---------------[0000]> Writer and Vampire >vv< Kitty

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