Monday, April 24, 2017

Misadventures in Cooking: St Patrick's Day 2017

Ok so last month there was a day called St. Patrick's day and I don't know what happened, but It's like I just brain farted and zombied out about getting any posting on the blog done, plus I had to move blog hosts. So let's time travel back to last month for a couple posts.

I of course did some gift making and a dinner. I'll do an Artsy Fartsy Time post with my gift. But today's post is about the food. This year Mom and I tag teamed, only cause I took forever last year and having a Dad who's not only diabetic and has to go to bed when he has to go to bed things gotta be done quicker. Actually due to sleep schedules we did the meal and gifts the day after St. Patrick's Day, but that's fine I mean celebrating the Irish and your possible Irishness shouldn't be limited to one day.

So for the meat I didn't go all out I just decided canned ham. Yeah probably not the most Irish, but the only meat dish I could find online that wasn't corned beef was something similar to meatloaf, I thought that's what we had for Easter, next month, and I didn't wanna ruin Easter meal.

For the side dish I went with Diane's Colcannon again. My Mom actually did this dish, I cooked the bacon, yes this year it was more of a Colcannon, just no cabbage that was a purposeful omitting cause yeah not to keen on cabbage in the potatoes.

For the bread I did Brennan's Irish Soda Bread again. This year I took the suggestion from the recipe comments and did a less cooking time:

Bake my creation!!!!!

So pulled this large loaf out and it wasn't over cooked, but had a doughy section, even after I did the doneness test with my Mother watching to make sure I did it right! >< Yes I have so mediocre cooking skills that at 32 I still need adult supervision. -.- We're gonna make some more adjustments to this bread recipe. I mean the parts that turn out taste great. I just can't get it all to turn out.

Finished off with a homemade Mom cake, she makes one for pretty much every holiday and birthday.

So that's another Misadventures in Cooking. Next is an Artzy Fartsy Time segment feature this year's little St. Patrick crafted gift. God Bless You all!

Monday, April 17, 2017

Renewal and Life

As the blossoming lilacs life seems to be in a state of renewal and change. It's not just spring either. It's like everything has shifted and changed. I just feel it, and it's got me off center a bit. But that's life a constant state of renewing and transforming. We shift always in thoughts, views, and roles. I have a friend who is preparing to try and start a family. That's a big life change. Not just for you and your family, but everything. It's gonna be a crazy time, but hopefully a good one.

While we're on the subject of life I reached a mile stone in mine on 4/11/17 the day before Pop's B-Day. I reach 12,000 days of life. While I was at a Dollar Tree I decided to get something out of those quarter machines. What they are great cheap resource for stocking stuffers/ little gifts, crafting supplies, or just a little thing to make you smile. Well I got a heart eraser which at first thought I'm like, well what am I gonna do with it when I realized later it was the perfect thing to get for the day:

I took a pen and documented this occasion in life. You should always take time to celebrate life in all it's moments.

We just celebrated Easter which for us Christians is the ultimate time of renewal. Jesus rose from the dead bring with Him a renewed hope and when we are saved by the power of His blood we have a renewed life. And on Easter this year as I was either stepping off the porch or on it I happened to look up into the sky and saw what I don't think I've ever seen before, an Easter rainbow.

The very brief time it was in existence it seemed to be a sign of hope, very representative of the day.

Today April gave us one of it's showers, but no rainbows from my view. As I stepped out into the land of the dying day the rain washed world smelled so clean... renewed...

Well friends, I'll end it here. I hope you have a good night, and may God bless and renew you always.

Let's Get Started.... Again

Hello again friends or for the first time depending who you are. I am your host Ninja Writer, welcome to my life. I sadly I had to bid farwell to the old "Once Upon a Bologna Sandwich" blog, hopefully this one will be just as good. I hope to put up transcripts of the old blog posts on my website at some point, because you can't just toss all that history. Ok so let's get down to it who am I and what's this blog about, and why do we have these crazy names.

Ninja Writer
I'll begin with the name, it was given to me by one of my firends who I refer to as Fangirl in my blogs . She says it's because I hide in plain sight till I pounce, in some artistic way, usualy written. I'm armed with my mind, a pencil, and a crappy camera.

Geek Behind the Ninja Name
I'm in my thrities, my mind bounces between immuturity, wise beyond my years, and crazy, and my knees think they came over on the ark. I'm a collage person, meaning I have so many facets to my personality. I'm a goulash of Christian, dreamer, geek, country, a hint of gamer, gothy tendencies, crafty, and music obsessed. I'm a backwoods small towner, yet I love the cityscape. I love things from other lands and cultures, yet I love my local burger joint and high school football team. If I were a tree I feel my branches would be spread out wide and high, yet my root run deep. I live in the backwoods in the old family home, with the fam, yes still but it's a necessity. I am a published poet if you consider one publishing in a regional publication and a few post poems on your Deviantart page and some other digital communities enough to call one's self a published poet. I have been making efforts to try to send off poems in homes for more publishings. I'm also a suffer of the diseases Anxiety and Depression. They are two demons with alot of little demon buddies I have to deal with daily. In recent years I have also been diagnosed with OCD, which is basical an offshoot of my Anxiety problems. So yes I am a barrel of fun!

My Supporting, yet equally important, Cast
Mom and Pop- These are my folks
Granny, Grandpa, Mamaw- My grandparents, who are still with us who migh crop up here every so often.
Econut- My only real sister, young than me physicaly, but m,ental she's like a big brother
Captain- She's one of my Soul Sisters, her hubby is the First Mate
Fangirl- My other Soul Sister, my usual partner in shananigins

What's with the Title and what's it about?
Any great story begins with "Once Upon a Time..." though I can't attest to how great this is., I choose to say "Once Upon a Bologna Sandwich" because I have eaten many of those in my life and it see more fitting for me. As for content it's whatever I'm up for whatever I'm pondering on at the moment. It's just me world. Though I do have a few reoccuring segments that appear here:

My Strange Finds- When I'm out in the world, or maybe here at home you come across things so weird you gonna share
Musical Moment- I love music, and sometimes I need to talk about it, or it lends itself to the topic I'm on
Crazy Ideas Time - As I mentioned before I'm a dreamer, and I have some crazy ideas that I like to share with people, some might be out there
Artsy Fartsy Time- I'm Artsy and Fartsy, but this is more emphasis on the Artsy. Here is where I share my craft projects I've done and maybe even a crappy turorial to show you how I did it.
Misadventures in cooking- I'm not the best when it come to cooking, but I do attempt it at times, and in this segment I show you the results of my work.
Daily Treasures- In this segment I showcase the little treasures I find in my life everyday
Brain Dump- Some days you've got a string of little topics and things that don't make a big post, so you dump them together in a post to get them out of your skull.

Ok that's a little intro to the blog, hope you'll read, enjpy, and come back. God Bless my friends.