Showing posts with label messages. Show all posts
Showing posts with label messages. Show all posts

Friday, April 9, 2021

Universe Messages

Happy Friday friends,

I've had time in my life where messages are sent pretty clear my way, be it God the universe, whatever you believe. There's just moments where it's clear the universe is sending you a message, generally something you need. 
One time I was sitting on my porch I guess I was feeling a little down about everything and a song I hadn't listened to, nor thought about in years, popped into my head. It was S Club 7's "Bring It All Back". I was singing it to myself and it filled me with hope. 
Another time I had Jordin Spark's "One Step At a Time" stuck in my head while I was out running errands with my Grandmother and to get it out of my head I actually started singing "Bring It All Back", well got it out of my head and we went to Food Lion and at some point out their speakers came
"One Step At a Time"when it hit me what I was listening to I'm like okay apparently the universe wants me really listen to this. It's a powerful message. If you have a Spotify account click on the link on the right that says Thrifty Geek's Jams Spotify Playlist and you'll find them on it if you want to.

Sometimes messages come in objects. I was standing near the stove and guess I got lost in thought, don't know if it was my usual mind wonderings or lost in sad thoughts, but I came back to reality and I noticed I'd been staring at this blue ceramic bird my Mom has up on the shelf above the stove that has the word "live" in black on the side. I just felt this feeling come over me saying hey important message here. Which I take to say really live your life.

Well here in the last few hours the universe decided it needed to throw me another message or two.
 I'm going to be frank been feeling pretty low my friends. Life has kicked me around one too many times. Everything is bad, and I'd pretty much determined I'm not meant to be happy in my life. I was just destined to be nothing since so many of my attempts at achieving my dreams or taking steps to making a better life failed. Well I was fiddling with my tablet and saw the Janet Chui Self-Love Oracle Cards App I have on there and decided let's just draw a card. The 3. You are worthy was what I got. Basically the gist of the card explanation is open myself up, feel my worth, and see all that I have in my life (Chui). I'm like crap the universe is calling me out! Then I was shuffling through my craft drawer and found a bad of clear glass pebbles and I found some I'd added two types of clear nail polish with metallic rainbow flecks on the back. Simply Nailogical would say "HOLO!" at this moment. Well it makes the whole pebble look like it has rainbow fleck in it. Even in my darkness I felt maybe a little my own sparkle come back. It just felt like the universe was once again was saying something.

So yeah lots of messages being dropped at me. What sort of messages have you been dropped in your life? Let me know in the comments. I hope you have a good weekend, smile, and God bless you!

*Thrifty Geek*