Monday, April 17, 2017

Renewal and Life

As the blossoming lilacs life seems to be in a state of renewal and change. It's not just spring either. It's like everything has shifted and changed. I just feel it, and it's got me off center a bit. But that's life a constant state of renewing and transforming. We shift always in thoughts, views, and roles. I have a friend who is preparing to try and start a family. That's a big life change. Not just for you and your family, but everything. It's gonna be a crazy time, but hopefully a good one.

While we're on the subject of life I reached a mile stone in mine on 4/11/17 the day before Pop's B-Day. I reach 12,000 days of life. While I was at a Dollar Tree I decided to get something out of those quarter machines. What they are great cheap resource for stocking stuffers/ little gifts, crafting supplies, or just a little thing to make you smile. Well I got a heart eraser which at first thought I'm like, well what am I gonna do with it when I realized later it was the perfect thing to get for the day:

I took a pen and documented this occasion in life. You should always take time to celebrate life in all it's moments.

We just celebrated Easter which for us Christians is the ultimate time of renewal. Jesus rose from the dead bring with Him a renewed hope and when we are saved by the power of His blood we have a renewed life. And on Easter this year as I was either stepping off the porch or on it I happened to look up into the sky and saw what I don't think I've ever seen before, an Easter rainbow.

The very brief time it was in existence it seemed to be a sign of hope, very representative of the day.

Today April gave us one of it's showers, but no rainbows from my view. As I stepped out into the land of the dying day the rain washed world smelled so clean... renewed...

Well friends, I'll end it here. I hope you have a good night, and may God bless and renew you always.

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